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"As 1998 recedes, there will be a huge surge in the popularity of the Church of the SubGenius because it will actually be EASIER to understand than reality."
-- Rev. John Searcy
Last Slight Update: June 13, 2003.
Thanks to Boddhisatva Troutwaxer for the work done in the past on this page. Unfortunately, that past is rather distant. Your old editor, Rev. Stang, now takes up responsibility for this page once again. I WOULD MUCH RATHER SEE SOMEBODY ELSE A LITTLE FASTER THAN ME KEEP THIS PAGE UPDATED, as I ain't gonna be HTMLing this crap FOREVER. If you want to add, remove, or revise your listing, or even better, to help, write ME STANG with details. .
I am leaving most of the page below pretty much as Troutwaxer had it, for now, because I'm in a RIPPING DAMN HURRY, but first I must add these amazing brand new sites of true BULLDADA. (These ought to keep you out of trouble for awhile, or out of safety, as the case may be.)
NEW!! Dr. K'taden Legume has his own website now, mainly as a repository for his truly startling artwork:
NEW!! This year you can become as involved as you want, way ahead of time, via the
This is one of several new Yahoo "clubs" that have sprung up for specific SubGenius SlaClusters in the last few weeks. If you have ever joined one Yahoo club, it's easy to join others. If you never have joined one, it's REALLY EASY to join the first one. And free. The clubs feature a discussion board that can be emailed to you a couple of different ways, or can be viewed and used entirely with a web browser.
This was started by the Amsterdam-Germany devival regulars, but is growing.
For those interested in Chas' new band Stardust Outlaws, the ESO Swamp Radio shows, Einstein's Secret Orchestra.
The largest SubG e-list is
It was started for people who didn't like the sometimes brutal nature of the unfettered alt.slack newsgroup. It soon developed its own trolls and is now becoming the only moderated SubGenius forum.
But much bigger than that list is this one, centered on one individual SubGenius, Sister Decadence
Also, there is a Usenet newsgroup just for friends of the individual SubGenius, IrRev. Friday Jones: alt.friday
AND you can use any Internet Chat program to join the main SubG chat channel, #subgenius on the FEFnet servers. )Any FEFnet server. If you're new to this, find the list of "servers" or "connections" in your program, and try any one that has "FEF" in the name, then when you've connected, type in "subgenius" for the channel to join.) Sunday nights are the main scheduled "online devival" so to speak, but you'll find Subs loitering there almost any time.
Kids' Alternative to Alt.Slack
(This is the old forum initially set up by Modemac, now moved.)
NEW SUBGENIUS SWAG AT CAFEPRESS -- http://subgenius.com/scatalog.html --
Those ordering SubSwag could also shop at one of
these fine cafepress stores run by SubGenii and featuring Dobbsheaded products:
http://www.cafepress.com/foolspress/ (Popess Lilith)
http://www.cafeshops.com/artwars (Dr. Legume)
POEBUCKER MANIA! Dr. Philo Drummond's Work Site and PHILO'S MP3.COM PAGE
Verily I beheld a vision, a vision of exploding popsicle sticks and tumbling dominoes, a vision that appeared in (somewhat) high definition digital format. And I beheld the address of the vision was <http://www.lunatim.com/kinart/kinetic.htm> Yea, I also prophesized that thou, O Stangmeister, shallt espy these kinetic art visions and shallt saith "Truly these are goodly kinetic art gadgets and I want Lunatim Who Is Called Lunatim to fashion new kinetic gadgets under the auspices of The Church of The Subgenius". -- The Gospel of Lunatim the Kinetic Art Guy 13:28-32
Phineas Narco & National Cynical Network
GET STUPID & The Uncanny Nenslo
SubGenius Recovery and Support Network
The El Queso All-Stars/Enturbulator 009
The main SubGenius Yahoo group
Serpent X's Negativland and Puzzling Evidence Radio Show MP3 Archive
Dr. Spazztech Lux - Deeper Down the Rabit Hole
"TIMEBOB" Program for Palm Pilots
Java Junction - the Official Cafe of X-Day
My apologies to those who waited forever to have your site listed. Better late than never.
We recommend scanning alt.slack and alt.binaries.slack for REALLY fresh news, because there's always more going on there than we can keep up with on this end.
"The question is not whether it's a joke. The question is how many people it will fuck."
--John Searcy
Rev. John Searcy's new, improved, illustrated interactive encyclopedia of all the gods, monsters, and other entities described in the SubGenius mythos!!!THE SUBGENIUS MEDIA ARCHIVES
Read Modemac's invitation
to this gigantic stash of 'news clippings' -- WHAT THE CONSPIRACY SAID ABOUT THE CHURCH.Yetinsyny Webring
Octobriana Uberwoman's Yeti Webring lists FORTY FIVE sites full of glorious, shapely, big breasted, large crotched slack!!! Go there now and add your site to the mighty web-ring!!Obviously, the best place to go if you have questions about the Church is alt.slack. If that doesn't help and you need someone to draw you a diagram, go to alt.binaries.slack. That being said, if you can't get to alt.slack or alt.binaries.slack, someone in the places listed below might be able to answer your questions.!!
Better Sex For Mutants
Modemac's unofficial SubGenius web-based chat board. Another good place to hang.Yahoo! Clubs: SubGenius
Another chat/message board, this time on Yahoo. Another good place to go if you can't get to alt.slackStupid "Bob" Tricks
As you know, all salesman jokes were inspired by the real life adventures of "Bob." Thus, through the reading and telling of salesman jokes, we come nearer (though hopefully not too close) to "Bob."
The Hour Of Slack's
official online home. This site will play the Hour of Slack of your choice in RealAudio 24/7.INSANE REAL AUDIO NEWS FLASH!!
Puzzling Evidence Show Now Live via RealAudio
REV. SUSIE THE FLOOZY and LYMPH NODE INSTITUTE's "BOB's" SLACKTIME FUNHOUSE (and Hour of Slack) are now on RealAudio at
FINALLY!!! Famous SubGenius Dr. Howll on the INTERNET, LIVE! (At 4 am on Thursdays... see details.)MORE Hour of Slack -- via CyberRadio 1!
WCSB (Cleveland) now net-broadcasts HoS at 6am and 9pm (Eastern) on Sundays... along with all their other fab shows, such as ESO Radio (Thursdays, 11 pm). These are different shows each week.
Phineas Narco's SubGenius Radio Tape Catalog
Rockin' SubGenius audio pagesBill T. Miller's  ORGY OF SLACK Sub-section
"Out of Band Experience"
King of Slack Bill T. Miller's amazing OUT OF BAND EXPERIENCE!! AIEEE!!!
Drum Army!!
Go to Wor with Bill T. Miller's DRUM ARMY!!"Kings of Feedback"
King of Slack Bill T. Miller's amazing KINGS OF FEEDBACK!! AAUGHROOOOGH!!
Trash Fish Entertainment
Hell Music from the depths of... Arkansas? (and other places.) Highly recommended by the Mighty Popess Lilith!!The Duke of Uke
Armed with a uke signed by theTiny Tim his special mission is to unleash the healing power of the ukulele on a world in need.The Swingin' Love Corpses
http://www.corpses.comDear Sirs,
Please make a note/change in/on your directory/mailing list/URL/email
address book/physical address book/tattoo on back of head or
dick/paper sack/ass/bathroom wall or other unmentioned delivery vehicle
of the NEW IMPROVED yet still unfinished DOBBS-APPROVED Heavenly
Swingin' Love Site at
and notice our way too cool
to pee e-mail addresses too!!Your Slave of Slack and Worshipper of His Most Personal Greatness,
Philo U. Drummond X,1st0, DoFS, Saxophonist"When I die let it be said, "He was a wierdo".
Name: Philo U. Drummond X,1st0, DoFS, Saxophonist
Org: Personal Lifestyle Consultation Service
E-mail: Philo Drummond <philo@corpses.com>
Clench: 2nd Authorized MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Church
of the SubGenius / Drummondian
This message rushed to you via Whipped-Back Skinner Sled
A2Z Music
Homepages for much slackful antimusic. Hosted by Gene Splice of Drs. For "Bob."Mutato Muzika
Mark Mothersbaugh's newest is here!!Obnostic Music
Little Fyodor!
Steve Slack. RealAudio, tapes for sale.
Incredible antimusic by a great guitarist. Seeing him live was like a vision from "Bob"!!The Gomers!!This brain blasting Sub Band has risen from the dead. Kill your ears!!
Jehovah Hates Phred
Don Truby's Foreign Score Corp
"Bob" hates Phred too, but "Bob" loved Phred's thirty dollars.
You did pay your thirty dollars, didn't you Phred?
Phred? Phred?
Or download their incredible music right here!! (But you've got to accept a cookie.) Godmonster Music
Bulldada Electronica for Mutants dalekanium
Another fine St. &reux project. Danceable, electronic anti-musak.
Lots of projects by Anti-Music Impressario Don TrubyNEW!!  Rev. The Real Thing Zeeza
Brilliant SubG music from the woman who say's "I'm a multiple persona freak and proud of it!!"NEW!! Visit Dark Shovels
for a cross section of white trash rock and roll Americana. Mainly MP3s, also has occasional discussions/chats with local SubGenii and other interested parties.NEW!!  The Flyin Ryan Brothers
High Octane Big Guitar Music, as feature on numerous Hours of Slack.
"The guitar playing is just mind blowing!!" - Rev Ivan StangNEW!!  DiscorDobbsian Clouds for Bob!
Cozmodiar's slackulent musical praises for Bob
Musical Tunes from the Other Side!!
Sri Devi Beledi Ma Says:
Boddhisatva Troutwaxer's Mongolian Torture Garden
A site full of slackful rants and writingsPoindexter
The place where smurfs burn in hell!!PAPA JOE MAMA'S NEW WEBSITE!
Papa Joe Mama's mini-website, hosted within the bowels of this one!!PAPA JOE MAMA'S OLD SUB-SUBSITE
With the Online Computer Confessional, Home Study Tapes, Holy Icons!
Sverre H. Kristensen Memorial Website
Sick graphics from a dead Sub Master
Rev. Noah Stewart's Amazing
IrRev. Friday Jones
Church of the Befuddled Biped
PACKED with sizzlin' new art, GIF-mation, EVERYTHING A CRAZY MAN COULD THINK OF!
Shocking coverage of her life as a SubGenius and Horror Fan. With "intimate pics".St.@ndrew
The Ogyr Network Site. Access Anti-Scientology material, music and much more.Jay Kinney
Links to Fortean Times, Many Other Mutants and High Weirdness Websites Plus Gnosis MagThe First Church of Total Relaxology
The online ministry of Dr. Jack MeHoffReverend Chaos Gerbil
This page's twisted theology and totally bizarre art make it one of the greats!.Rev. Octobriana Oberwoman
"Bob" impregnates Russian propaganda artist right here on this very web site.Pope Black Ministries
Pope Black Online Ministries and The Secret Sacred Pentacostal Holiness Tabernacle of Sado-Masochistic MysticismThe Sect of the BarCode Scanners SubGenius Retirement Home
A retirement home for burnt out preachers and stuff. Praise "Bob."Pope Nick the Negative's Sin List
Pope Nick's extension of the sins list in Revelations X. Some suggested, some depised.The Articles of Truth
The Ranting, Spewing, "Bob" Killing, Eye Shattering, Brain Cleansing Rants, Spews, and Devangelism of the Gription Clench is a golden arrow of slack pointing to the One True Way of SubGenius UberSpew!!The Industrial Complex
The extremely cool web site of IMBJR. Need I say more? If so, you're pink and shouldn't go here!!Internet Head Storage Facility
The Mickey Snuff Page
Welcome to The Head Shop. A place to rest your weary head.The only head storage facility in the Universe! Geoland
The online home of Rev. Geomeistebrau, yeti at large. I like it!!
Watch the fucking pink rodent die a terrible death!! The Zombie Project
An obscene multimedia net death trap from the lower circles of SubGenius Hell The People's Temple of Loving Vengeance
praises the lord violently. Dobbsian fundamentalists from the nether depths. Good set of weird links. Currently changing servers.
If the link above doesn't work, click here.NEW!!  Reverend Sinphaltimus Exmortus
This site contains anti-graphx which may not be visible to all, Anti-Music which may be extremely painful to hear, and most of all, Anti-Thoughts which may melt the average human brain cell.NEW!!  Temple Mysterium Harmonium - An Ivangelical Organization
Portland Oregon's beloved heretic hangs out here.NEW!!  Billy Boloby's Website
Saucer's For "Bob"
Also includes the Herman U. Dick material.
Mack Royal's Homepage. Cool AVIs of saucers and "Bob."
NEW!!  Mary Magdalen's Uber Sexy Web Cam
This Connieite Uberfem's Web Site features Live Footage, a sexxxxy slide show, and special guests.NEW!!  The Ultimate SubG Camfest
Access several SubGenius Webcams here. (Slurk!!) (Drool.)
"Woof Woof!!"
Slackware Linux Operating System
A site full of great art, brilliant rantings, and neat things to buy. The Mighty Prophetess Lilith von Fraumench is the lovely proprietress of this online repository of uber-slack. You can also hear the quadrupally slaughtered Reverend Sheldon's voice ranting from beyond the grave by clicking right here.
Patrick J. Volkerding's mighty Slackware operating system was designed to run the giant MWOWM computer that will control Earth's pinks after we leave on the saucer ships. Through a special deal with "Bob," you can start using this incredible package on any PC today!! I've tried it and its GREAT!! Click here for download.NEW!!  Elvis and Bonaparte
A Bloatco Subsidiary, this yeti friendly advertising agency is owned by a childhood friend. Their efforts have been "normalized" by too many pinks and they'd give their lizards for some good yeti business. Picked as the top E-Branding firm of 2000!!NEW!!  Dr. Legume's Bazaar
New merchandise now available from the SubG Master of Pain!!NEW!! What wouldn't "Bob" do?
What wouldn't Connie do?
wear is available here!!Spork Thug Typography
Firesign Theatre
Great Dingbats, anti-music, and twisted TrueType fonts. Free download, recently updated.
Many of us weren't even alive when these most excellent Ur-Mutants began their careers as brilliant, conspiracy tail twisting, uber comedians. Dobbs recommends them whole-heartedly. Connie has sex with their shadows hourly - that's why she's smiling!!FIREZINE: FIRESIGN THEATER FAN WEBSITE!
The Rudy Schwartz Project/JOE NEWMAN
"For ten years, The Rudy Schwartz Project has been bringing you the finest in questionable entertainment. This tradition of unbridled obscenity and guffaws at the expense of idiots and assholes everywhere ..." Some items in the catalog may not currently be available.Derek Parr, Computer Artist for HireThis mad genius wants to do the art for your next project. Good Stuff.
NEW!!  Emerald I, Digital Video Productions
Offering mutant friendly video services in the SF Bay area.NEW!!  The John Shirley Authorized Web Site
CyberHorrorPorn by one of America's finest authors, the Rev. John Shirley.NEW!!  Don's UFO Repair Shop
The only board certified UFO repair shop in this quadrant.NEW!!  DONATE TO THE CHURCH!!
As always, we can use your love offerings. We need to build a bigger Mind Control Laser
(or whatever we're up to this week,) and your $$$$ will help.NEW!!  Shitbegone Toilet Paper
Really.NEW!!  Joe Christ's Movies
Sick, Sick, Sick, Sick Stuff.
SubGenius E-Zine Featuring the artists and writers of alt.slack and alt.binaries.slack
Not a product of This Office. Soon to be Under New Management.
Lurking within the very bowels of SubSITE itself, just as The Master Zontar lurks within Dobbs' head, there is ANOTHER WEBSITE:
ZONTAR THING FROM VENUS magazine, devoted to badfilm bulldada and especially the works of Larry Buchanan, has become a website that is more a NEW BIBLE of the ZONTARIAN ETHIC than any mere 'zine.'
Holy Temple of Mass Consumption
An online version of one of the main SubGenius "zines"Rev. Kale Wraith's
Nightmare Analysis, Confessional & Counselling Services, Haunted Houses, Small Press Zines.The End of the Line
B & Z movie reviews, UFOs, and anti-corpor-media rantsParadigm Shift Magazine
A link full of slack and wonder.Quijibo Cartel, Quijibo Magazine, and Boddhisatva Homer Simpson
Important news and pictures of recent SubGenius events, plus the worship of the world's most slackful Boddhisatva. (Ahem!!! *Snork* T.)NEW!! Tuna Free Dolphin Meat
The heart warming story of a dolphin's heroic struggle to
return millions of fish fingers to the ocean.
"BOB"-killing and Jesus-bouncing via Java!
This is a Java applet in which you TRY to shoot "Bob."JESUS BOUNCING
-- a Java applet featuring Jesus Christ bouncing on a Pogostick.
From: Tim Casady <guru@enteract.com>Feel the instant gratification of killing "Bob" over the `Net!
Brought to you by Rev. Spaceboy, Chief Mechanic, 3rd Saucer Battalion, ret. You'll need the Shockwave plug-in software for this one.THE DOBBS MAGIC 8-BALL ORACLE!!
All it takes is a pinch in the third nostril..."Pope Card Maker
Get your SubGenius Pope Card here ...FoneFind
Type "999" into the space labeled "Int'l Phone Number" and hit "Search by Number"The Caverns of Blood
Catatonic Webfilms
Enter if you dare!!
The home of underground and independent webfilm, featuring the internets wackiest webfilms.
The Holocaustal Homepage
St. Janor, Dr. Legume, and Papa Joe Mama form a mutant cyber clench that strongly believes that the Church should not be in the business of farming pinks.SubGenius Police Usenet Tactical Unit Mobile (SPUTUM)
Mighty Subgenius Cyber Clench of Usenet police. Keeping Alt.Slack and Alt.Binaries.Slack SPAM free for you!!The Ministry Of Truth
"Bob" meets Winston Smith on the web. This weird schism actually believes in recruiting pinks. At least they'll always have something to eat!!
Check Out Their New Album!!!"The Phoenix SubGenius Clench #1
Definitely Dobbs approved. Kaos overflows from the cup of Slak!!The Resort
The homepage of this mighty Santa Cruz based clench has been banned by Cybersitter. Praise The Resort!!Lumeria on the Web
The Evil Home of those demented, hideous, demon worshipping Lumerian SubGenii (except for Nenslo, who's a really nice guy!!)Ho De Do Clench
The holy clench of Doktor Pissoff.Bikers for "Bob"
A mighty travelling clench.NEW!!  The First Temple Lodge of Pink Smiting
A mighty clench that's round on the end and high in the middle.
He's creepy, he's a clown, and "Bob" approves. What more need we say?
The Church of Tina Chopp
Something to do with snakes and vegetables.
The Brainworm
This evil 'frop warrior makes cool 'frop art and rants
about stuff that needs to be ranted about!! Recently updated.
A great source of Anti-Conspiracy News
The Bright Side of Satanic Black Metal
NEW!!  Your Own Personal Judas
The Hip Spot on the Web Where Betrayal is For Sale!!
NEW!! Pinstruck
A Wonderful Evil Resource for Free Voodoo Curses
NEW!! KillFrog.Com
Boddhisatva Troutwaxer's Pick of the Month. This is a wonderful site with incredibly sick games and cartoons, by Kevin, the Master of Flash Animations
NEW!!  S-P-O-N-G-E
Arkham's Grooviest Destroyers of Evil