Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 20:31:43 -0700


One Day, a man walks into a bar.He orders a beer.The Chinese man gives him
the beer.The guy spits it out screaming "This Beer Tastes like Piss!" The
Chinese guy shouts "Me Chinese,Me do trick,me do pee-pee in your drink." The
guy gets disgusted and leaves. Then, John Wayne walks into the bar. He
orders a beer.The same thing happens to him and the Chinese guy still goes
"Me Chinese. Me do trick. Me do pee-pee in your drink" Then, John Wayne
pulls out his trusty revolver and chants "Me John Wayne. Me shoot fast. Me
put bullet up your ass!"

Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 09 Oct 2004 14:09:44 GMT

I've heard that one before.