X-Day Fiasco?

From: hr641@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Rev. Dr. Mycopheles)

On X-Day, the entire earth, and all its remaining population that haven't
already gotten on the saucers, will be UTTERLY DESTROYED!

...and then replaced by exact duplicates.

Rev. Dr. Claw Mycopheles, Pasteur
The Ministry of Technolatry


From: modemac@tiac.net (Modemac)

If this is what ends up happening, I'm gonna have to lobby the Xists to
make sure your exact duplicate has a better job.

Reverend Modemac (modemac@tiac.net)
First Online Church of "Bob"
URL: http://www.tiac.net/users/modemac/
(FINGER modemac@sunspot.tiac.net for a FREE SubGenius Pamphlet!)


From: mitchell@Doesn't.Spam.Suck.interserv.com (Popess Lilith von Fraumench)

In article <6k4iv0$ea2$1@pale-rider.INS.CWRU.Edu>, hr641@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
>On X-Day, the entire earth, and all its remaining population that haven't
>already gotten on the saucers, will be UTTERLY DESTROYED!
>...and then replaced by exact duplicates.

SHIT, he's on to us.

Except for one thing--these won't be "exact" duplicates. There'll be a
certain... SOMETHING... missing, and they will never suspect what. We'll know,
of course, but we won't let on.

In article <35713777.64384423@news.en.com>, UnitIV@sputum.com says...
>There'll be a little something EXTRA too. Implanted wetware MWOWM
>"terminals". They'll THINK they're controlling MWOWM, when really....



|Reverend Doktor Saint Popess| Fools' Press |
| Lilith von Fraumench, Esq. | 1122 E Pike St, #769 |
| Hangnail Of the Stark Fist | Seattle, WA 98122-3934 |
| Sadomasticist At Large | mitchell@interserv.com |
|Spiting the Gods since 1989!| http://bounce.to/p-lil |

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