Geraldo to interview "Bob" or Thanks Discordians!

From: (Rev. Jesus Christ)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 19:42:51 GMT
Organization: SubGenius Foundation

In a move so brilliant in its stupidity that only the Discordians
could pull it off...
The Discordians (actually about two Discordians) have dedicated so
much of their time to defeating "Bob" in the Time.Com poll that
Geraldo's people have taken notice!

Mr. Riveria is planning a Millennium show where he will be
interviewing important people of the century (somewhat like a Barbara
Walters type program.) And guess what, the "competition" in the Time
poll created enough interest for them to consider interviewing the
Sacred Scribe. Of course they wanted "Bob" but understand his policy
of not granting interviews. Actually they understand WAY more then
you might suspect.

So now it doesn't even really matter if "Bob" loses, because he
already won. Man he's good.

I'll let you know what happens...


Keep Voting... It would still be fun to see if "Bob" could win.
It's always within 100 votes either way so your votes do make a

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