Correspondent:: nenslo Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 19:13:01 -0700
E-roc wrote:
> Bob Dole is so old that he uses his business cards to fly to LA to join the
> National Guard so instead of doing that he makes a Peanut Butter and Jelly
> Samich with Goat blood instead of Jelly and chalkboards instead of peanut
> butter.
> Bob Dole is so old that he used to be a woman named longestette McDougal,
> with a hankering for vomit colored tattoos on beautifully horrendous door
> knobs.
> Bob Dole is so old that he like to knit little pictures of Aspen trees and
> hand them out for Three Dead Frogs day to little ones dressed up in monster
> skins that will feed on your soul.
> Bob Dole is so old that he was shopping for a Toyota at target when he
> accidentally ripped all of his skin off and drip liquid metal from his
> longitudinal makadar muscle, he than take the oil from his hair and fries up
> an apple for all to enjoy and it is good times for all forever and a minute.
I agree with the rationale behind this post.
Correspondent:: "ArWeGod" Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 20:33:27 GMT
"nenslo" wrote in message
> E-roc wrote:
> >
> > Bob Dole is so old that he uses his business cards to fly to LA to
join the
> > National Guard so instead of doing that he makes a Peanut Butter and
> > Samich with Goat blood instead of Jelly and chalkboards instead of
> > butter.
> >
> > Bob Dole is so old that he used to be a woman named longestette
> > with a hankering for vomit colored tattoos on beautifully horrendous
> > knobs.
> >
> > Bob Dole is so old that he like to knit little pictures of Aspen
trees and
> > hand them out for Three Dead Frogs day to little ones dressed up in
> > skins that will feed on your soul.
> >
> > Bob Dole is so old that he was shopping for a Toyota at target when
> > accidentally ripped all of his skin off and drip liquid metal from
> > longitudinal makadar muscle, he than take the oil from his hair and
fries up
> > an apple for all to enjoy and it is good times for all forever and a
> I agree with the rationale behind this post.
Bob Dole is so old that when he sits around the House, he _really_ sits
around the Senate.
Bob Dole is so old he needs a little blue pill to caucus.
Bob Dole is so old that he went out for a minute, and came back with
that guy from the Conan O'Brien show, Joel, and two gay Asian
corksuckers but forgot the mustard, which he was going out for in the
first place.