Dobbs' Revolver

From: (ChrisTuck)
Date: 30 Apr 1995

On Fri. Apr 28, 1995, will@seismo.gps.caltech.e asked:

wgc> What type of revolver does Bob Dobbs carry with him?

"Bob" don't carry some wussy wheelgun! He carries (and USES) a Colt
1911-1A Govt. Model .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol!

Check your copies of The Book and Rev-X for illustrations of Dobbs
wielding his gun against the Slackless.

* Slack is The Candle *
* "Bob" is The Flame *
* And WE are The MOTHS! *
* Chris Tucker 27 Terrill Street * Karl Marx Is A Dead *
* Rutland VT 05701-4157 USA * White Heterosexual *
* 802.775.6277 ChrisTuck@AOL.COM * Northern European Male *


Subject: Re: Revolver

A very good question. I once sold him a Walther PPK for him to play
"Dobbs, "BoB" Dobbs" with, but last time I saw him he was carrying a
SLAKMASTER 2000 DUMBGUN. He slew the juggernaut KZUTI-HUNDA with the
sword of Frey during an office party one christmas... he keeps pulling this
shit outta "thin air". Be careful.


... I LIKE NEWT! : SASE & $1 to P.O.BOX 140306 DALLAS TX 75214


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