Correspondent:: hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 10 Nov 2004 13:47:36 -0800

Aw, whom am I trying to kid? That wouldn't even get the KEY in the
door and that's just for MY opinion, never mind the blizzard of
blarney that would follow. As you were, Alt + Delete.


HellPope Huey
Arguing with an idiot
is like building an origami dildo;
its often fun to do, but it ain't goin' nowhere.

Society has traditionally always tried
to find scapegoats for its problems.
Well, here I am.
- Marilyn Manson

"I wanted to show that I have other colors
people might not be expecting to see."
- George Carlin

Correspondent:: Rev DJ Epoch
Date: 11 Nov 2004 12:57:38 GMT

hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey) wrote in

> Aw, whom am I trying to kid? That wouldn't even get the KEY in the
> door and that's just for MY opinion, never mind the blizzard of
> blarney that would follow. As you were, Alt + Delete.

Dude, that's 36 words. All you'll do is confuse the dumbasses and they
won't learn anything this way.

The Church of Our Lady of Prepetual Motion
Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall- Home of the Traci Lords Memorial Brothel
Rev. DJ Epoch - proprietor and janitor
Divine Southern Redneck Yeti Clench Recruitment site: http://revdjepoch.COM

Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 15:47:37 GMT


HellPopeHuey wrote:

> Aw, whom am I trying to kid? That wouldn't even get the KEY in the
> door and that's just for MY opinion, never mind the blizzard of
> blarney that would follow. As you were, Alt + Delete.
> --

Do all of the dumbasses each get their own word,
or do we have to share a word. Seems unsanitary!

Correspondent:: hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 11 Nov 2004 13:06:58 -0800

König Prüß, GfbAEV wrote in message news:<41938997.494C2008@ranunculus.org>...

> Do all of the dumbasses each get their own word,
> or do we have to share a word. Seems unsanitary!

The word will officially be "gum" and you must swish your mouth with
a carbolic acid solution before accepting the wad from the previous
dumbass. As that solution is also mixed BY successive dumbasses,
several along the way will make it too strong and severe cases such as
Boob Dean & Madgello will SWALLOW it rather than spitting it out and
resultantly die.

There is madness to my methods. Don't tell the dumbasses; if this
works out as planned, the quality of alt.slack will have risen 34% by
Valentine's Day.


HellPope Huey
Narcoleptic ninja weasels: Nature's lithe failures

I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor
and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.
- Jimmy Stewart, in "Harvey"

"Do you know how hard it is
to get a nicotine patch
to stick to a monkey?"
- "Dharma & Greg"

Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 21:20:43 GMT


HellPopeHuey wrote:

> König Prüß, GfbAEV wrote in message news:<41938997.494C2008@ranunculus.org>...
> > Do all of the dumbasses each get their own word,
> > or do we have to share a word. Seems unsanitary!
> The word will officially be "gum" and you must swish your mouth with
> a carbolic acid solution before accepting the wad from the previous
> dumbass. As that solution is also mixed BY successive dumbasses,
> several along the way will make it too strong and severe cases such as
> Boob Dean & Madgello will SWALLOW it rather than spitting it out and
> resultantly die.
> There is madness to my methods. Don't tell the dumbasses; if this
> works out as planned, the quality of alt.slack will have risen 34% by
> Valentine's Day.
> --

Oooooo! Gum! Remember Fleer Double-Bubble bubblegum?
And Bazooka Joe Comix? Anyway, there was some green gum,
too; and I guess it was because of the bubblegum comix that there
was some acid called, "Green Double-Bubble Flap-Back," which
I guess was supposed to be evocative of gum comix, it was certainly
a very visual voyage!

Correspondent:: hellpopehuey@subgenius.com (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 11 Nov 2004 21:52:41 -0800

König Prüß, GfbAEV wrote in message news:<4193D7A4.25188A1D@ranunculus.org>...

> Oooooo! Gum! Remember Fleer Double-Bubble bubblegum?
> And Bazooka Joe Comix? Anyway, there was some green gum,
> too; and I guess it was because of the bubblegum comix that there
> was some acid called, "Green Double-Bubble Flap-Back," which
> I guess was supposed to be evocative of gum comix, it was certainly
> a very visual voyage!

Hell, I'm so damned old, I remember when the original "Mars Attacks!"
trading cards came along. A pal and I were in a class under a teacher
so rotten, we took the one of the Martian disintegrating the dog,
taped a note to it that said "We wish this dog was you!" and stuck it
to her chair. It wasn't exactly a Columbine scenario, but I still
suspect she slept more poorly for a while. If a kid did something like
that to ME in the here-&-now, I'd just snort and say "Amateur!," but
back then, they thought we were about to BECOME those Martians. They
were right, it just took longer to blossom than they thought. Once our
reefers turned us into Satan lovers, it was all over. Even JFK was
hopped up on goofballs and pain meds, boy howdy.

You think the kids of today, with their Goth crap and PCP and shank
knives and poisonous cobra spit sacs are pretty awful, but trust me,
it started early. Why, I once heard that Sal Mineo had sexual
knowledge of one of Liz Taylor's poor Alsatians at a dinner party.
Nope, Earth didn't just become rotten overnight; its been a work in
progress for a LONG TIME. You goddamned kids get offa my lawn; I have
a Bowel Disruptor, a headache and no mercy. Hit the road or SHIT the
road, your choice.

Ah, I have a million of 'em. I sure wish there was an ointment or a
vaccine for it or somethin'.


HellPope Huey
Sick minds roll down similar gutters

Democracy is the theory
that the common people know what they want
and deserve to get it good and hard.
- H. L. Mencken

"There are people Picasso would look at
and say "Hm, nuthin' I could do with that!'"
- "Shorties"