Le Mur wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Jan 1998 03:13:49 GMT, Unit18@SPUTSOUTH.ORG (Unit 18) expounded:
> ->>PS: which song-book do I see down in the lower right?
> ->
> ->That's "A SubGenius XXX-Mas". The song you see is
> ->"I Came Upon a Midwife's Rear". Other favorites are
> ->"Good King WenchesLust", "Gloria - In XXXcelsis Dago",
> ->"The Little Gumjob Boy (Cum, They Told Him)", and
> ->"While Sheperds Got Defrocked by Night".
> ->
> ->Holesome stuff!
> Don't forget "Cum All Ye Faithless"!
O come O ye fatefull
Ships from Planet eh-ehks
O come and assemble high 'bove the earth
Throw down your ladders
Made of rope and spa-ace wood
O come let us aboard them
O come let us aboard them
O let us come aboard them
Cri-ies the hoard!
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