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Miscellaneous alt.slack | |
Babes Behind Bars night on Spike TV!!!! | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
SpaceShipOne | dblspace@aol.complex-sex (David Langlois --- Ball serves Baal) |
USUALLY 8 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Usually infinity +1 | HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer seventhsqueal@verniciouskanit.com |
Movies I found out on Ebay | iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com |
USUALLY 7 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
USUALLY 6 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Doctor! Doctor! | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
What the Fuck | ArWeGod ArWeGod?@sbcglobal.net |
Heavy Handed | kdetal@aol.com (KD et al) |
USUALLY PART 4 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
its like this. | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
Question for Nenslo | Rev. Ivan Stang stang@subgeniusNOSPUM.com |
USUALLY PART 2 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
USUALLY | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
USUALLY PART 3 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Helium Poop. | phy phy00x@yahoo.com |
HA HA HA | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Six | Vaylor Trucks vaylor@hotmail.com |
POP go the silverbacked Yetikin | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
Afterwards We Could Only Look At Each Other in Wonderment | Rev. Ivan Stang stang@subgeniusNOSPUM.com |
Hilary Clinton action figure | modemac@modemac.com (Modemac) |
What to do if Possessed by Demons? | Baldin Pramer baldin@mailtoworld.com |
Stang dick joke. | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Beer prices | ArWeGod ArWeGod?@sbcglobal.net |
I SWEAR I DID NOT CHANGE A WORD OF THIS JOKE. NOT ONE WORD. | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Favorite Rodney | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
No Help At All desk | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
dirty little secret | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
Bear steals pie. | polar bear bear@pole.com |
Pink Eye for the Slack Guy | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
This newsgroup sucks. | phy phy00x@yahoo.com |
Joke | asscoassc@aol.com (AssCo Assc) |
WINK if ya got em | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
John Trubees Tales for Wretched Children: Things to See, Say and PEE about | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
Joak | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
GOD DAMMIT BOB | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
dear reverand stang. | nothing@virage.org (ecky stillshot) |
YO MOMMA | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Playing Poker with Darth Vader | Hayduke@AWOLBush.com (George Washington Hayduke) |
GOD DAMN IT BOB | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
What would I do | kdetal@aol.com (KD et al) |
FUNNY!!!! | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
People recognised solely by their first name | Frere Jean Bleu FrJBleu@ifrance.com |
Japanese childrens song | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
What did | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Cars | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
Good Ole Bar | Kevin Cunningham smskjd@mindspring.com |
Sunday News | asscoassc@aol.com (AssCo Assc) |
I was busy readjusting the stick in my ass. | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
BEST JOKE OF THE LAST 2 HOURS | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
Oh no! | Baldin Pramer baldin@mailtoworld.com |
Zappa song comes to life | IMBJR imbjr@imbjr.com |
The Ballad of the Big Beef Stick | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
Well whats the point of THAT? | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
Stang/Dobbs mention! | mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull) |
Google wants to Snoogle | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
Question | kdetal@aol.com (KD et al) |
Dear Subgenius musical gesture pronunciation expert | Baldin Pramer baldin@mailtoworld.com |
Recording of OReillys Phone calls | mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull) |
Monstrous Pig of Landser | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
French Flu Shots! | asscoassc@aol.com (AssCo Assc) |
Something Awful Invades Scientology NYC HQ | Rich Clark, aka Left Reverend Egg Plant, ULC, CotSG spammers_lie@rrclark.net |
Anonymous e-mail notification of STD exposure | Cardinal Vertigo vertigo@alexandria.cc |
Sharia still sucks, plus Bush collects a key endorsement | Cardinal Vertigo vertigo@alexandria.cc |
News for SubGenius Movie, MP3 Downloaders | asscoassc@aol.com (AssCo Assc) |
Home State Fun (Ohio swing voter lost?) | proscenium protasis crunchyfrogsweets@spacemonkey2.com |
Prefab ordination names. | ghost ghost@ghost.net |
TERRIER ALERT LEVEL RED! | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
its only $99 one way! | asscoassc@aol.com (AssCo Assc) |
Felony Pie Throwing..... | Jeff Spicoli tubes@dood.com |
Sorry for all the dupe posts kids | ghost ghost@ghost.net |
eg. Enzyte and Bob | Artemia Salina y2k@sheayright.com |
listen | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
Curtain goes up on Scientology | DrNerdware DrNerdware@wildcard.demon.co.uk |
Oil Price Tops $55; Heating Supply Low | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
Pick-Up Lines Galore! | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Fast Boats | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
George W.Bush is the strongest character ever ! ! ! | chaos_israel@antisocial.com (The Rev. Dr. Lt. Chaos Israel) |
Reflections on a Tartar Sauce Bottle | iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com |
Tonights ear worm (was Tom Waits Lyrics) | ghost ghost@ghost.net |
filipino box spring hog | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
Kerry + Clinton | ArWeGod ArWeGod?@sbcglobal.net |
nenslo image? | nikolai kingsley sheramil@invalid.alphalink.com.au |
useful ideas - the spice must flow | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
Upcoming total lunar eclipse | Cardinal Vertigo vertigo@alexandria.cc |
Ashlee Simpson | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
John Kerry looks so much like a horse joke #1 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Bob Dole Old Jokes 7 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
Theyre Back!!! | IMBJR imbjr@imbjr.com |
Ultimate Squat! | König Prüß, GfbAEV |
Proof that TV Preachers are arsewipes | Electric Tabbykat freehreee5@yahoo.com |
Palestinian massacre puppet video d/l | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
Bob Dole Old jokes 8 | nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com |
halloween | Priestess Pisces priestess1pisces1@takeawaythe1earthlink.net |
Pee a little, pee a WHOLE LOT, 8x a night! | hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) |
just today | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
nasty buggers | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
New Subgenius Hymnal, Page 17 | Don Radford glassgnost@nospam.sbcglobal.net |
Bush Bloopers on a.b.s. | Rev. Ivan Stang stang@subgeniusNOSPUM.com |
ein schweine | nu-monet v7.0 nothing@succeeds.com |
I dipped your toothbrush in the toilet | Baldin Pramer baldin@mailtoworld.com |
I ate like a pig | paco pchalmers@(deathtospam)ody.ca |
A nice little reminder | Jarto wellwhat@havewehere.jp |
Condo Haunting Continues | iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com |
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