But what about Dogbert?

By revjack@radix.net (Rev. Jack)
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996

Previously, Dennis McClain-Furmanski wrote:

: What would happen if the cats in the commercial came out of the screen and
: danced in your living room, and you didn't have any cat chow to feed them?
: Same thing.

Speaking of which - if cats like mice so much, how come there isn't any
mouse-flavored cat food?

NEW! FeralCat(tm) Brand Cat Food

In Four New Exciting Flavors!

* Dead Mouse
* Eviscerated Bird
* Roadkill Stew
* Squirrel Head

Coming Soon for Dogs!

* Vomit w/ Grass Chunks
* Cat Feces
* Dumpster Gack
* Testicle of Mailman



From: ljduchez@en.com (Lou Duchez)
Subject: Re: But what about Dogbert?

> Speaking of which - if cats like mice so much, how come there isn't any
> mouse-flavored cat food?
> NEW! FeralCat(tm) Brand Cat Food

I bought some Carnivore(tm) Brand Cat Food the other week. With marketing
like that, ya gotta love it. (The cat seems to as well.)

> Coming Soon for Dogs!
> * Vomit w/ Grass Chunks
> * Cat Feces
> * Dumpster Gack
> * Testicle of Mailman

Just think how many taste tests will be required to get the flavor
of that last one "just right". Imagine the entire research process.


Lou Duchez - ljduchez@en.com - http://www.en.com/users/ljduchez

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