Correspondent:: "ArWeGod" Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 09:12:31 GMT
I went into my California 7-11 and the beer prices were raised. The
signs were still from yesterday, so they gave me the old price (I'm a
regular customer, [read drunk]).
The guy said there was just enacted a price increase across the state.
Has anyone heard of this? Is it really state wide, all stores, or am I
hearing poop of the bovine?
Correspondent:: phy Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 13:30:59 -0000
"ArWeGod" wrote in
> I went into my California 7-11 and the beer prices were raised. The
> signs were still from yesterday, so they gave me the old price (I'm a
> regular customer, [read drunk]).
At least you are a drunk and not an alcoholic. It saves you from having to
go to all those goddamn meetings. I found out if you are drunk and arrive
at a meeting you will be excused.
-phy (w00 h00)
Correspondent:: Don Radford Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 01:51:39 GMT
ArWeGod wrote:
> I went into my California 7-11 and the beer prices were raised. The
> signs were still from yesterday, so they gave me the old price (I'm a
> regular customer, [read drunk]).
> The guy said there was just enacted a price increase across the state.
> Has anyone heard of this? Is it really state wide, all stores, or am I
> hearing poop of the bovine?
Prices are up on pretty much everything in the Valley. I suspect that
increased fuel costs would account for it.
the Mystical RevvedErrand Rockin' Don Radford
Certified God by the holy authority of
the White Lotus Fortune Cookie Company
June 23, 2004
The Future is coming out of the wall a few inches above the toilet.