Ultimate Squat!
Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 06:11:46 GMT
There was just now an half-hour
spiel for the Ultimate Squat--
It sounds like a "good thing"
I mean after all, when was the
last time you had a really good
squat, huh? Where do you ultimately
want to squat? And what exactly _IS_
the Ultimate Squatting situation, anyway?
Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 17:19:50 GMT
In article <417F3BF5.B0993AF@Rununculus.org>,
Konig Pruss, GfbAEV wrote:
> There was just now an half-hour
> spiel for the Ultimate Squat--
> It sounds like a "good thing"
> I mean after all, when was the
> last time you had a really good
> squat, huh? Where do you ultimately
> want to squat? And what exactly _IS_
> the Ultimate Squatting situation, anyway?
Having Roseanne spread her hams and plop her goonya down on your face.
HellPope Huey
This Halloween, I'm going as a drunken slut.
It worked great last year
and the costume looks exactly like my street clothes.
"If we're going to be damned,
let's be damned for what we really are. "
- "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
"We must find another brain."
- "Frankenstein"
Correspondent:: hexanthic@techemail.com (Den Mu)
Date: 27 Oct 2004 12:47:51 -0700
König Prüß, GfbAEV wrote in message news:<417F3BF5.B0993AF@Rununculus.org>...
> There was just now an half-hour
> spiel for the Ultimate Squat--
> It sounds like a "good thing"
> I mean after all, when was the
> last time you had a really good
> squat, huh? Where do you ultimately
> want to squat? And what exactly _IS_
> the Ultimate Squatting situation, anyway?
Tell me about this half-hour spiel
Where or What was this subject took place
I am always interested in finding new squats
Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 20:23:31 GMT
Den Mu wrote:
> König Prüß, GfbAEV wrote in message news:<417F3BF5.B0993AF@Rununculus.org>...
> > There was just now an half-hour
> > spiel for the Ultimate Squat--
> >
> > It sounds like a "good thing"
> > I mean after all, when was the
> > last time you had a really good
> > squat, huh? Where do you ultimately
> > want to squat? And what exactly _IS_
> > the Ultimate Squatting situation, anyway?
> Tell me about this half-hour spiel
> Where or What was this subject took place
> I am always interested in finding new squats
Well, it's different than diddly squat.