Rev. Stang's Continuing Efforts to Craft
I was about half nuts last night. Seriously. It's been a rough couple of months and I was feeling a bit under pressure. I had finally managed to get a paying job done and it was late at night and I wanted to celebrate. And I hadn't had time for just fooling with art programs for MONTHS. And that's what I most want to DO yet what pays the LEAST. It's one of those horrible paradoxes of life. So I really WENT WILD, threw all three sheets full of caution to the wind, just DARED to ... to... to DO ART JUST FOR FUN!!! NOT EVEN FOR BUSINESS OR "BOB"!
But of course, everything I do is really for "Bob." I'm so... selfless that way. A real religious guy, see.
Plus I was jealous as hell of Dr. K'taden "Cortez" Legume. Ya'll saw how hard I struggled last year to make a decent 3D Poser"Bob," and FAILED, since Poser 2 can't SMILE and I can't have time to learn to sculpt a mesh Dobbshead, and we can't afford to scan one of the masks or busts of Dobbs.
So imagine my horror when DR. LEGUME, who is an APISH BIKER REDNECK TROGLODYTE, not to mention a brutish knuckle dragging HOLOCAUSTAL, in his FIRST ATTEMPT with the new POSER 3, made a FAR SUPERIOR DOBBSHEAD to any of mine! (My world famous Poser Dobbsheads are cheats, all Photoshopped up and using PHOTOS of DOBBSHEAD MASKS on the Poser bodies in Bryce scenes.) (SEE our brand new DR. LEGUME ART GALLERY.)
And I have HAD Poser 3 AND new RAM for a couple of MONTHS.
Man, I just... DID IT. Even though I wasn't being paid OR aiding the household or ANYTHING. I just... SLACKED OFF!