Pee a little, pee a WHOLE LOT, 8x a night!
Correspondent:: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 29 Oct 2004 13:36:40 -0700
This sponsored link on Google made me snort with bemusement:
Ivanol™ Adult Bed Wetting
Treat enuresis the safe and natural
way and get back control
I was gonna make an evil crack about all of us Church Elders needing
Rev. Stang's special nostrum for PeE retention, but I decided I'd
rather not be pissed on for such a manuever when I could need Depends
any day now myself. I MUST be getting old; self-restraint just ISN'T
OUR WAY. I guess that's what I get for drinking Philo's Special "Dobbs
Branch Water."
HellPope Huey
Pat Robertson should be made to wear
living wolverines as leg warmers.
The Future is coming out of the wall
a few inches above the toilet.
- Rev. Glassgnost
"I am haunted by waters."
- "A River Runs Through It"