POP go the silverbacked Yetikin

Correspondent:: hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 1 Oct 2004 17:35:27 -0700

Look for all of your old Church "favorites" to begin popping like
cheap balloons in the next couple of years. Legume & GGGor have bum
tickers, Stang gets this little throbbing vein thing going pretty
easily and that crock-o'-shit Huey should have exploded years ago.
Carry a Hefty bag to every Devival. You never know when one of us
might just explode like some hideous version of a Gallagher show.



HellPope Huey
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof,
but there is also a night shift

"... we sometimes betray our truest intentions
while pretending that we were just kidding around."
- Richard Shickel

There is something creepy
about a trucker's wet dream.
- Joe Cosby

Correspondent:: kdetal@aol.com (KD et al)
Date: 02 Oct 2004 01:01:27 GMT

>Look for all of your old Church "favorites" to begin popping like
>cheap balloons in the next couple of years. Legume & GGGor have bum
>tickers, Stang gets this little throbbing vein thing going pretty
>easily and that crock-o'-shit Huey should have exploded years ago.
> Carry a Hefty bag to every Devival. You never know when one of us
>might just explode like some hideous version of a Gallagher show.

I always knew the fluff bunnies would outlive me.
If Buddha were alive today, he'd kill himself.

Correspondent:: "nu-monet v7.0"
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 20:03:05 -0700

HellPopeHuey wrote:
> Look for all of your old Church "favorites" to
> begin popping like cheap balloons in the next
> couple of years.

Don't worry. There's enough generic Miracle Whip
jars to go around.

Hey, it's either me or its Shang Tsung. And I
don't make you duke it out for fun.

Rev. nu-monet
Founder and High Priest
Church of Kali, U.S.A. (Reformed)

Correspondent:: Champion Jack Codini
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2004 08:40:40 -0400

On 1 Oct 2004 17:35:27 -0700, hellpopehuey@subgenius.com
(HellPopeHuey) said:

>Look for all of your old Church "favorites" to begin popping like
>cheap balloons in the next couple of years. Legume & GGGor have bum
>tickers, Stang gets this little throbbing vein thing going pretty
>easily and that crock-o'-shit Huey should have exploded years ago.
> Carry a Hefty bag to every Devival. You never know when one of us
>might just explode like some hideous version of a Gallagher show.

One good thing is, that Byron is leaving his pink job of twenty
something years and getting the Hell outta the armpit of humanity,

Correspondent:: "Rev. Ivan Stang"
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2004 10:46:23 -0400

In article , Champion Jack
Codini wrote:

> On 1 Oct 2004 17:35:27 -0700, hellpopehuey@subgenius.com
> (HellPopeHuey) said:
> >Look for all of your old Church "favorites" to begin popping like
> >cheap balloons in the next couple of years. Legume & GGGor have bum
> >tickers, Stang gets this little throbbing vein thing going pretty
> >easily and that crock-o'-shit Huey should have exploded years ago.
> > Carry a Hefty bag to every Devival. You never know when one of us
> >might just explode like some hideous version of a Gallagher show.
> >
> >>http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=1408&e=10&u=/hsn/20040924/h
> >l_hsn/angerlinkedtoheartdiseaseinflammation&sid=95862978
> One good thing is, that Byron is leaving his pink job of twenty
> something years and getting the Hell outta the armpit of humanity,
> L.A.

There was this asshole that worked at the post office in Dallas that we
used. I was in there all the time mailing stuff or buying stamps and
this guy, George, was ALWAYS an asshole. If there was any possible way
for him to give you a hard time or be snidely, he'd do it. When waiting
in line I would always pray that I get one of the other NICE mail
clerks instead of George. It wasn't just me that he was nasty to;
everybody got this treatment, including his coworkers.

He was very fat and in his fifties probably.

One day he SMIRKINGLY informed me that he wouldn't be there any more
because he was retiring THE NEXT DAY. With more smirks he told me that
from now on he was OFF WORK, PAID, and would be having a great time
vacationing and fishing. He said this loudly so as to make sure that
all other working stiffs within ershot would be jealous.

About a week later I went in to mail something and the nice clerk who
was serving me said, "Hey, remember how George retired last week and
was bragging about it? Well, he DIED OF A HEART ATTACK TWO DAYS AFTER

"We all hated him too," he added, with a smile. A great big smile.

I am glad for St. Byron, but let's hope the sudden Slack doesn't kill
him. After 20 years in Hollywood effects labs, the slightest dollop of
Slack could be a severe shock to his system.

The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.
(4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
Resurrected, Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.)
P.O. Box 181417, Cleveland, OH 44118 (fax 216-320-9528)
Dobbs-Approved Authorized Commercial Outreach of The Church of the SubGenius
SubSITE: http://www.subgenius.com
For SubGenius Biz & Orders: call toll free to 1-888-669-2323
or email: jesus@subgenius.com

Correspondent:: BabaNoodleRaman@snork.cx
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 10:31:15 -0600

In <021020041046233460%stang@subgeniusNOSPUM.com>, "Rev. Ivan Stang"

... snip ...
>About a week later I went in to mail something and the nice clerk who
>was serving me said, "Hey, remember how George retired last week and
>was bragging about it? Well, he DIED OF A HEART ATTACK TWO DAYS AFTER
>"We all hated him too," he added, with a smile. A great big smile.
>I am glad for St. Byron, but let's hope the sudden Slack doesn't kill
>him. After 20 years in Hollywood effects labs, the slightest dollop of
>Slack could be a severe shock to his system.

Damn! I'm sad. But it's a happy kind of sad.