WHAT THE HELL????? nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Dropping out n.conley@charter.net (Barnabas Shitgulp)
Britney withouut makep Kristian Lahdensuo kristian.lahdensuo@gmail.com
I know nenso has a disease Kristian Lahdensuo kristian.lahdensuo@gmail.com
Im right. discordian99@yahoo.com (Rev. Glandgland)
Mexican Radio NeuroManson dogegoops@comcast.net
I can teach anyone how to get what they want out of life. reynArddirectsale@tom.com
Oh ARNOLD! psychoguerrilladeath@hotmail.com (Psychoguerrilla)
Intelligence will not be reformed... asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
Okay, I give up... God IS a Republican and I am Hell-bound HellPope Huey hulkturds@crappagammabrick.oww
Ive got a fever, and the only prescription is: Unclaimed Mysteries theletter_k_andthenumeral_4_doh@unclaimedmysteries.net
Stuck in the Rating Womb.......... aleuphoric@canada.com (Linus Minimax)
compile qmail on slack9.1 and slack10.0 kk slack13@o2.pl
Good suggestions. nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
HEY ALL YOU DUMB JERKS nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Doktor Darks Patented Divination Methodology drdark@37.com (DoktorDark)
I have one word for subgenii: DUMBASS nenslo nenslo@yahoox.com
Maksalaa-ah-suo Kristian Lahdensuo kristian.lahdensuo@suomi24.fi
I HAVE ONE WORD FOR DUMBASSES hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
Bored kdetal@aol.com (Yada Yada Yada)
brobdrammitfribbukmudfruker asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
scenesters Barnabas Shitgulp n.conley@charter.net
Do we blame Mom and Pop? kdetal@aol.com (kdetal)
Usenet: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi William L. Houts abraxas@drizzle.com
Im having a moment, I think... Barnabas Shitgulp n.conley@charter.net
Hitlers Cheese Sandwich König Prüß, GfbAEV
Cherry Tomatoes iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com
A nation at slackless attention dblspace@aol.complex-sex (David Langlois --- Ball serves Baal)
Dutch Press Review asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
See you later alliekatzen@hotmail.com (alliekatt)
HellPopic political coda: My ass is grass, mow me now HellPope Huey hulkturds@crappagammabrick.oww
All you dreadful ruffians hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
shielding paco pchalmers@(deathtospam)ody.ca
4,285,199,774 web pages ... IMBJR imbjr@imbjr.com
Why I know were fucked mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull)
Jobs for the rest of us ouroboros rex c-bee1@itg.uiuc.edu
He Grew Bogus -VS- Horny Jerk aleuphoric@canada.com (Linus Minimax)
Strength kdetal@aol.com (KD et al)
Fuck em all Michael zebidos@bigpond.net.au
Olympic Idiots HellPope Huey hulkturds@crappagammabrick.oww
SubHomeland Fecal Alert: How full of shit am I? HellPope Huey hulkturds@crappagammabrick.oww
Ziggys Joke o the day (Mon, 01 Nov 2004) Buck Futter none@muckbutter.com
102.3 bobfm paco pchalmers@(deathtospam)ody.ca
Damned SEXUAL FREAKS hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
panther, lion, panda or saber tooth tiger? HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer seventhsqueal@verniciouskanit.com