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Fiction - Sacred Subgenius Tales and Poems | |
Nenslo is The ONe | Rev Chain Smerker michael@subgeniusSPAMBEGONE.com |
Now a steaming pile called Hour of the Nut Sack 983 | angelicusrex whisperindave@msn.com |
If you want to know | iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com |
The nenslo Trap | frater S.O.D.D.I. tactical_neural@yahoo.com |
Sleek and shining bacon! | Baldin Pramer baldin@mailtoworld.com |
SubGenius Bill of Health | HellPope Huey Grinningbastard@warp8.zoom |
I would like | iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com |
Beethoven is ... | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
No, honey, PLEASE dont make me do this! | frater S.O.D.D.I. tactical_neural@yahoo.com |
The Pie | König Prüße, GfbAEV saurkraut@weinerschnitzle.com |
Gourds! | König Prüße, GfbAEV saurkraut@weinerschnitzle.com |
Cynical News: Bush to Pay Social Security Recipients with Lottery Tickets | Phin someone@somewhere.net |
Cynical News: Furniture Chopped Up to Keep Zombies Out of Farmhouse | Phin someone@somewhere.net |
Cynical News: Area Paranoid Pretty Sure CIA is Reading His Blog | Phin someone@somewhere.net |
Cynical News: Area Man Gets Hungry at Mention of BTK Killer | Phin someone@somewhere.net |
A goat sed hay | Kristian Lahdensuo kristian.lahdensuo@gmäil.com |
Cynical News: Al-Quaeda Plotted to Kidnap Donny Most | Phin someone@somewhere.net |
Michael Jackson back problems caused by giant stool | DAB justabitch@dodgeit.com |
Too Old | iDRMRSR idrmrsr@sssssubgenius.com |
Mondays Child | frater S.O.D.D.I. tactical_neural@yahoo.com |
the religious right wants YOUR beer money to go to israel. | Doc Martian docmartian@verizon.net |
Ah, Blessed St. Patrick, | fenian dilludium q-36, Rlari. fenian@start.ca |
Salacia Brags Some More!!!1 | HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer seventhsqueal@verniciouskanit.com |
Happy Paddys! | König Prüße, GfbAEV saurkraut@weinerschnitzle.com |
the void | Zapanaz http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl |
Catechism | frater S.O.D.D.I. tactical_neural@yahoo.com |
Reinsert the Tube! | König Prüße, GfbAEV saurkraut@weinerschnitzle.com |
Lambasting | König Prüße, GfbAEV saurkraut@weinerschnitzle.com |
Spookier than Monkeys typing Shakespeare | HdMrs. Salacia the Overseer seventhsqueal@verniciouskanit.com |
Something Fresh | jestus777@yahoo.com.au (THE Jesticles est. 199x) |
Ill Burn | jestus777@yahoo.com.au (THE Jesticles est. 199x) |
ode to 102.8 | Rev. Beergoggles post.replies@invalid.address |
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