Fuckin' bullshit. Never again. The reasons it sucked, in no
particular order:
a Infected asshole after being tricked out of my pants
b I died four times
c Crapped my pants several times in front of others. Believe me, you
have no idea how fucking humiliating that is until you've experienced
your crap running down your legs as others stare at you in disgust
d All these freaks kept staring at me
e I assaulted someone just because they picked up a cool sticker
f Taters rotted
g Banjo Bob damn near decapitated me with a potato
h Gorged on sugar and very stinky pussy
i Mutant bugs
j Thieves everywhere
k Grizzled old men with a scary look in their eye who, when I asked
them for a dollar for a "special" sticker, instead offered me powerful
l I didn't take the powerful explosives, like a dumbass
m People taking every little random pithy saying as incredibly
n Froze my nuts Saturday night during the seven hour explanation of
how to play INWO
o Just before X-hour on Sunday, searched in vain for the megaphone.
Thought Jesus had cleverly hidden it anticipating just such a maneuver
on our part. Found it much later in damn near plain sight.
p Nobody took my $10 bet that Stang would indeed show up at X-hour on
Sunday. The way the odds began to skyrocket, had it been taken and
he'd shown up, I would own this con job
q I now require expensive, extensive surgery to correct what's been
done to me.
Other than all that, I had a blast.
All about love, baby.
Subject: Re: I HATED XXX-DAY
From: Dr. Codini <Codini@subgenius_dot_com>
On Tue, 04 Jul 2000 13:41:26 GMT,
sendnospamtophloighd@yahoo.spamless.com (Phloighd) said:
>oe<k Grizzled old men with a scary look in their eye who, when I asked
>oe<them for a dollar for a "special" sticker, instead offered me powerful
What do you mean OLD? You Dumbass
>oe<l I didn't take the powerful explosives, like a dumbass
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