Deep in alt.binaries.slack, for years now they've been carting out the ore faster than we can cram it into this website. I, Stang, managed to rename, crimp, crunt, and deorganize about half of 2001's art. Hopefully I can soon add the remaining artists (and the other few dozen directories EACH of LeMur and IMBJR). Then maybe someday we can start on the two years' worth that haven't been uploaded: 2000 and 1999. FIRST THINGS FIRST: HAPPY HOLIDAYS from your fellow SubGenius Ministers Download OUR GIFT TO YOU, ya glueless FREE PRINTABLE "BOB" BUMPER STICKER, HERE. (WHICH ARTIST DID THIS?? Thanks anyway!) THE ART OF THE WAR (4th Installment) from the arteests of alt.binaries.slack plus probably some stray stuff by (unknown) that was also dragged in. TOP SECRET: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED Featured Arteests this Tunnel (in alphabetical