Subject: 2001 = 666?
Subject: Attention, SubGenius Tom Laughlin expert
Subject: ATTN STANG: Omega Code II
Subject: attn: Rev Stang "A Tribute to Ray Harryhausen" Flash
Subject: Badfilm review
Subject: Blame it on Hollywood
Subject: Comparing things to Ed Wood Re: Books
Subject: Dear anybody who ever has, or ever will, make a movie
Subject: Dear SubG Time Travel Advisor
Subject: Dear SubGenius Movie Title Expert
Subject: Exploding Heads
Subject: Fight Club Thread!
Subject: Fox Sunday FuxUp (TV reviews)
Subject: Fox Sunday FuxUp (TV reviews)
Subject: Re: Little Mister Sister's Latest Passion
Subject: MIB II Review
Subject: MINORITY REPORT (light spoil)
Subject: Minority Report (no spoilers)
Subject: More Non-War SF Movie Reviews
Subject: My Star WW II Review - Yada, Yada, Yoda
Subject: New Movie To Be Better Or Worse Than Expected
Subject: One simple question
Subject: puzzled
Subject: Re: ATTN: Subgenius Jan Michael Vincent fans!
Subject: Re: Episode II on the Net
Subject: Re: Lathe Of Heaven
Subject: Re: Movie Review: Lathe of Heaven (2002)
Subject: Re: My big fat verdict on Sci-fi Network's "Riverworld," who cares
Subject: Re: NENSLO'S review of "Daredevil"
Subject: Re: Off-Fucking Time!
Subject: Re: Online movie "rental" service opens
Subject: Re: Penn & Teller: "Bullshit!"
Subject: Re: Slackly Disappointing All Hallows Eve
Subject: Re: Spiderman Movie Sold out 3 days straight!
Subject: Re: Star Wars Episode 2 Mini-Review
Subject: Re: Subgenius Jan Michael Vincent fans!
Subject: Re: The Time Machine ATTN NENSLO - TM1.jpg (0/1)
Subject: Re: The Time Machine, Classic Illustrated - TimeMachineCover.jpg (0/1)
Subject: Re: Time Value of Common Experience
Subject: Regarding Clark Kent
Subject: so OK movie review or something
Subject: Spiderman: Greatest Story Ever Told
Subject: The Omega Code
Subject: The Ultimate Pinkbait
Subject: They should make a movie about...
Subject: Ugly Shortage Poll
Waking Life
Subject: Wondrous Sick Cartoon Show in NYC Oct.6 - flyer-Ringworm-ny.jpg (0/1)
Subject: worst fucking movie in history
Subject: YEARS OF THE BEAST review
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