
Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 00:46:06 -0700


Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon.

What do all of these have in common?

They were all fags?

YES, but GOD DAMN IT, listen, this is SERIOUS.

They all had TALENT. They were all seriously talented, passionate,
affecting musicians.

Talent is a light word which means heavy things that we can never hope
to grasp. The talent of music is the most opaque of all talents. The
talent to move people in whatever way is a Gift, whether you like it,
or it fits your politically correct view of the world, or not.

A Gift, the talented are touched by "Bob". We are ALL touched by
"Bob", we are all GROPED by "Bob", but the question of talent is
simply the question: who was GRATEFUL?

-I- have talent. All kinds of fucked-up talents. That's an
ever-so-politically-incorrect-thing-to-say . And the rest of you
CLOTTED APHIDS do NOT. Boy THAT'S politically incorrect AND utterly
UN-SUBGENIUS. HUEY has talent. And we're BOTH in SUFFERABLE. Most
of you. Nenslo has talent, stang, dornobbo ... well really, most of
you have quite a bit of talent. Subgeemers have an amazing reserve of
the Gift of the Grope.

It's just is waht it is is all.

What's it all about, Deputy Dawg? And why not? That's the question.

When it's all stripped away, there's a voice crying out. Which will
never SHUT UP.

See it is a church. A COMMUNIUN. A communiun of the GROPED. The

You're all a bunch of cocksuckers. "Bob" be with you.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped,
it always lands with the buttered side down. I propose to strap buttered toast
to the back of a cat; the 2 will hover, inches above the ground. With a giant
buttered-cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with
-- John Frazee

Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 23 Oct 2004 07:53:42 GMT

<< Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon. What do
all of these have in common? >>

They're all dead.

"You're gonna die, too."
-- The Talented Shatner

Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 01:28:25 -0700

On 23 Oct 2004 07:53:42 GMT, (AssCo Assc) wrote:

><< Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon. What do
>all of these have in common? >>
>They're all dead.
>"You're gonna die, too."
> -- The Talented Shatner

no fucking shit?

What about Tiny Tim? He isn't dead, is he?

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
You have to accept the possibility that God doesn't like you.
Tyler Durden, FIGHT CLUB

Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 23 Oct 2004 09:18:12 GMT

<< What about Tiny Tim? He isn't dead, is he?


Correspondent:: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 23 Oct 2004 09:00:14 -0700

-------- (AssCo Assc) wrote in message news:<>...


There are so many things wrong with this, I don't know where to start.


HellPope Huey
Welcome to "Dog Bitch-Ass Theatre."
Its 2 straight hours of dogs sniffing other dogs' butts.
Quick, call Fox. It can run right after "The Simple Life."

When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle.
It makes the neighbor's dog run to the end of his chain
and gag himself.
- Joe Cosby

Life is a series of dogs.
- George Carlin

Correspondent:: mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull)
Date: 24 Oct 2004 17:42:43 GMT

>no fucking shit?
>What about Tiny Tim? He isn't dead, is he?

After Mr. Scrooge decided to pay for Tiny Tim's operation, Tiny Time Crachet
died of infection at the hospital.

Dickens never told that part of the Story.

MSHOTZ: The Post Post Modern Man

"War hath no Fury like a non-combatants"

Charles E. Montague

Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 11:13:28 -0700

On 24 Oct 2004 17:42:43 GMT, mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard
Skull) wrote:

>>no fucking shit?
>>What about Tiny Tim? He isn't dead, is he?
>After Mr. Scrooge decided to pay for Tiny Tim's operation, Tiny Time Crachet
>died of infection at the hospital.
>Dickens never told that part of the Story.

yeah ti's kind of anti-climactic

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
I'm not a burger flipper... I'm a meat transfer technician!

Correspondent:: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 23 Oct 2004 09:38:26 -0700

Zapanaz wrote in message news:...

>>> Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon.
> What do all of these have in common?

They each carried around leather skins of Wild Turkey 24/7, were
hopped up on goofballs and smelled of turnips, except for Janis, who
smelled of Joni Mitchell with unnatural glee.

>>> The talent of music is the most opaque of all talents.

It makes me all fidgety and only seems to work intermittently, but
when its cookin', it vies with
sex for sheer ooba-dooba.

>>> The talent to move people in whatever way is a Gift, whether you
like it,
> or it fits your politically correct view of the world, or not.

It usually fits like a pair of pants that are 2 sizes too big and I
have to use a rope as a belt and then I look like Jethro Bodine but no
one notices that because I live in Arkinsaw.

>>> -I- have talent. All kinds of fucked-up talents. That's an
> ever-so-politically-incorrect-thing-to-say. And the rest of you
> CLOTTED APHIDS do NOT. Boy THAT'S politically incorrect AND utterly

No, behaving like a self-centered asshole is VERY SubGenius, more's
the pity. I don't think it really started out that way when was handed
my first Barrage in 1981, but there ya go. The fish rots from the head
down and as Stang only has a clump of clever nerve fibers like Dobbs
and no real head to speak of, you can't blame him for it, either. In
some ways, that leaves him better off and in others, HORRIBLY WORSE.
You're watching Fox; SHAME on you!

>>> HUEY has talent.

Talent is natural, but the skill to use it requires enough time,
money and sweat equity to make it work, so talent is subjective. There
is a window of time for this and if you don't manage to creep through
it, you end up getting violently thrown OUT of it. Don't ask me how I
know or I'll put your contacts and your toothbrush in your chamber

>>> And we're BOTH in SUFFERABLE.

That's not true. In person, I am a right solid gentleman who
entertains, voluntarily does dishes and puts the toilet lid back down
for the ladies. Its just online that I appear so awful. Only 12 Church
folk with whom I have had in-person conversations know this, because
the rest of us are data packets to one another. This has one quirky,
debatable plus, in that at least 6 alleged members would otherwise
have been killed by now. Bare hands, no shit!

>>> You're all a bunch of cocksuckers.

Oh, right, like THAT'S the worst thing a person could be. While I
have no personal interest in gumming prong, I know several lovely
people who are excellent cocksuckers. That's an ability that resides
in their Plus columns.

You're hallucinating again, Joe. Take some Methadone and Ritalin and
a big snort of Old Snort and jog to the 7-11 for some duct tape and a
Squishy and call me Sugar Buns in the morning and I'll see you in


HellPope Huey
Welcome to "Dog Bitch-Ass Theatre."
Its 2 straight hours of dogs sniffing other dogs' butts.
Quick, call Fox. It can run right after "The Simple Life."

When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle.
It makes the neighbor's dog run to the end of his chain
and gag himself.
- Joe Cosby

Life is a series of dogs.
- George Carlin

Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 00:37:19 -0700

On 23 Oct 2004 09:38:26 -0700,
(HellPopeHuey) wrote:

>Zapanaz wrote in message news:...
>>>> Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Keith Moon.
>> What do all of these have in common?
> They each carried around leather skins of Wild Turkey 24/7, were
>hopped up on goofballs and smelled of turnips, except for Janis, who
>smelled of Joni Mitchell with unnatural glee.
>>>> The talent of music is the most opaque of all talents.
> It makes me all fidgety and only seems to work intermittently, but
>when its cookin', it vies with
>sex for sheer ooba-dooba.
>>>> The talent to move people in whatever way is a Gift, whether you
>like it,
>> or it fits your politically correct view of the world, or not.
> It usually fits like a pair of pants that are 2 sizes too big and I
>have to use a rope as a belt and then I look like Jethro Bodine but no
>one notices that because I live in Arkinsaw.
>>>> -I- have talent. All kinds of fucked-up talents. That's an
>> ever-so-politically-incorrect-thing-to-say. And the rest of you
>> CLOTTED APHIDS do NOT. Boy THAT'S politically incorrect AND utterly
> No, behaving like a self-centered asshole is VERY SubGenius, more's
>the pity. I don't think it really started out that way when was handed
>my first Barrage in 1981, but there ya go. The fish rots from the head
>down and as Stang only has a clump of clever nerve fibers like Dobbs
>and no real head to speak of, you can't blame him for it, either. In
>some ways, that leaves him better off and in others, HORRIBLY WORSE.
>You're watching Fox; SHAME on you!
>>>> HUEY has talent.
> Talent is natural, but the skill to use it requires enough time,
>money and sweat equity to make it work, so talent is subjective. There
>is a window of time for this and if you don't manage to creep through
>it, you end up getting violently thrown OUT of it. Don't ask me how I
>know or I'll put your contacts and your toothbrush in your chamber
>>>> And we're BOTH in SUFFERABLE.
> That's not true. In person, I am a right solid gentleman

Well, just me then.

And YOU aren't ALLOWED in the club, so THERE

>entertains, voluntarily does dishes and puts the toilet lid back down
>for the ladies. Its just online that I appear so awful. Only 12 Church
>folk with whom I have had in-person conversations know this, because
>the rest of us are data packets to one another. This has one quirky,
>debatable plus, in that at least 6 alleged members would otherwise
>have been killed by now. Bare hands, no shit!
>>>> You're all a bunch of cocksuckers.
> Oh, right, like THAT'S the worst thing a person could be. While I
>have no personal interest in gumming prong, I know several lovely
>people who are excellent cocksuckers. That's an ability that resides
>in their Plus columns.
> You're hallucinating again, Joe. Take some Methadone and Ritalin and
>a big snort of Old Snort and jog to the 7-11 for some duct tape and a
>Squishy and call me Sugar Buns in the morning and I'll see you in

When I write, especially these late-night drunken rambling epiphanies,
but most of what I write any old time, it's like writing music.

I usually don't really care or think about what it means, I just like
the way it sounds.

Like "clotted aphids". I just loved the sound of that. 90% of why I
posted the whole thing was because I wanted to use the phrase "clotted

It always throws me a little when people read something I wrote and
get any meaning out of it. Which is dumb, because some of it
definitely does mean something and other parts of it don't. God only
knows how anybody would tell which bits were which.

I got done writing that one, I read it, I loved the way it sounded, so
I posted it. I thought it was GREAT. I didn't even know what it
meant, 90% of it.

It's like music. You take a phrase and you bounce another phrase off
of it and go off in another direction and so on.

I take perverse pleasuer in using phrases that don't mean anything but
sound like they do, and they mean something because they sound like
they mean something, even though they don't.

The musical sound of words and phrases is all the time working on us
but it hevers around in the subconscious. Writing a whole page that
doesn't mean anything but says everything because it sounds like it
does is some kind of weird art or something to me.

The meaning all derives from context. Nobody gets context because you
can't see it, like you can't see the back of your own head. But
everything works off context.

That's why nothing I write ever works as a sig. It dies outside of
the original context. That thing you have in your sig now, I didn't
make that up. I copied it from somebody. -I- think I write some
great stuff sometimes (although nenslo is right enough, I write some
lame stuff sometimes) but it doesn't survive without the context. I
guess I can write totally self-contained little sound bites, like the
bumper stickers (although a lot of them don't work outside of the
context of a bumper sticker).

It's like if you're juggling cats and all of a sudden one of them
blows up. Something is -not- there, but something -happened-.

I forget what my point was.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
>How will you prove god's non-existence?
That's shifting the burden. How will YOU prove his EXISTENCE?

- The atheist versus non-atheist debate in a nutshell.

Correspondent:: "Rev. Simian"
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:52:47 +0100

In message , Zapanaz
>I take perverse pleasuer in using phrases that don't mean anything but
>sound like they do, and they mean something because they sound like
>they mean something, even though they don't.

Oh yes, the *aura*. You should go into advertising, marketing, politics,
medicine, cultural studies, or just about any other profession really.

>The musical sound of words and phrases is all the time working on us
>but it hevers around in the subconscious.

The only time I find words musical is when I don't know what they mean.
I can listen to someone talking about computers or the stock market or
motorbikes and I go into a more or less sublime state in which I feel
free of the obligation to *understand*.

Huey and Nenslo please me for the way they pile words into eachother
like a concertina train crash at 100mph.

This is a confusing area and I've just drunk a cup of strong tea.

Rev. Simian

Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 14:47:03 -0700

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:52:47 +0100, "Rev. Simian"

>In message , Zapanaz
> writes
>>I take perverse pleasuer in using phrases that don't mean anything but
>>sound like they do, and they mean something because they sound like
>>they mean something, even though they don't.
>Oh yes, the *aura*. You should go into advertising, marketing, politics,
>medicine, cultural studies, or just about any other profession really.
>>The musical sound of words and phrases is all the time working on us
>>but it hevers around in the subconscious.
>The only time I find words musical is when I don't know what they mean.
>I can listen to someone talking about computers or the stock market or
>motorbikes and I go into a more or less sublime state in which I feel
>free of the obligation to *understand*.

I can listen to Thai women talking in Thai for hours. I don't
understand a word of it but I love the sound of it.

>Huey and Nenslo please me for the way they pile words into eachother
>like a concertina train crash at 100mph.
>This is a confusing area and I've just drunk a cup of strong tea.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
You have to agree that cars are readily available, and easy to conceal
in a school's parking lot.
- Fred Ziffel

Correspondent:: Cardinal Vertigo
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:48:17 GMT

Zapanaz wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:52:47 +0100, "Rev. Simian"
> wrote:
>>In message , Zapanaz
>> writes
>>>I take perverse pleasuer in using phrases that don't mean anything but
>>>sound like they do, and they mean something because they sound like
>>>they mean something, even though they don't.
>>Oh yes, the *aura*. You should go into advertising, marketing, politics,
>>medicine, cultural studies, or just about any other profession really.
>>>The musical sound of words and phrases is all the time working on us
>>>but it hevers around in the subconscious.
>>The only time I find words musical is when I don't know what they mean.
>>I can listen to someone talking about computers or the stock market or
>>motorbikes and I go into a more or less sublime state in which I feel
>>free of the obligation to *understand*.
> I can listen to Thai women talking in Thai for hours. I don't
> understand a word of it but I love the sound of it.

You guys should check out this Icelandic art band called Sigur Ros.
Very mellow, ambient, spacey art-rock, with lyrics in a synthetic
language created, as far as I can tell, for the purpose of sounding
pretty when it's sung. I think you might like them.

Start with this album:

Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 16:17:50 -0700

On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:48:17 GMT, Cardinal Vertigo

>Zapanaz wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:52:47 +0100, "Rev. Simian"
>> wrote:
>>>In message , Zapanaz
>>> writes
>>>>I take perverse pleasuer in using phrases that don't mean anything but
>>>>sound like they do, and they mean something because they sound like
>>>>they mean something, even though they don't.
>>>Oh yes, the *aura*. You should go into advertising, marketing, politics,
>>>medicine, cultural studies, or just about any other profession really.
>>>>The musical sound of words and phrases is all the time working on us
>>>>but it hevers around in the subconscious.
>>>The only time I find words musical is when I don't know what they mean.
>>>I can listen to someone talking about computers or the stock market or
>>>motorbikes and I go into a more or less sublime state in which I feel
>>>free of the obligation to *understand*.
>> I can listen to Thai women talking in Thai for hours. I don't
>> understand a word of it but I love the sound of it.
>You guys should check out this Icelandic art band called Sigur Ros.
>Very mellow, ambient, spacey art-rock, with lyrics in a synthetic
>language created, as far as I can tell, for the purpose of sounding
>pretty when it's sung. I think you might like them.
>Start with this album:

Here's a sample track

It manages to be very pretty and very creepy at the same time.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Programming in Basic causes brain damage.
- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

Correspondent:: Cardinal Vertigo
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 23:36:30 GMT

Zapanaz wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:48:17 GMT, Cardinal Vertigo
> wrote:
>>Zapanaz wrote:
>>> On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 21:52:47 +0100, "Rev. Simian"
>>> wrote:
>>>>In message , Zapanaz
>>>> writes
>>>>>I take perverse pleasuer in using phrases that don't mean anything but
>>>>>sound like they do, and they mean something because they sound like
>>>>>they mean something, even though they don't.
>>>>Oh yes, the *aura*. You should go into advertising, marketing, politics,
>>>>medicine, cultural studies, or just about any other profession really.
>>>>>The musical sound of words and phrases is all the time working on us
>>>>>but it hevers around in the subconscious.
>>>>The only time I find words musical is when I don't know what they mean.
>>>>I can listen to someone talking about computers or the stock market or
>>>>motorbikes and I go into a more or less sublime state in which I feel
>>>>free of the obligation to *understand*.
>>> I can listen to Thai women talking in Thai for hours. I don't
>>> understand a word of it but I love the sound of it.
>>You guys should check out this Icelandic art band called Sigur Ros.
>>Very mellow, ambient, spacey art-rock, with lyrics in a synthetic
>>language created, as far as I can tell, for the purpose of sounding
>>pretty when it's sung. I think you might like them.
>>Start with this album:
> Here's a sample track
> It manages to be very pretty and very creepy at the same time.
> Space-bumblebee-singing

I love it. They play electric guitars with cello bows to get the sound
I think you're talking about. Layers on layers of rich, gorgeous feedback.

Correspondent:: "ghost"
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 20:15:23 GMT


"Cardinal Vertigo" wrote :


> You guys should check out this Icelandic art band called Sigur Ros.
> Very mellow, ambient, spacey art-rock, with lyrics in a synthetic
> language created, as far as I can tell, for the purpose of sounding
> pretty when it's sung. I think you might like them.
> Start with this album:

Lisa Gerrard and Elizabeth Fraser (Cocteau Twins) have been singing in
imaginary languages for years.

I think both of them are goddesses.

And fuck you. Yes YOU.

Correspondent:: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 24 Oct 2004 19:18:02 -0700

"Rev. Simian" wrote in message news:...

> Huey and Nenslo please me for the way they pile words into each other
> like a concertina train crash at 100mph.

You might not feel as pleased if you saw me listening to my police
scanner and rubbing my crotch when I hear the exchanges during a big
fire somewhere.

>>> This is a confusing area and I've just drunk a cup of strong tea.

A word of caution: don't eat the worm in the bottom. Its part of my
job as HellPope to protect you from the worms. You are welcome.


HellPope Huey
I'm hopped up on goofballs
and I VOTED.

Praise boss when morning work bells chime
Praise him for bits of overtime
Praise him whose wars we love to fight
Praise him, fat leech and parasite
- Utah Phillips

"What, me worry about YOU??
But I'm the Prezerdent!"
- Alfred E. Bush

Correspondent:: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 24 Oct 2004 19:12:00 -0700

Zapanaz wrote in message news:...

>>>>When I write, especially these late-night drunken rambling
but most of what I write any old time, it's like writing music.
I usually don't really care or think about what it means, I just like
the way it sounds.
Like "clotted aphids". I just loved the sound of that. 90% of why I
posted the whole thing was because I wanted to use the phrase "clotted

Aphids do not clot, as they are not dairy-based. However, I can
relate to becoming fascinated with a turn of phrase. I said "ripshit
assholes" quite a bit until they triangulated on me and convinced the
back of my head via brickbats that it was not making the grade
anymore. I still say it at home and giggle a lot, though.

>>>>It always throws me a little when people read something I wrote
get any meaning out of it. Which is dumb, because some of it
definitely does mean something and other parts of it don't. God only
knows how anybody would tell which bits were which.

Two words: ouija board.

>>>>The musical sound of words and phrases is all the time working on
but it hovers around in the subconscious. Writing a whole page that
doesn't mean anything but says everything because it sounds like it
does is some kind of weird art or something to me.

There is a bizarrely noble history to poetry & narrative that skims
the edge of Burroughs' cut-up technique, which is a natural
progression in a bogus comedy cult where cutting up is S.O.P., cutting
comments are thrown about like shuriken and the prize goes to the
person with the biggest shank knife.

>>>>That's why nothing I write ever works as a sig. It dies outside
the original context. That thing you have in your sig now, I didn't
make that up. I copied it from somebody.

Well you colossal bag of plagarizing shit. It sure sounded Cosbyistic
to me. Must you crush ALL of my fantasies, except the one about the,
um, never mind.

>>>> -I- think I write some
great stuff sometimes (although nenslo is right enough, I write some
lame stuff sometimes)

Oh, don't encourage him.

>>>> but it doesn't survive without the context. I
guess I can write totally self-contained little sound bites, like the
bumper stickers (although a lot of them don't work outside of the
context of a bumper sticker).

Compared to the seriously impaired, you're a fucking Mark Twain.
Don't sell yourself short; that's the Con's job. If about 9 or 10 key
obsessives like ourselves who post daily all stopped at once,
alt.slack would get a nasty rope burn and start looking like
alt.binaries.monter before it became the repository of choice for
grrrrroovy pop-cultural artifacts. That doesn't mean we're BETTER than
other people; we're just more fascinated with the sound made when pole
meets hole and thus, have developed a better spin on getting a better
SQUISH. Now if the Church isn't one big dangerous, glowing hole that
attracts children to its befanged depths, I'd like to know what is.
Wait, maybe I wouldn't.

>>>>It's like if you're juggling cats and all of a sudden one of them
blows up. Something is -not- there, but something -happened-.

Juggle poodles. More people like cats, but poodles and anyone who
really likes them NEED to blow up.

>>>>I forget what my point was.

I can be accutely focused, write fairly well and still feel that way
because the audience is often invisible, silent or MOOING. The
invisible mooing is especially disconcerting. Welcome to the club.
Would you like a chunk of runny brie, 5 bullets and a glass of merlot
with a big splash of lighter fluid to give it some extra zing? Me


HellPope Huey
I'm hopped up on goofballs
and I VOTED.

Praise boss when morning work bells chime
Praise him for bits of overtime
Praise him whose wars we love to fight
Praise him, fat leech and parasite
- Utah Phillips

"What, me worry about YOU??
But I'm the Prezerdent!"
- Alfred E. Bush