In article <>, (Christopher Milne) says:
>In article <4q08j7$adj@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>,
>wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (William Barwell) wrote:
>> But he (Thomas K. Odell) has erred. He has erred deeply. He has started
>a net > war with the
>> SubGenii and he will not have the last word nor see the SubGenii run from
>> him. He will become a SubGenius net project. The word will go out.
>> Tarzan needs help! All the Subgenii animals in the jungle will run to
>> He's doomed.
>> Cause it's so fun to watch Odell spew and mewl and pule and drool,
>> that the SubGenii will keep bugging him. He wil eventually have to run
>> away, but this will result in his losing all self respect because he will
>> ran away.
>> It's .... kind of sad really.
>> Thomas K. Odell. The human pinata.
>I think, chuckles, it is you who have erred. Here's why. You say that all
>the slacker super-cretins will pile on like so many jungle-book chimps,
>and that you and they will bury Odell. You are looking at this from your
>(kinda sad) point of view. Allow me to turn you binoculars around for you
>so you are looking through the eyepiece instead.
>You say that the internet will let you bring the force of many upon the
>one. Have you ever considered that this miracle of electronics also allows
>one to manipulate the many. Mr. Odell is playing you and your fellow
>cretins like a violin. He can sit there, and with a few key strokes, make
>you all jump.
>You think you're so smart.
It would follow that an insensate meat puppet such as yourself
or your pal Odell would never be able to see the strings that make
you jerk, twitch and gibber!
GG Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: The noose of desperation closes in on the Republicans
References: <4okt2l$> <4ovl6e$> <4p5eim$> <4pfs3c$> <31BC7E96.C4B@fcg.n <4q85r9$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q85r9$>, Lindsey Lee <> says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>> What's dumber is someone who believes 'honest politician'
>>ISN'T an oxymoron!!!!
>How about "Honest Abe" Lincoln?...or do you trash him too?
Abe is long dead and therefore worthy of being called a GOOD
politician, honest and president...hardly bubba. You gotta lie,
cheat, obfuscate and one-up to get elected to office and double that to
stay in office. ALL politicians are LIARS, politics is
the art of deciding WHO get WHAT and is a mechanism that
runs on deceit, money and ego. Just as I donot expect a wolverine to
rise above its nature and become a cuddly house pet, I would not
expect a politician to be 'Honest", it's just not in the nature of
the beast. The saddest thing about politics is that the people who
ARE equipped with the wherewithal to run things properly are doing very
well in the private sector, leaving only the inept and deceitful to run
things, knowing they can influence them at any time.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.kibology,alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu,rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.startrek.misc
Subject: Re: Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov
References: <> <> <4pqn18$> <4ptjqv$> <lmerkel.834939162@BI <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, "Gary J. Weiner" <> says:
>Tom Nicolaides wrote:
>> In article <>, wrote:
>> =On 16 Jun 96 15:32:42 GMT, (lmerkel on BIX) wrote:
>> =
>> =
>> =>:The extraordinary badness of most of Asimov's attempts at writing
>> =>:........:book, "The Stranger in a Strange Land," is widely known to have
>> =>:actually been written by Philip K. Dick.
>> =>
>> => Hah! Asimov wrote "Stranger in a Strange Land"? That would be
>> => fascinating news to the real author, Andre Norton, if she were
>> => still alive.
>> =
>> =
>> =Funny...EVERY copy of this book *I* ever saw said it was written by
>> =Robert Heinlein..... so much for the *expert*.....
>> Heinlein? naw.. Most were written by Asimov.. One by Philip K. Dick..
>> Clarke wrote a sequal called _Stranger in Sri Lanka_ ... and oh yes.. there
>> was a SIASL written by Harvey Heinlein (no relation).
>I can't believe the utter ignorance of these boobs! Doesn't everone know
>that Stranger In a Strange land was written by Harlan Ellison and Christopher
>Priest under their joint pen name of John Norman?
>Some People...
Oh for pity's sake folks, Stanley G Weinbaum, author of The
Martian Chronicles wrote SIASL...get your fewkin facts straight!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4q7nlr$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q7nlr$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>> Might I suggest a remedy for someone struck with such a vast
>>ennui as the barrel in your mouth, take a deep breath, let
>>part of it out and then gently squeeze the trigger!
>>GG Gordon
>Look at the quality of this post and the precision of these directions on
>how to blow one's head off! There is NO DOUBT that here we have a voice
>of experience. This moron obviously blasted away his own little tiny pea
>brain and then skipped off to join Alt.Slack. I always knew that these
>slackers were a complete bunch of decerebrates. Now we have the proof.
>Alt.Slack: Where Truth goes to DIE!
Ye olde typical comeback from someone whose optic nerves somehow got entangled
with his colon, thus restricting his ability to think! Your basic
problem, besides being a callow oaf is that you refuse to admit that
you might not be able to live up to your own high opnion of yourself and
because of this you think that petty, childish insults and lackluster
one-liners will make you feel better. Anyone can swap insults we do it
as warmup exercises here, but saying something intelligent seems to be
beyond your abilities, you really are a common little prole aren't you?
I would judge from your ongoing postings that you are the kind of
person who relies on Television Talk Shows for your information.
But that's the sort of behavior that is to be expected from a person
who claims a second-string movie actor with senile dementia made a
GREAT president!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: DrJohnG..Pink,Pink,Pink!
References: <4q4g56$> <4q73un$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q73un$>, (NENSLO) says:
> Pink, Johnny boy, like a fat little piggy. Pink and shiny and
>snuggly clean all the way through, and if we sliced you there'd be no
>bone, just a little white pit in the centre.
You are pink, Dr. Grubor,
> As a Bobbie you don't rate.
You're a stupid, posing GlorpBoy,
The Kind we Love to HATE!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4q9ian$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q9ian$>, "Thomas K.
Odell" <> drew
himself up to his full height, took a deep breath, turned PINK and then
>Well here's even more sillyness from this SubWeenie wacko at Alt.Slack.
>Second-string movie actor? Ronald Reagan's movie career is just a
>diversion frequently used by liberals in an attempt to discredit
>President reagan's accomplishments. This is as if the movie biz was
>Reagan's only accomplishment in life. Ever hear that Reagan was a Union
>President (SAG)?
That's right the man who rolled over for HUAC and sold out those
Pinko Commie Dupes of the Evil Empire. Stopped that wave of commie-symp
screen writing and left wing actors.Toll of McCarthy before he became
tool of General Electric, Huckster for US Boron and later that faceless
and nameless cadre of privileged elitist who call the shots.
The man's Governship ripped a hitherto
fairly cohesive state into pieces, beginning the present continuing
donward spiral of the standard of living that used to be the national
Ever hear that Reagan was a successful TWO-term Governor
>of the LARGEST state in the United States?
Excuse me, but I don't think he was Governor of Alaska
(The Largest state in the Union) or Texas (the largest
state of the 48 contiguous states). But then maybe your
sense of geography is just as misplaced as the rest of your
wits. Really Tommy, you will have to do better than that. Is this the
highly-rated, much vaunted Odell mental apparatus in action.
As for Ronald Reagan, he was a good actor inasmuch as
he knew how to act like the President and give every sucker like you
the impression he was IN CONTROL when we know most of the time he
was on the nod and couldn't have scratched his arse with a handful
of treble fish hooks. Baker and Nancy ran the world when old duffer boy
was confusing reality with movie scripts in front of those bright lights
he'd learned to handle and those cameras he'd learned to play to.
Ronald Reagan a great President? An elder Statesman?
I think not. My only hope Odell is that you are young enough to stick
around for another thirty years or so and see what Reagan's rating is
then. Remember, if there's one thing stupider than a Liberal it's
a Conservative. Anyone who can say that they ARE one or the other
has immediately revealed their lack of perspicacity and limited grasp
of reality, no different from Christian, Muslim, Jew or any other
belief system that represents itself as the ONLY way of doing things
the way "they're SPOZE to be". While I respect the right you have to
believe in childish games designed to obfuscate the facts about how badly
you and your offspring are being duped, bled and used by the CON,
that doesn't mean that I don't have a low opinion of your mental
abilities and grasp on reality.
Now, I suggest you take your banalities and inanities back
to the group you love so dearly, that shrine to the (brain) Dead
President. Or just fucking kill me!
Your Pal
Glenn G. Gordon
Mercenary of Mercy
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: The noose of desperation closes in on the Republicans
References: <4okt2l$> <4ovl6e$> <4p5eim$> <4pfs3c$> <31BC7E96.C4B@fcg.n <4qaag8$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qaag8$>, Lindsey Lee <> says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>>In article <4q85r9$>, Lindsey Lee <> says:
>>> (gg gordon) wrote:
>>>> What's dumber is someone who believes 'honest politician'
>>>>ISN'T an oxymoron!!!!
>>>How about "Honest Abe" Lincoln?...or do you trash him too?
>> Abe is long dead and therefore worthy of being called a GOOD
>>politician, honest and president...hardly bubba. You gotta lie,
>>cheat, obfuscate and one-up to get elected to office and double that to
>>stay in office. ALL politicians are LIARS, politics is
>>the art of deciding WHO get WHAT and is a mechanism that
>>runs on deceit, money and ego. Just as I donot expect a wolverine to
>>rise above its nature and become a cuddly house pet, I would not
>>expect a politician to be 'Honest", it's just not in the nature of
>>the beast. The saddest thing about politics is that the people who
>>ARE equipped with the wherewithal to run things properly are doing very
>> well in the private sector, leaving only the inept and deceitful to run
>>things, knowing they can influence them at any time.
>Gordon, you sound like the young idealist. Though you are clearly
>voicing a common thought one hears today.
I am hardly young and scarcely an idealist and this is an opinion
I have come to hold only after a goodly number of years!
>Your complaints are very american; the idea of wanting to take politics
>out of politics.
I never said a thing about taking politics out of politics. My point
is that politics is, has been and always will be a series of generally
deceitful transactions designed to benefit the privileged, who
ever they happen to be!
> The reason I brought up Lincoln is because of the fact
>that he hedged and told people what they wanted to hear some of the time.
> (BTW, Lincoln came up with his famous qoute "You can fool some of the
>people all of the time, all of the people some of the time,..." because
>he was being charged with not having a moral core). At the end of the
>millenium a few years from now, you will hear discussions like "who are
>the great individuals of the past thousand years? Lincoln will be
>near the top if not the top of that list. Most consider Lincoln to be
>one of the great individuals of all times, maybe a few steps back from
>Jesus Crist. Not bad for another dishonest politician.
>Gordon, why don't you blame the masses that politicians have to "lie" to
>in order to get them to follow?
What gave you the idea I even cared, once you know how the system works there
are always ways to take advantage of it! Most people get taken for a ride once they
get on that train, I personally like to do a little offloading and get on or]
off any place but an official station.
> I believe that you would agree that a office seeker who does not
> "hedge" (my word for lying) will not be in politics for long.
My point exactly, because they are not representing the interests who
voted for them, they are representing the interests who gave them
financial support!
>Gordon, given your distaste for the environment in which politics takes
>place, do you prefer another system of government? After all dictators
>do not have to lie.
Like Winston Churchill I basically agree that fucked up as it
might seem to be "democracy" is still about the only system that we
have got that SEEMS to work. This country will probably prove or
disprove the viability of the American form of Democracy in the next
few years.
All you have to do is open your eyes, take a good look around
you and then use that brain to think about what you are seeing. Even a
slightly observant person of low median intelligence can see that things
are at an absurd state when it comes to what our "Government" is doing and
by Government I mean every elected and appointed shithead who's going
to retire on that nice fat pension that you and your friends and family
worked so hard and unselfishly to give them.
When public service becomes highly profitable it becomes
highly suspect!!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Repost: STORM REPORT
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Rev. Ivan Stang) says:
>But you know, the Unabomber was right. We ARE too dependent on technology.
>Oh, I could still boil water with the power off... but HOW COULD I GRIND
A TRUE Ubermann would have grabbed a handful, put them in his mouth,
chewed the beans to the desired grind and then strained boiling water
through his teeth, directly from the kettle.
GG(Love a Many Mug O' Murk) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.aldus.freehand,,alt.anonymous.messages,alt.anything,,alt.cad,alt.california,,alt.cyberspace,alt
Subject: Re: Sunny and 103 degrees
References: <4q86qb$> <4q93di$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q93di$>, (Monica Wong) says:
><> wrote:
>> Terry, How is hot and sunny for you? It was 103 degrees here today and the humidity was 56% in the morning. By afternoon the humidity had gone down t
>excuse me..but what gives? weather outside sux like shit
Maybe where you are but here it's hotter than the brazen
hinges of hell and more humid than the rain forest...don't
confuse your location with anyone else's!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno
Subject: If you aren't Friends of Sterno
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Kindly take your inane babbling somewhere else...this newsgroup
is for the people interested in the literary works of
M. "Sterno" von Keckhaver. We are not a chat line nor are we
a lonely hearts club, confine that stuff to e-mail please!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.slack,za.flame
Subject: Re: What is "Evil"?
References: <4qc3lc$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qc3lc$>, (Grantland) says:
> Could it not be that what we feel within ourselves and think as
>"Evil" (using our PRIMATE cerebral cortex) is simply the (raw,
>ritualistic, aggressive, territorial) LIZARD cerebellum, with it's
>occasional savage impulses?
> Thus every man truly carries within him what he perceives as "Good"
>and "Evil"(?)
Good Heavens, did you come to this earth-shattering conclusion
all by yourself or did you read Robert Louis Stevenson???
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.wired,misc.activism.cannabis,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.hemp,soc.culture.usenet,alt.drugs.pot,alt.slack
Subject: Re: NENSLO is Pink--NOT
References: <4p01ho$> <4p0f <4ps3er$> <4pscla$> <4q1e0g$> <Pine. <4qc3d8$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qc3d8$>, (Aga) says:
>explain your Tensor Grid.
Explain my Tensor Grid? I think not, my personal Slack
permutations are my business and "Bob"'s...
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: The noose of desperation closes in on the Republicans
References: <4okt2l$> <4ovl6e$> <4p5eim$> <4pfs3c$> <31BC7E96.C4B@fcg.n <4qc02t$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qc02t$>, says:
>*>>expect a politician to be 'Honest", it's just not in the nature of
>*>>the beast. The saddest thing about politics is that the people who
>*>>ARE equipped with the wherewithal to run things properly are doing
>*>> well in the private sector, leaving only the inept and deceitful
>to run
>*>>things, knowing they can influence them at any time.
>Those in the private sector don't practice deceit?
Of course they do, we expect it from them, that capitalism
red in tooth and claw, the thing is that these asshole CEO's don't
for the most part come on like they're our salvation. They want our
money not our vote!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.kibology,alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu,rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.startrek.misc
Subject: Re: Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov
References: <> <> <4pqn18$> <4ptjqv$> <lmerkel.834939162@BI <4qbs6k$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qbs6k$>, nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous) says:
>In article <>,
> (John Moreno) wrote:
>> Charles Dye <> wrote:
>> ] In article <>,
>> (John Moreno) wrote:
>> ] >
>> ] >Slan was written by A.E. Von Goht (SP?).
>> ]
>> ] Who also became wildly successful in the art world, under his
>> ] childhood nickname of "Vincent."
>> THANKS! I'd forgotten about that. Hard to believe, what with his
>> cutting off his nose.
>> John Moreno
>You are all WRONG!!!!
>Congrats to those who have penetrated some of the layers of the
>conspiracy, but the real author of all works of literature through all
>time is....Stephan King
Including the King Stephan Bible I spoze??
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.kibology,alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu,rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.startrek.misc
Subject: Re: Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov
References: <> <> <4pqn18$> <4ptjqv$> <lmerkel.834939162@BI <4qa3c9$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qa3c9$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>On 06-17-96, wrote:
> > "The Man in the High Castle," was later independantly rewritten by
> > Jorge Luis Borges. Borges's TMitHC is identical to Bacon's, a
> > stunning proof of the inventive skills of both Bacon and Borges.)
>Man, and here I thought all he did was play the piano.
He's a Danish Polymath no less !Q!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubWeenies Can't Cut It, They Cry
References: <4muc4b$> <4pldj7$ <4prju2$b2m@Grouper.Exis.Net> <4puabm$1mba@mule1.mi <4qafam$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qafam$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>> Actually he's more like that mixture of used gum and dogshit
>>that sticks to your shoe sole on a hot day!
>Gordo: You're one of those SubWeenies with a mouth than never stops
>and a personality that never starts. But if you did have a
>personality it would indeed be perfectly described as being a combination
>of used gum and dogshit.
Gee Tommy what an original lump of right-wing smegma you are, such
a thrilling comeback, such a witty way with words, you must
be a Republican, nobody else could be so fucking idiotic, pompous,
self-righteous and plain addled!!
Your ass is hanging out bucko!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Thomas K Odell Expires in pool of own spewings
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Gee Tommy, you really showed us geeks didn't you?
I mean what intellect, what a grasp of the language, what a wit,
what pithy ripostes and jabs. We all stand in awe of your amazing
mental powers, your vibrant ratiocination and your amazing demonstrations
of almost super-human obtuseness. I just don't think you will ever GET
IT, will you? You call people childish names for calling you
childish names. You demonstrate your own innate lack of ability by
tagging anyone who doesn't agree with you as a geek or whacko or some
other Limbaugh-esque appellation. You claim to be victorious when
you are in actuality a feeble, common little laughingstock of a poster.
You lack any sense of humor, your self-image is aggrandized way beyond
your actual wherewithal and basically you seem to have no idea how
to debate or argue with any intelligence whatsoever.
Your idea of snappy repartee is to use the same one-liner over
and over again, as if repetition will make it funny or meaningful.
You come onto alt.slack and challenge us to a battle of wits even
though your are an unarmed person in this department. You evidently
derive great amusement from your 'victories' even if you are the ONLY
person who sees things that way. Still for a Republican, I suppose
pure solipsism is the only viable alternative to facing up to your
own intellectual and moral bankruptcy. I am sure you will have a lot
of dazzling comebacks to this posting, I can hardly wait to see what
other brilliance pours forth!!
GG Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4q8fvn$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q8fvn$>, "Thomas K.
Odell" <> says:
>We agree here. I have said it all. All but one thing:My profound
>arrogance particularly in light of my unbelieveable stupidity absolutely
>turns my stomach. Wow I am repulsive. Yuck.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubWeenies Can't Cut It, They Cry
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4qaeim$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qaeim$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
>All ya got to do is continue to piggyback post onto some other SubWeenie's
>message demonstrating that you have no creativity or intelligence and must
>rely on your other SubWeenie Slackers to feed you subject matter.
Strange words from the oaf who piggybacks every single comment anyone
else said...maybe you should apply that killfile you're so proud of to
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Thomas K Odell Expires in Pool of own spewings
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Gee Tommy, you really showed us geeks didn't you?
I mean what intellect, what a grasp of the language, what a wit,
what pithy ripostes and jabs. We all stand in awe of your amazing
mental powers, your vibrant ratiocination and your amazing demonstrations
of almost super-human obtuseness. I just don't think you will ever GET
IT, will you? You call people childish names for calling you
childish names. You demonstrate your own innate lack of ability by
tagging anyone who doesn't agree with you as a geek or whacko or some
other Limbaugh-esque appellation. You claim to be victorious when
you are in actuality a feeble, common little laughingstock of a poster.
You lack any sense of humor, your self-image is aggrandized way beyond
your actual wherewithal and basically you seem to have no idea how
to debate or argue with any intelligence whatsoever.
Your idea of snappy repartee is to use the same one-liner over
and over again, as if repetition will make it funny or meaningful.
You come onto alt.slack and challenge us to a battle of wits even
though your are an unarmed person in this department. You evidently
derive great amusement from your 'victories' even if you are the ONLY
person who sees things that way. Still for a Republican, I suppose
pure solipsism is the only viable alternative to facing up to your
own intellectual and moral bankruptcy. I am sure you will have a lot
of dazzling comebacks to this posting, I can hardly wait to see what
other brilliance pours forth!!
GG Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.slack,za.flame
Subject: Re: What is "Evil"?
References: <4qc3lc$> <4qcebo$> <4qdsdi$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qdsdi$>, (Grantland) says:
> (Lou Duchez) wrote:
>>It would also imply that all lizards are evil.
> Nope, it would imply that they are aggressive, territorial etc. etc.
>When *we* feel such urges, our monkey-brain finds them "evil" - a
>value call.
Wait a flaming minim here Grantland, are you telling me that Monkeys
AREN'T territorial, aren't agressive....Funny thing about that!
By the way the lizard or reptialian brain you're talking about is
more absorbed in feeding and fucking than evil...the lizard brain isn't
immoral, it's far as the other stuff goes I suggest that
the value judgement portion of the neocortex is purely humanoid
and is a late accumulation of cultural baggage. The monkey brain
aspect., I suspect, is what allows us to make value judgements
and then IGNORE them.
By the way, RLS's Jekyll and Hyde deals with this aspect of human
behavior in a metaphorical sense.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubWeenies Can't Cut It, They Cry
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4qcmpo$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qcmpo$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (NENSLO) wrote:
>>Thomas K. Odell ( wrote:
>>a-honkety honk honk squeek honk...
>> This from a guy too gutless to even respond to GODLIKE
>More wimpy SubWeenie stuff here. These psychos for Slack are really
>letting Mrs.Barwell's little boy Billy down. Billy Barwell goes out and
>recruits his SubWeenies from Slack to help him post against me and this is
>the quality of trash you get. No imagination. No creativity. Nothing.
>Barwell promised a real jihad against me. So far we've had well over a
>dozen SubWeenies weight in here and each of 'em has been just a major
Gee whiz the nasty filthy subs just can't seem to tickle wittul Tommy's
ego gland just right. He's SO superior even if he pukes a lot, even if he say sthe same
tripe over and over again. For someone who was shat on a rock by a torpid buzzard and hatched
by the sun he seems to have an unusually high opiinion of himself.
Well when you learn how to frame an insult or kindle a decent flame, call us, we'll
be napping while we await your newest feeble efforts. Your redundancy
index is at an all time high Cretinous One.
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Re: SubWeenies Totally Fail, They CRY!
References: <4qco7g$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qco7g$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
>Billy Barwell from Alt.Slack was shown to be a miserable little fraud when
>he failed to step up and accept a challenge from me to stop his lies and
>put up or shut up. Barwell didn't walk away from my challenge, he ran.
>Barwell has now returned here and, in retaliation, he promised to conduct
>a jihad against me with his Church of SubWeenie brethren. Barwell
>actually promised to give me a life of hell. Most normal people would
>look at Barwell's tactics as those of a cowardly bully. Yes this man ran
>from a fair fight and he now seeks to hide under the petticoats of his
>Slacker friends. It is truly a pathetic sight to behold.
>As can clearly be seen, after over 50 "jihad" posts here, I'm still in
>great shape and these SubWeenies from Slack haven't put even the smallest
>of dents in my armor. They, on the other hand, are left to nurse their
>injured who have repeated proven themselves to be little more than a bunch
>of filthy, lying, tasteless cretins.
>The reality is exposed! Alt.Slack is where the Truth goes to DIE!
I have heard of people whistling in the dark to keep from being afraid
and I suppose for you shouting in the dark is the next best thing. Still
a moral and intellectual eunuch such as yourself has to do something
to keep up their spirits. Oh and by the wat Odell I thought YOU were
the one who was going to SHOW us how clever, brave, honest,
daring and powerful you were. You keep saying you're still here
after ALL those cheap shots everyone has taken at you, and you are,
like a pustulent boil on the backside of Usenet. We have all come
to realize what a pathetically empty little shell of a man you are and
how desperately you need the attention that you crave and the recognition
you think you deserve.
And by the way those three or four words that occur over and
over again in your redundant, specious postings are getting a little
tiresome. You accuse everyone of being 'filthy cretins'
while your own sewer of a mind is clogged with the effluvium of
misguided hatred, self-loathing and an ego that hasn't seem to
have developed past grade school level. I mean you just
say 'Nyah nyah you didn't hurt me!" over and over again. There is no
logic, wit or even first rate venom in your postings; you are nothing more
than a spoiled child who thinks his way is the only way, the right way and
the best way. The fact that you insult people while accusing them of doing
it to you doesn't make you look any better...and don't come on with
that pitiful 'killfile''d never kill anyone's postings as
long as you think they MIGHT be talking about you. The sad fact is
that you are a poser and a loser, a numb-brained pseudo-Republican
with delusions of grandeur and intelligence. You have posted nothing
of any real content or worth on this newsgroup and I doubt that you ever
will. I expect that your more brilliant work is reserved for the other
fans of that morally corrupt, fatuous, brain-damaged former president whose
shrine you worship at.
The thing that you don't seem to understand is the JOKE, and
guess what Thomas, YOU ARE THAT JOKE!!! We long for ditto-heads like you
to swoop down and set us straight, we adore the idea that you are
spending more and more of your doubtless valuable time setting us
weirdos straight. Gee, what a brave, standup kind of a guy you are
Thomas...we all stand in awe of your valor.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Re: Death
References: <> <4pmci5$> <4pp52d$a83@Grouper.Exis.Net> <4q21uj$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Eric the Fruitbat) says:
>>>The part that I don't understand is how Christians can claim that God is
>>>looking out for them and for that matter all the people. From all the
>>>suffering in the world it's obvious that that's the farthest
>>>thing from the truth yet it's still believed.
>> Ah, but God works in MYSTERIOUS ways. remember??
> Mysterious my ASS, you know as well as *I* do what the answer is.
>Come on, the explanations are simple:
> 1) God is almighty and omnipotent
> 2) God is looking out for Christians
> 3) Bad things happen to Christians
> 4) God is looking out for everyone else
> 5) Bad things happen to everyone else* in roughly equal proportions
> Therefore,
> 1) Bad things happen because God wants them to
> 2) God is a MEAN mother son of a BITCH who kicks your ass because he LIKES
> to
> 3) God doesn't even care if you're a Christion -- God will kick your ass
> anyway
> How could Christians adore a God who is VENGEFUL and NASTY and is out
>to get THEM ESPECIALLY? Because secretly they all LOVE the idea of a
>FIRE-SMITING Old Testament God, they WANT their asses to kicked, they want
>to be FORCED by some GREATER POWER, hey, doesn't it make you all HARD and
>WET to think about being in someone else's ABSOLUTE POWER? Well, you can
>be DAMN sure it does to THEM...
And you find no mystery in why old Nobodaddy is such
a raving asshole when he could be a nice deity?
Can I say anthropomorphism???
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish,soc.culture.african.american,soc.culture.african,misc.survivalism,alt.slack,alt.skinheads,alt.politics.white-power,alt.guin
Subject: Re: Blacks burning their own churches to help the slickster get re-elected!!
References: <> <Pine.ULT.3.91.960412141434.26070B-100000@birch> <4pi3la$> <4pjor7$> <DsuG <4qapdi$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qapdi$>, says:
>In <4qa363$> (Dennis
>McClain-Furmanski) writes:
>>On 06-17-96, anonymous@newamericans.c wrote:
>> > That was 20 years ago. In that same 20 years, black males have
>> > more than 5,000 white women, usually after brutally raping them.
>>Now if we could just redirect them to the pointy headed booger eating
>>hominy suckers that mate with their negative IQ brothers and fathers
>>they accidently figure out which hole it goes in to make babies),
>maybe we
>>could prune that dead branch on the evolutionary tree.
>>One person's shock propoganda is another's silver lining.
>> * 2qwk! 2.0 * It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
>>Doktor DynaSoar Iridium -- -- Punctuator of
>More like grease hole of society. Another liberal, another post with
>no facts!!!!
Oh my it's a 'liberal' sniffer, rooting out all
those commie-symp heretics, bet you've got the wood and stake ready
too don't you. I presume the fh tag stand for fat head!
GG(you can't spell conservative without the CON) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: WORLD WIDE WEB = 666!
References: <4qa802$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Popess Lilith von Fraumench) says:
>In article <4qa802$>, -------------------------- wrote:
>>World = 5 letters and 1st word = 5+1 = 6
>>Wide = 4 letters and 2nd word = 4+2 = 6
>>Web = 3 letters and 3rd word = 3+3 = 6
>>WorldWideWeb = 666
>>A very informed mind at work.
>Uh-huh. And the Mark of the Beast is everyone's e-mail address. Which
>explains that note I got from my ISP asking that we tattoo our address on
>our foreheads and palms.
Yeah well, that isn't where they told me to tatto it!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4qcloo$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qcloo$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>>In article <4q8fvn$>, "Thomas K.
>> Odell" <> says:
>>>We agree here. I have said it all. All but one thing:My profound
>>>arrogance particularly in light of my unbelieveable stupidity absolutely
>>>turns my stomach. Wow I am repulsive. Yuck.
>Aw come on Lil Gordy. Is that the best you can do? Fake a post from me?
>I ask, I beg, I plead with you SubWeenies to show some small piece of
>imagination. Some minor amount of creativity. And all you have to
>offer is this pathetic tripe? What a complete disappointment. Is that
>really the best you can do? A kindergarden kid coulda done that. I
>thought you SubWeenies were so amazingly smart (puke). I keep hearing how
>you have all the best and most secret answers (gag).
Well Tommy, frankly I thought that somebody ought to put words in your mouth,
you don't seem to be doing a really good job!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4qdio6$> <4qe536$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qe536$>, Sakamoto) says:
>On Jun 21, 1996 07:24:54 in article <Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K.
>Odell - We laugh.>, '"Thomas K. Odell"
><>' wrote:
>>example of the filth that is to be
>>found with his other SubWeenie associates at Alt.Slack where Truth goes to
>But what about the filth that can be found at Alt.Fan.Ronald-Reagan where
>Thomas K. Odell goes to JERK OFF?
I don't think Tommy has any genitalia, he certainly has no balls.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: uk.misc,talk.bizarre,soc.women,soc.penpals,,,,sci.math,sci.lang,sci.econ,sci.crypt,sci.chem,sci.astro,,rec.pets,r
References: <5p4824$> <4p9eeg$> <> <31c3ad3a.17374781 <4q907s$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q907s$>, janneman@janneman says:
> (/<ras/-/) uttered:
>>Like someone is gonna give away something that sell for, for $$$
>>stupid stupid stupid
>Never heard of investment? They're trying to addict the kids. And THEN
>sell the stuff. So who is stupid, stupid, stupid.....
Ever hear of ANYONE hooked on LSD? Now tell me who's stupid, stupid!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: a brief visit
References: <4psl1c$> <> </> <4q6kn4$41q@Grouper.Exis.Net> <4q9btq$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4q9btq$>, (Lou Duchez) says:
>Sophia Anifantakis (angela@Exis.Net) wrote:
>: Lou Duchez ( wrote:
>: : In article <4q3pfi$s3d@Grouper.Exis.Net>,
>: : angela@Exis.Net (Sophia Anifantakis) wrote:
>: : > Lou Duchez ( wrote:
>: : >
>: : > : I'm working on smuggling TWO women in.
>: : >
>: : > Gosh Lou, you're just a regular playboy..
>: : > (g)
>: : Well, yes, ever since I switched to Bran Flakes.
>: No, just're just a nice kind a guy.
>And regular too! Plus my 'roids are clearing up nicely.
>I think all you folks rooting around my hiney have been exacerbating the
At least Thomas K. Odell hasn't been rooting around, count
your blessings!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.rissa,alt.slack,alt.religion.kibology,alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu
Subject: Re: I bin trolled! :)
References: <> <> <> <OR/> <4q2hq6$l1 <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Jaffo) says:
>Wasting taxpayer money in alt.religion.kibology, (E.Holmes)
>:In alt.religion.kibology, (Lou Duchez) remarks:
>:/What kind of religion treats sex like its holy?
>: Catholics. Which is partly why I enjoy being one so much.
>: Studies have shown that Catholics get more pleasure in bed
>: than any of the others.
>Yes. Protestants prefer back seats. Heathen!
>In the Baptist Church sex is fine as long as you do it with your spouse, lock
>all the doors and windows, and absolutely PROMISE God that you didn't enjoy
Except Baptists won't screw standing up, they're afraid people
will think they're dancing! But unlike the Catholics, they don't have to
feel guilty about sex, that's because they KNOW that they are SAVED!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.wired,misc.activism.cannabis,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.hemp,soc.culture.usenet,alt.drugs.pot,alt.slack
Subject: Re: Slack Sub-C and Sub-G
References: <4q4vit$> <4q7lj7$> <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Peter Hipwell) says:
>In article <> aga <> writes:
>>> The other important thing about Slack is that all of its
>>> vectors are governed by at least Nine Strange Attractors with subset
>>> permutations that dissipate into the fractal landscape in an inverse
>>> ration to the velocity of the Slack through the Mandelbrot
>>> Transformations. It is this Chaos factor that brings Dobbs into the
>>> Theory of ALL Slack, making some sort of implied Hierarchy as a
>>> reference on the Tensor Grid and at the same time this transaction
>>> muddies up the fine details of the very structure it makes possible.
>>> Therefore the closer you get to Slack the more improbable it is that you
>>> will be able to see where it's coming from or going to in relation to you
>>> the observe although the observer will still be able to ascertain if it
>>> is Coming or Going .
>>> And that's the Latest from The Lab!
>>> GGG
>>The nine strange attractors and the subset permutations need to be
>>expanded upon.
>These elements cycle round each other in a chaotic dance. Attempts to
>observe the patterning are inevitably obscured by the fact that the
>equations themselves begin to perceive your observation and construct
>a model of your observational strategy, a process which rubberizes the
>manifolds in which they are active, causing them to become folded,
>layered and streaked with elements of "Black Slack", chaotic gaps in
>the very chaos of Slack itself. This forces a shift in the observer's
>perceptual strategy, and thus a positive feedback loop arises which
>amplifies uncertainty of perception. Thus the Slack becomes gradually
>compressed into a smaller and smaller space, maintaining its overall
>configuration in relational terms but appearing continually more
>deformed. Eventually, Black Slack only is perceivable, causing a
>quantuum bleep as the pattern itself explodes, allowing consciousness
>to become evaporated into a transuniversal shift in awareness. This
>"Slacklash" effect is similar to the moth-lightbulb effect. Only when
>this process is complete can the "bulb" burn out safely, allowing true
>Slackmeisters asencion to the next level of comprehension.
>The nine strange attractors are nine Hierarchial stages, each with
>three elements. They are grouped into three sets, each of which
>denotes particular characteristics of the mutability relationships
>pertaining thereunto.
Thanks Pete, I couldn't have said it any better I didn't!
From: (gg gordon)
References: <4qeqr7$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qeqr7$>, "Thomas K.
Odell" <> says:
Yattayattayatta et cetera, ad nauseum about the same old tired
WORSHIPPER OF A BRAINDEAD PRESIDENT....Oh my how we quail before the
mighty wrath of this man's rapier wit. I challenge Odell to talk about something
besides Barwell's "Lies". I challenge Thomas K(lansman) Odell to
make some other statement besides words to the effect of 'you're dumb'
or 'you're a liar' or 'you're sick'. In fact I would like to challenge this
egotistical mental eunuch to say ANYTHING that isn't the same old, tired,
left-baiting, rightwing bullshit that he has been regurgitating from his
very first post. I would like to see this person post something besides the
juvenile dreck that he's been spewing all over this newsgroup. Seriously
Tommy-lad can you come up with an original thought, idea or observation
or can you only parrot those empty, venal 'truths' that you read on a
right wing newsgroup of heard on some talk show. It would be pleasant
to debate with you but you seem to think that debate consists of shouting
your opponents down by belittling them, making fun of their names and
demonizing as much as you can.
I'm sure that your wit (such as it is) amuses you greatly
Tommy but as a matter of fact you only get funny when you try to
be serious and hilarious when you get on your self-righteous horse
and whip it to death trying to prove a non-point.
Also you can't really write well enough to scream for originality
from others, you tag as much as the next person while chiding people for
piggbacking and your mouth and mind are as foul as any I have encounteres.
Quit being sanctimonious, you're here because you are the kind of asshole
who likes to stir up controvesy if you can just be in the middle of it.
So quit your whining and bitching and either say something with content
or go back to the cult of the braindead president and enjoy your
doubtlessly limited fantasy life.
With all sincerity you cheap bullshit artist,
G. Gordon Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.slack,za.flame
Subject: Re: Slingshot Effect?
References: <4qh1so$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qh1so$>, (Grantland) says:
> Surely gravity brakes a spaceraft once it has passed the [planet]
>JUST AS MUCH as it accelerated it while approaching? It does on my
> How does the slingshot effect work?
It works very well thank you.
Yrs truly,
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: The noose of desperation closes in on the Republicans
References: <4okt2l$> <4ovl6e$> <4p5eim$> <4pfs3c$> <31BC7E96.C4B@fcg.n <4qgm36$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qgm36$>, (lurch) says:
>I don't know what the rest of you people think, but I've found this
>petty and long-winded grammar-related bickering to be the most
>fascinating stuff I've come across on the net in many a moon.
>More please!
You should have used a comma between long-winded
and grammar related in your above posting Doktor!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Open letter to GGG--re: "Nixon"
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, Chris Marlowe <> says:
>I've been dyin' to ask this question--what was you opinion of this film?
>(I mean, you were THERE! You KNOW!)
>Chris Marlowe
>Unification Clench
>Seoul S. Korea
Sorry to say, haven't seen it yet, probably won't. The man
was a cheap opportunist and a political thug, and I had enough
of him the first time around. The only thing good about Tricky
was that he was a really good focus for HATE, in fact we all loved
to hate him. He used to come on Teevee looking like a burned out
used car salesman and tell us that he WAS NOT a crook when all you
had to do was take a good look at the shifty-eyed rat and you KNEW
he wasn't telling you the truth. I danced the day that asshole
signed off and flew away in the chopper and if I had easy access
to his gravesite I would regularly empty my bladder on his head-
Aw actually I'm kidding, Nixon was a swell guy, like Reagan was
a nuclear physicist...right?
GG (So glad you asked) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: All right let's get this settled: why are smileys bad?
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (D.C.K.) says:
>I fuckin' love smileys (not bright yellow ones mind you, but then again I
>don't like anything yellow). I hate the anarchy sign, the peace sign, the
>equality sign, the yin/yang, and the swatztika (well, that's kinda cool!)
>Although you might hesitate to admit it, if there ever was a
>cultural/spiritual symbol that was compatible with the "church", it would
>have to be the smiley. Sometimes the truth.............feels fuckin'
Look at the face of Dobbs and KNOW that any other smile is meaningless
you slackkless neenerboy!!
Smileys indeed, I defecate upon smileys, especially when they are
in somebody's lapel or on their car.
GG( HAVE A NICE DAY died for YOUR sins!) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: What is "Grantland"?
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (D.C.K.) says:
> He he he, he's a fart knocker, a poopy head, bunghole, a turd muffin, an
>assmunch, a fart licker, wussy, panty waist, a bullshit over educated
>envious old man. What's he jealous of? Our pure adulterated slimy silky
>sunny shiny spiny silly SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK SLACK. He he he,
>I'm only kidding, no I'm not, yes I am, no I'm not, yes I
>am..............I'll let ya know later on.
I theenk you've gone and confused Grantland with Thomas K. Odell, senor(a)
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: I bin trolled! :)
References: <> <4qm95s$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qm95s$>, Sakamoto) says:
>On Jun 24, 1996 06:52:01 in article <Re: I bin trolled! :)>,
>' (Lou Duchez)' wrote:
>>So you say. I think I'm probably better off without you sub geniuses
>>anyway. Your religion is a joke and a fraud. You even say so. So what
>>good is that?
>But you can have intercourse WITH A BEAUTIFUL LIVE GIRL (or damn near
>anything else). What other "religions" offer that?
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.kibology,alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu,rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.startrek.misc
Subject: Re: Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov
References: <> <> <4pqn18$> <4ptjqv$> <lmerkel.834939162@BI <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (lmerkel on BIX) says:
> (John Moreno) writes:
>>Roger Douglas <> wrote:
>>] This is going along really nicely. If we all put in a really big
>>] effort, I think we might make this the Longest Troll Ever. I'm off now
>>] to re-read Tolkien's great fantasy work _The Ring of the Nibelungs_.
>>Com'on is this a troll or what? Everybody knows that Tolkien's greatest
>>fantasy work was Ringworld.
> Tolkien is a troll's bane. "Board of the Rings," the
> story behind the secretly bored trustees of Harvard, is a
> salle de bains troll. Pull the ring to flush the whirled
> and a new age will begin.
> -- Lee Merkel
Aw who gives a shit about all that high falutin' crap...we talking
populare cultcha here digeroo! Hein?
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc,alt
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4pu9np$> <4pvql4$> <4q0 <4qj1ho$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qj1ho$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>On 06-21-96, wrote:
> > Maybe it's all the Gog/Magog references, but for some reason I
> > couldn't stop laughing whilst reading this. After they finally drag
> > Odell from his keyboard, kicking and screaming "Goes to DIE! Goes to
> > DIE!", we'll have to take turns being him just to fill the void.
>I would pay four figures to have a tape of that, authenticated of course.
> * 2qwk! 2.0 * Don't try this at home, kids!
>Doktor DynaSoar Iridium -- -- Punctuator of Evolution
Hell, I'd pay just to see an "authentic re-creation" of that idiot.
Odell is so stupid that even George Hamilton could play him for laughs.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.kibology,alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu,rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.startrek.misc
Subject: Re: Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov
References: <> <> <4qj3sl$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Jim Vandewalker) says:
>In article <4qj3sl$>, (Dennis
>McClain-Furmanski) wrote:
>> But how come they call it the Ringworld Trilogy?
>Cause it was published by Ballantine Books. Sheesh. I though everybody
>knew that. Look for the Three-Ring Sign.
>Jim the Prophet
>Licensed SubGenius Preacher
They make good beer (for American) beer...well it's better than
Budweiser fer crissakes...but so is just about ANYTHING WITH A HEAD
(except Odell of course)!
GG(*BELCH*) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: The noose of desperation closes in on the Republicans
References: <4okt2l$> <4ovl6e$> <4p5eim$> <4pfs3c$> <31BC7E96.C4B@fcg.n <4qj3im$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qj3im$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>On 06-21-96, wrote:
> > What good and wonderful things have the Democrats given us since 1965?
>Some very entertaining congressional hearings against some Republicans.
>Republicans just don't seem to be able to achieve the same level of
>quality in that respect.
> * 2qwk! 2.0 * Evil always triumphs over good, because good is STUPID!
Agreed Doktor, when have the Elephant Tribe given us high Drama
Teevee as good as The Watergate Hearings! And shit, don't fergit
ole Ellbejay showing off his surgery scar while swinging a beagle by its
ears, now that was family entertainment!
GG(gotta love it!) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Thomas K. Odell Arrested fot Loitering at a Public Convenience.
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
London; Rueters:
Thomas K. Odell, arch-conservative, unabashed Reaganphile
and bearer of the Prestigious IBF (Internet Buffoon of the Year)
award was arrested for lurking near the entrance of the Men's Public
Tolets on the Baker Street Station early this morning. The renowned
liberal hater and apologist for the moribund Newt Rightwas apparently
wearing a long raincoat, which, in light of the current drought and
subsequent water shortages attracted the attention of PC 49, Archie
Tidmarsh who then ascertained that besides the long coat Mr. Odell was
clad only in patent leather dance pumps, black, nylon socks and a small
network of red-white and blue straps that were supporting an enormous
and very life-like phallic prosthetic device, the extremity of which bore
the likeness of former American President Ronald Reagan.
The officer reported that Odell seeemed to be in a highly
agitated condition and paranoid state of mind and kept muttering darkly
about "sub-weenies","filth" and "Killing all piggybakers".
He often spun aroun wildly, periodically pointing his finger at
various people on their way in or out of the toilet and making a
stacatto, flatulent sound with his heavily rouged lips.
When asked his business by the now alert police constable
Odell started prancing around, opening and closing his coat to bare the
decorated dildo and cackling about "...showing them who was the REAL
big dick on the internet". Periodically the man would scream about
cat urine and liars while pantomiming masturbation, pausing only to
occasionally gag and vomit and fall down and writh in the puddle of his
own vomitus.
"It was as grisly a sight as I have ever seen," reported Constable
Tidmarsh . "Even worse than Performance Art!"
Odell became extremely abusive after he was informed that
he represented a public nuisance and refused to move on, claiming
that the police officer was a liar. Support was called, Odell was
restrained forcibly, sedated and sent in for observation.
If found incapable of coherent thinking he will probably be
sedated and 'put down'.
GG Gordon Rede Greenehelle
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: My last word on Thomas K. Odell (the lifeless bore) ... yawn
References: <4puabm$> <4q08j7$adj@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> <> <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Michael Townsend) says:
>In article <4qic5n$>, "Thomas K.
>Odell" <> wrote:
>->->And Dominquez joins incest-monger Tarla Star, fellatio-monger lurch, and
>->masterbation specialist gg gordon. They all make one sick, little family.
>Yeah dumbfuck, and I'm the Dad! ( then a snip for brevity's sake)
Oops my mistake, ggg
>seems to be the "masterbation specialist." Ok, you're probably right about
>that, etc
>Dads New Slacks Radio Ministry & Tape Exchange Co.
> PO Box 4722 Portland ME 04112-4722 USA
Actually the REAL Specialist in this field is Joe Newman, I just have an
honorary degree in masturbation because I work for the state now and then.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Any good slacker loves herb {:-)-~
References: <4qmgqr$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qmgqr$>, (Medpot) says:
>Any good slacker loves herb. {:-)-~
>Dobbs says the Herb is good for the brain.
>cut the man some slack and give him some herb.
>So says St. Francis...
I certainly hope the Herb you refer to is Habafrozipulops Lengii
better know as 'frop'. Dobbs and his ministers re-iterate that this
'frop' is the ONLY herb that leads to the perception of SLACK although
partaking of it is no simple guarantee of experiencing SLACK !
Some people think that the Herb that smolders in the
mighty pipe of Dobbs is the mundane street drug know as Cannabis Sativa,
Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Ruderalis. THESE ARE ILLEGAL DRUGS AND
Please keep this straight, we aren't some sort of drug cult
or hemp-hugging green guerillas. DANGEROUS DRUGS, like Cannabis
can destroy your home, split your family apart, take away your livelihood
and your liberty, not to mention your driver's licence. DOBBS DOES
We are after all a DRUG FREE NEWSGROUP and it was a tough battle to
get the likes of Odell and Racial Theorist off our cyberhood street
corners and their poisons cleaned up. So let's keep things clean and
nice and remember Jah might want you to get High, but "Bob" wants you
to have SLACK>
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
I didn't do it, it was Nenslo!!
Shortly after his release from a two week observation
period subsequent to his arrest on the Baker Street Station for
creating a Public Disturbance and Lurking in fron of the Men's
Lavatory, Thomas K. Odell, high priest of a self-proclaimed
religion that involves the adoration and (some say) sexual congress
with a brain-damaged former American President, went on record as
saying that the whole thing was "A filthy plot hatched against me
by a group of filthy liars with filthy mouths and filthy finger
that type filthy untruths about e all over the Internet." He went
on to proclaim himself the winner of the recent Internet debate and
tendered this a a reason why certain "filthy lying filth are
out to get me!"
Odell narrowly avoided being lobotomized when his family
located him in the Psychiatric Division of the British Penal Hospital
and arranged for his release, citing incidents of bed-wetting,
somnambulism and very terrifying dreams as symptoms of his long-time
hebephrenic condition. Odell was allowed to leave England under
heavy sedation and was denied further future visits.
GGG Rede Greenhelle
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Odell Gets mean, threatens Nenslo.
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Well, it figures, Tommy boy, unable to keep up in the flame war
he started has now resorted to cheap, intimidating threats and hiding
behind the only lower form of life than himself, namely a trial lawyer.
Big bad Tommy gonna sue that MEAN MR NENSLO and show him what's what, how
DARE he impugn Tommy's sexual identity...that's a LIBEL TORT..oh my, oh my.
Don't you realize Odell, that by even threatening such measures
marks you for a prissy, ill-humored little man with an over-inflated
ego and little sense self-worth. It marks you as a thin skinned
internet churl who can give it but can't take it, start it but not
finish it.
For you to sue NENSLO you first have to prove that anything
he said about you was not only FALSE but did damage to you in some way,
that's what tort laws are all about.
Now as you have so eloquently proclaimed over and over again
that everyone on alt.slack is a sick, perverted liar and beneath your
contempt even, how can you then turn around a propose that something
one of these Non-entities, weirdos and kooks posted on a couple of
backwater newsgroups and alt.slack had enough weight and
impact to cause harm to you?
Please Tommy, first you bluster, then you whine and now you
threaten, bet you're a hell of a lot of fun on a date aren't you?
Have you thought about becoming a Scientologist? They'd
love a righteous man like you!!
GG Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Odell, Our Most Beloved Son
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Lou Duchez) says:
>Has anyone else noticed how GOOD that cute li'l Tommy Odell is for
>us? For the first time in history, Duchez gets along with GGG gets
>along with Nenslo gets along with Barwell, all united in kicking
>Odell around.
><sniff> I feel a group hug building ...
EEEEEYUUUU! Don't get all faggy on us Douchez!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Church Update 6-21-96 (Credit Cards, Nominations, X-day...)
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Jesus Christ) says:
>Church of the SubGenius
>Update 6/21/94
> Yes, by a miracle of Dobbs, after two months of
>fighting with the Conspiracy, we finally can take plastic. At
>first, THEY said we were too high a risk -- because our
>members had no plans on paying of their debts, since they
>"believe" they won't be around after 1998! We finally
>pointed out that it also meant that thousands of people
>would be maxing out their cards in July of 1998, and after
>the 5th they would be indebted for the rest of their
>miserable, rebellious, anti-establishment lives. They liked
>that, and since they are the Conspiracy and can not see the
>truth, they think SpaceVessels and Sex Goddesses are just a
>joke! Well, we'll see who's laughing on X-day Pink Boys!
>So get ready to stick it to the man and max out those cards.
> We now can take Visa, Mastercard, American
>Express and Discover. You can use your credit cards in
>many ways:
Praise Dobbs, Jesus got Spellcheck to work and somebody (else?) is
doing the editing...the most coherent message from Jesus to date!!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: My last word on Thomas K. Odell (the lifeless bore) ... yawn
References: <4ql7ip$> <> <4qpli1$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qpli1$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
>dode <> wrote:
>>Don't feel too bad, he wouldn't even answer one of my posts, maybe I should
>>just have called him some names? Questions and gentle truths about his hero
>>just didn't seem to have any affect. I always tend to overestimate these
>>morons, maybe it's his wings of steel, either that or the bullet proof
>>/\ dode
>The reason that your post was ignored was due to your unbelievable
>crudeness. Ronald Reagan suffers from a horrible devastating disease.
>Disagreeing with someone's politics is one thing, posting absolute filth
>about "diapers" when Reagan is in a struggle for his life with this
>disease represents you as holding an intellect completely lacking of any
>connection with humanity. Indeed, I find it difficult to believe that you
>and I are in the same species. And you presume to call me a moron? I
>only hope that you never have to deal with someone in your family
>suffering from a disease such as Altzheimers, Parkinsons, cancer or other
>horrible affliction.
>You are very dirty "human" being and your filthy posts deserve no
So, now you are hiding behind a braindead, drooling actor as an
excuse for not coming out and flaming like a man...oh wait, I forgot
you AREN'T a man, you're Thomas K. Odell!!
Jeez what a loser, whiner, pinkboy!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc,alt
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <4qru1k$> <4qs7 <4quuep$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4quuep$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
>wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (William Barwell) wrote:
>>I think this is usually known as lying.
>>Oddie claimed to have a kill file but does not.
>>Everybody knows it, but amazingly, he is unwilling to admit that he has no
>>kill file, even when everybody knows it. He keeps up this failed claim,
>>because he cannot find a graceful way to admit he has been lying all this
>>time, given his penchant for screaming 'LIAR!' at everbody else.
>Mr. Barwell: You've included Duchez's post which I had not earlier seen as
>I've sent Mr. Duchez to my Kill-Batch where he may happily marinate alone
>in the pathetic vomit of his spewings.
>Now on to this issue. Why you concern yourself with these small
>topics is so revealing ... small man, small concerns I guess sums you
>In addressing your question, please note that the configuration of my
>computer and its related software is of no concern to you. Let us just
>say that mine is certainly bigger and better than yours!
>Now I will make you a deal. On my next trip to Houston, I will not make
>trouble for you by going down to your job and telling you how to use your
>shovel to dig ditches for the Houston Sanitation Department. In return,
>it is only fair that, well, you should leave technology issues to we who
>are professionals in that field.
Gosh Odell, you just get wittier and wittier. You are such a marvelous
man, so clever, so well read and so articulate. You MUST
be a republican, or a moron (wait, they're the same thing...sorry)
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Marhmallow Fluff, Bosco, Koogle...
References: <4qk6br$> <4qm1nv$> <4qm2gr$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4qm2gr$>, (Lou Duchez) says:
>Koogle might have gone the way of "Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific"
>shampoo. An oddity of the 70s, peanut butter pre-swirled with jelly.
>That's not so odd -- I believe Smucker's still does it -- but the ads had
>some guy in a weird monster constume singing and dancing about it.
Damn Damn Damn, I knew I would miss a lot of high culture being out of
the country for all those years, but this is appalling, a huge hole
in my cultural literacy...oh well at least I know the difference between
a camba and a colla.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Funny About That Newsgroup
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
You know, I just went over and had a look at ole Technical Knock-
out Odell's happy stomping ground. and I must say
that it looks a lot better now, more like alt.slack as most of the
material on that group came from right here.
Now two things are very evident about alt.Ronnie-boy. First of
all the several (less than ten) 'regulars' on this group seem to pretty
much ignore everything directed against Odell that came from us.
The second thing is that everyone else on that newsgroup seems to pretty
well ignore Odell, save for one of Reagan's fans who dressed Tommy down
for being a pathetic, grade-school level flamer.
So now it becomes clear why this poor, brainless twit is over
here blowing and boasting like a flatulent hippo, he can't get no
respect anywhere! Check out the Reagan fanclub for yourself. Seems like
EVERYONE thinks Odell is a Horse's arse...and with good reason.
But hey folks, he really hasn't been that much fun lately has
he? I mean he has all the utility of a used condom at this stage of
the game, it's all so easy and by now he's down to the same two or three
defensive moves "liar" "filthy liar" and "filthy Sub-weenie liar".
Not only that but I have noted a distressing amount of
togetherness in our assault on Tommy boy. Douchez sez he feels a big
group hug coming on fer Dobbsake. So, I suggest we quit picking on this
obviously infantile personage who his own peers don't feel worthy of
protecting, and who is about as much challenge as musk rat against
a pitbull and get back to snarling and snapping among ourselves.
I mean we're a lot funnier and a lot more entertaining that Odell will
ever be, so let's just leave the purile little snot to wallow in his
own bile and have some real fun. There's gotta be better Republican
Gamefish than him. Odell comes on like a tarpon but after that
first strike he reveals himself to be a bottom feeding, mudsucking,
hardhead catfish, the kind that aren't even fit to eat. So I say
lets look for something with some real fight in it!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Lucid Dreams
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Peter Hipwell) says:
>I've been going round for the past few weeks with a biroed X on my
>hand. This is part of a strategy to elicit lucid dreams. Whenever you
>see this X on your hand, you ask yourself "Am I dreaming?" then you
>try and show you're not by levitating. If you can levitate, you're
>almost certainly in a dream, you realize the fact, and you can then
>control the dream action.
>It works.
Yes it does, you don't even need the ballpoint drawing. Just
force yourself to look at your hands whenever you are dreaming. Once
you do this you will be able to go into a lucid dream state that enables
you to become the virtual hollywood director of your dream.
Apparently this is a technique from Malaysia where the dream life
is rated just as important and meaningful as the waking life and for your
dreams to be worthwhile you must be able to interact with them...weird
but it definitely DOES work!! I have been using this technique for years.
GG (Mr Oneirism) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: "Closet liberals"
References: <4muc4b$> <> <4qrmnb$> <4 <4r13lk$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r13lk$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (Andrew Hall) wrote:
>>>>>>> Thomas K Odell writes:
>> Thomas> A true libertarian - William F. Buckley - once observed that liberals
>>Buckley is a conservative, one I have respect for, not a libertarian.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>He does have a sane idea about drugs, but he supports the CDA and a lot
>>of other conservative big government ideas.
>How dare you Andrew. You have presumed in the past to lecture me about
>your own classification as a (l)ibertartian versus a (L)ibertarian. You
>again prove yourself here as an know-nothing arrogant ass.
>Mr. Buckley describes himself as a libertarian. Period. Look at the
>subtitle of his latest book: "Reflections of a libertarian journalist."
>Once again you've presumed to speak about something that you have
>absolutely no knowledge about. You really are a know-nothing loudmouth.
Yeah well, you describe yourself as a republican and a fan of reagan
but that doesn't mean that YOU know what you're talking about...everyone
else thinks you are a rather mentally inept, emotionally unstable
and verbally challenged slice of excremental material who is so pumped
up on his own sense of self-importance that he is incapable of making an
unbiased observation. You are a joke Odell, you pretend to great
intellectual ability, but that's all you can do...pretend.
Whatever Bill Buckley is, he is a man with a keen mind and a
sense of humor and I am sure he can do fine without a lackluster cipher
such as yourself rising to his defense. I repeat, a keen mind and
a sense of humor both of which are totally alien to you!
So, put that in your Killfile and suck it through the spout!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Gizmo reveals itself as Closet Xtian
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Yez Giz, the Bible is the ONE TRUE ANSWER, like you said,
but which Bible exactly..KJV? Douay, Revised, Orthodox. I mean we
KNOW that the Bible contains ONLY the WORDS of GOD...right?
I mean there's no myth, superstition or erro rin the thing. It's all
totally right....right...But WHICH one...because they're all a little
different, but if they are all the word of GOD, shouldn't they all be
identical?? I mean a God powerful enough to create the universe in
4004 BC and make it with all those layers of geological strata and all
those totally spurious fossils to confuse us into believing in Evolution
would at least get HIS word out in a concise and final form, an official
version so to speak wouldn't you think?
And as God originally spoke Hebrew in the old Testament and
Aramaic in the New, how can we be sure about the translations? How
we can be certain that some holy scribe somewhere didn't fuck up
royally and cross translate something completely wrong??
I mean you may say that The Bible is the infallible word of
God but I say that it's so old and has been revised and re-translated so
many times that there is no guarantee that GOD really said all that!
But of course if you really think and believe that it just
means you'll be using a collection of superstitious claptrap to live
by, and that's your business, but don't try and foist your stupidity off
on us. We know who wrote our BOOK!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,,,alt.flame,,rec.pets.cats,alt.polyamory,alt.homosexual,
Subject: Re: Tori Aanus ... are fans lesbian?
References: <> <4qpgdf$> <4qvd8l$> <31D33AF9.2704@beta.concorde. <4r25h0$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r25h0$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
> the "Y" or you'd never find Tori appealing.
>MEE T0!!!!11!
>Please? Can I be a lesbian?
>Just an honorary?
>I like the leather jeans.
> * 2qwk! 2.0 * What goes up has probably been doused with petrol.
Dennis, you are welcome to join LUWML (League of Urban
White Male Lesbians) we like gurlz a lot!!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: Odell admits: "Yes I am gay!"
References: <4puabm$> <4q08j7$adj@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> <> <> <4r1ukm$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r1ukm$>, says:
> That's minus the "De" Pee Kitty. I don't argue with illogical people.
>That is all. Class dismissed.
Small wonder that you don't argue, you aren't equipped for it!
Look, you want to adore a dead guy on a stick, that's
your business, but nobody here cares about what you and your GOOD
BOOK think about homosexuality or anything else! If you want to
go through today's highly complex world guided by some bigot's
interpretation of a compendium of bronze and early iron age
folklore and tribal myth...fine! Just don't expect everyone else to see
things your way...okay So, if you want to argue, debate or disagree, that's
your right, just don't hide behind your religion and expect to be
held unaccountable for what you say...Okay?
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: I'm sorry too, Odell!
References: <> <4qvnjb$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, "Philip A. Daigle" <> says:
>Miss Sakamoto wrote:
>"Philip A. Daigle" <>' wrote:
>> So lou Douche, what will you do with this 'great material' that you have aquired by the grace of others?
>Dumbass. Reverting to calling Lou third-grader quality names again?
>::sighs:: And *you're* talking about "great material"???
>From: Phil.
>To be understood by the SubMorons, one must talk at their level.
>Besides, what makes you think that 'Dumbass' is above 'Douche' in grade
>level? Your suffering a reality inversion here, just as all the Sub
>class of morons in this place do.
> Flipper, I have to dive deeper to reach the Sub
> silt.
Dear Phil, your pompus pontification reveals you to yet another
neophobic, humorless, shrivel souled worshipper in the House of Mammon.
I am sure that you, like Odell, must also be a Republican Conservative as
those people seem to generally embody the fatuously mean spirited attitude
that you and Odell both partake of. Of course it does my heart good that
TKO has at least one supporter, now the two of you can get together and
tell each other how how smart you are and how stupid and filthy minded
we are.
Maybe you could start a group called!!
Well probably not, as I doubt that either one of you are that
well organized or literate to maintain such a newsgroup! Better and safer
you hang out at the shrine of Ronald Reagan where your talents may be more
suitably employed and orginality and intelligence let alone wit are not
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Re: MESSage #51 - The Matador
References: <4qsnrn$> <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Lou Duchez) says:
>In article <4r3to6$>,
>> I have 3 cats, and love most cats. I treat them very well and I think
>> they care for me, too. One is Tash - he has half a mustache, another
>> is Peep - Someone else named her, and the other is Zappy. Zappy bit
>> into an electrical cord at a very young age and I had to pull it out
>> and pull him off the wall. That's how he got is name. He definitely
>> used up at least one of his 9 lives that night. Christ aka "86"
>My cat is named Stoner, because ever since he was a young'un he had
>a real Jones for weed. Now he's old and diabetic. Plus he was hit
>by a car twice. And he sounds like Burgess Meredith as the Penguin.
>All of which comes back to prove: cats have Slack. YOU HEARING THIS,
The most slackful cat I know of belongs to Col. Drummond.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Re: Odell wins, "Bob" loses
References: <4muc4b$> <> <4qrmnb$> <4qss6u$r5m@mtinsc <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Michael Townsend) says:
>I just can't believe the amount of Slack and energy that's been spent
>making fun of this clown. Talk about an easy target - this publican
>blowhard makes Duchez seem like Nenslo.
>I suppose somebody will say they're just exercising their peen gland in
>preparation for X-Day '96, but come on, there's a whole universal
>conspiracy out there to mock and taunt! I find this month-long focus on
>one lame chub to be beneath the so-called superiority of the Yeti.
>Shame on you all.
>dying of alzheimers,
Aw Dad, you never let us have any fun!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Re: Odell wins, "Bob" loses
References: <4muc4b$> <> <4qrmnb$> <4qss6u$r5m@mtinsc <4r46mp$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r46mp$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (Michael Townsend) wrote:
>>I find this month-long focus on
>>one lame chub to be beneath the so-called superiority of the Yeti.
>Mr. Townsend: You've referenced the "so-called superiority of 'Yeti'" and
>what it is beneath. It is not difficult to determine what it is
>beneath. Simply raise your toilet seat.
Why not confine your dietary preferences to
republican where it belongs?
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Odell wins, "Bob" loses
References: <4muc4b$> <> <4qrmnb$> <4qss6u$r5m@mtinsc <mtownsend-3006961322280001@>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <mtownsend-3006961322280001@>, (Michael Townsend) says:
>In article <4r5p42$>, (TarlaStar) wrote:
>->I'm sorry, Dad. You wanna spank us all?
>No, that's somebody else's schtick.
>->I know it was evil to taunt him that way...I couldn't stop myself.
>No no no! I fully understand this overwhelming natural response to a
>"glow-in-the-dark Pink" as you so aptly put it. However, when I open up
>alt.slack and there are 100 new posts a day with the name Odell in the
>subject line, well, I'm sure you've heard of the law of diminishing
>But most of all, I gotta agree with old King Nenslo - after he entered the
>fray, everything else you guys wrote became moot. Maybe it's that
>legendary killfile, but it really seems you haven't so much been ganging
>up on Odell than entertaining each other with how cutting and clever you
>are. In any event, the uberpink doesn't seem to be paying attention to
>much of this insultathon - he's still talking about when Raygun was Gov of
>California, for chrissakes!
>I spose this newsgroup is never happy unless it's got somebody to tear
>apart. I guess I just feel the need for you to refresh the targets more
>often, that's all.
>Dads New Slacks Radio Ministry & Tape Exchange Co.
> PO Box 4722 Portland ME 04112-4722 USA
Yeah dad, well listen you filthy liar, we don't pick on assholes
like you and Odell for fun, we do it out of our BOUNDLESS HATE for
such offal. Okay Dad just for that here comes my killfile..ready
BBBBzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaapppppp! There, that settles everything!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,,,alt.politics.usa.misc,alt.gif-agreement
Subject: Re: Thomas & Christopher Sittin in a tree...
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Christopher Milne) says:
>Now of course Mr. Odell and I understand that you slackers are merely
>engaging in nightly, intelligent discourse, so by all means, carry on.
I doubt if you or Tommy would know an intelligent discourse if it reared
back and bit you on the ass! I suggest that two people as half-assed
as you and Odell might be subject to such an attack as between you
you can muster an ass to be bitten!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Odell and Milne, new tag team..Zoogz worries
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Well gang, looks like Odell has found himself a partner to
take on the perverted denizens of alt.slack The One and only Christopher
Milne has climbed up into the same tree as Tommy so they can both
say "Nyah nyah you're a dirty rat," alternately. I suppose it's
okay for Odell to 'piggyback' on Milne's postings because he
has nothing original to say (neither does Milne, but
apparently he doesn't have a magic killfile like Odell).
As Odell has zapped about everyone on this group for being so
nasty to him I presume the only way he can find out what we're saying
about him is by following Milne's posts.
So watch out folks, instead ofthat one fearsome intellect,
we now have two mighty minds ganging up on us...gosh, I hope we can
withstand this amazingly erudite double assault!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: Odell: The Marching Moron
References: <4qhh4i$> <4qhnnt$> <4qic5n$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Peter Hipwell) says:
>In article <4qic5n$> "Thomas K. Odell" <> writes:
>>I've previously indicated that you SubWeenies get a very special award for
>>demonstrating that you have no intelligence and resorting to your filth
>>mongering here! Apparently it's time for you to step up receive your
>>own filth-monger award.
>This once again demonstrates that very special cognitive aroma, the
>putresence of expressive capability that alt.slack seems to
>attract. Odell exemplifies that autoecholaic trait that resounds
>throughout USENET flam attacks -- snippets of oh-so-crushing
>"derogatory" phrases that contain neither wit nor substance, plastered
>over the posting like some kind of surreal wallpaper, a substitute for
>ability to communicate except in terms of self-declared self-aggrandisment.
>I've coughed up lumps of phlegm that have more coherent structure and
>relevance than Odell's ramblings.
Oh you noticed that about Tommy did you? Funny how
he brings out the best of our powers of discernment isn't it!!
"That's the microphone up there then?"
"That's right."
"Looks like a piece of tripe, doesn't it?"
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
References: <4r8q3j$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r8q3j$>, Zoogz Rift--The Liquid Moamo <> says:
>One idiot got me pissed off on the IRC #subgenius channel last night,
>so now you've ALL got to pay.
>I hereby renounce the Church of the SubGenius. I turn my back on
>"Bob" forever, and accept PINK back into my portfolio of acceptable,
>pleasant colors.
>I thank you for your time.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: Odell admits: "Yes I am gay!"
References: <4puabm$> <4q08j7$adj@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> <> <> <4r4rnh$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r4rnh$>, says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>> Small wonder that you don't argue, you aren't equipped for it!
>> Look, you want to adore a dead guy on a stick, that's
>>your business, but nobody here cares about what you and your GOOD
>>BOOK think about homosexuality or anything else! If you want to
>>go through today's highly complex world guided by some bigot's
>>interpretation of a compendium of bronze and early iron age
>>folklore and tribal myth...fine! Just don't expect everyone else to see
>>things your way...okay So, if you want to argue, debate or disagree, that's
>>your right, just don't hide behind your religion and expect to be
>>held unaccountable for what you say...Okay?
>> GGG
> OOO, I feel so much like the whipping boy with that educated sharp
>retort of yours, my synapses will be smarting for weaks.
> I was answering some one else, but you are welcome to join in if you
>feel you REALLY have too. How O Great orical of wisdom, has Human
>Behaviour changed in this "Highly Complex World" since Biblical times?
> The world waits with an-ti-ci-pation, for your answer. The clock is
>running. TIC TOCK TICK TOC TIC....
Improved agriculture and animal husbandry,
industrial revolution, improved medical care, better diet, better
living conditions, much longer lifespan, much denser populations,
much more heterogenous populations, urban living expansion, instantaneous
information exchange are just a few of the ways our world has changed.
At the time of the bible information, technology, indeed
all forms of knowledge moved at the speed of a human afoot or on a horse
in some parts of the world. With the advent of the industrial revolution
the transfer of information/power/money began to move faster and faster.
Now we move people and materials as fast as or faster than sound and
information at the speed of light, the apparent maximum speed it
is possible to move information from one physical place to another.
In the past two or three hundred years the entire sum total of
human knowledge has been doubling in ever shorter intervals, recently about
once every twenty years. While the Bible and all religions (except for the
CoS), are used to deal with the truths and inner harmonies of people and
their relationship to the very real problem of existence, they are rulebooks
for spiritual engineering, not dealing with the world of pure technology that
we have created for ourselves, whether for good or bad. And while
we may not be so much different emotionally from those biblical patriachs
or any smarter, there can be little argument that the resemblance of their
pastoral, narrow world of nomadic, patrilinear, monotheistic herdsmen
wandering the relatively fertile middle East to the world we live in today
is extremely slight.
While it would seem that religion's binding back to the older ways
is a panacea for what troubles much of the human race today, things are never
and can never be that simple. Look around you at the extreme positions
of religions all over the world. Serbs killing Muslims killing Jews
killing Arabs killing Christians killing Sikhs killing Hindis killing Tamils
killing Buddhists. Hoy wars for liberation and the glory of somebody's GOD
killing anyone who gets in the way of the grand march to the Kingdom Of
Fundamentalists of every holy, god-fearing stripe and flavor are killing
bystanders, blowing women and babies to pieces, murdering schoolchildren
raping old ladies, shelling orphanages and these people are obeying the
literal word of their GOD (who got somebody to write it all down as HE
dictated the RIGHT WAY TO LIVE to a personal representative, and
gave them full permission to waste anyone who disagreed); and these
are people who are ALL bound by their Holy Book to behave this way
to one another or BURN IN HELL!
Oh yes Gizmo, those old books, those old time religions they
have done so much for us ALL...Look around you and see how much
better the good old ways have made us, how much our religions have done
to alleviate suffering, improve living conditions and make our world
a better place to live.
All of this mayhem in the name of their particular brand of religion.
That's right, a planet of dedicated religion 'consumers' all hooked
on a specific namebrand to me of the charity of the likes of the Pope
and his crowd of pampered prelates who guide and foster a religion
whose three basic corners are guilt, mass production and ignorance.
Or those mad mullahs who want to bring back the sword of Islam or
the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland, who use religion as an excuse
for violent politics.
If you want to look at holy books as cultural artifacts, literature
or the like that's perfectly reasonable...but to regard such a collection
of writings as the virtual 'word' of some vast, supernatural entity
that rules the unverse, controls the stars and tides and yet really cares
one way or the other whether I eat pork, pussy or penis on a holy day
when I am supposed to be singing praises to HIM is worse than foolish, it
just proves what "Bob" said was true, "you don't use your intelligence
when you think about your religion!"
I will say NO MORE on this subject!!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Lucid Dreams
References: <> <4r29lr$> <4r4u4j$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r4u4j$>, (TarlaStar) says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>>In article <>, (Peter Hipwell) says:
>>>I've been going round for the past few weeks with a biroed X on my
>>>hand. This is part of a strategy to elicit lucid dreams. Whenever you
>>>see this X on your hand, you ask yourself "Am I dreaming?" then you
>>>try and show you're not by levitating. If you can levitate, you're
>>>almost certainly in a dream, you realize the fact, and you can then
>>>control the dream action.
>>>It works.
>> Yes it does, you don't even need the ballpoint drawing. Just
>>force yourself to look at your hands whenever you are dreaming.
>I look at my own ass...if I can see it; I know I'm dreaming.
If I see mine I'm not just dreaming
I'm having a nightmare!
GG(Ugly ass)Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: The noose of desperation closes in on the Republicans
References: <4okt2l$> <4ovl6e$> <4p5eim$> <4pfs3c$> <31BC7E96.C4B@fcg.n <4r7qfk$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4r7qfk$>, Ross) says:
>What is he saying?? What a bunch of GLOP! KISS - keep it simple,
No No, you've got it wrong it's "Keep It Simple for the Stupid"!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc,alt
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <4qs7fi$> <4qtqsj$615@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> <4quuep$ep2@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldn <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (Christopher Milne) says:
>When you and others focus on the texture of your shit, or my shit, for
>that matter, you are looking down at the ground. Mankinds great
>achievements, like the pyramids, the Sistene Chapel, the U.S.
>Constitution, radio, flight the very computer and internet you are using
>now, were achieved by looking up, metaphorically speaking.
>You mistake my aversion to vulgarity for a lockstep puritanicalism. But
>really, it is because I believe that by focusing on higher matters, that
>is to say, matters of the mind and spirit, I may someday be an innovator
>Now, having explained all that, would you excuse me a moment, I've got to
>go pinch a loaf. well... even Leonardo Da Vinci probably had his
>Christopher (keep looking up [unless I'm crossing the garage floor where I
>keep my dogs]) Milne
But Chris, don't you understand that human culture was something
that ocurred while mankind was off taking a shit! Human thinking
patterns became enlarged through regular use of the excremeditation
chamber. Now we usually read or gaze at the graffitti, but back
in the old dayz people thought great, moving thoughts as they shat!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Re: MESSage #51 - The Matador
References: <4qsnrn$> <> <> <> <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, "Philip A. Daigle" <> says:
>Brien Sullivan wrote:
>Then get a real newsreader.
>-Brien- {}
>From: Phil.
>Grow up will you? When I find something that I can't get, and I want
>it, I go and find the program that will read and/or decode it.
>These things are free dammit!!! Stop whining and go get what you need!
>Hell, if you have no connection to the web then you can mail order these
>programs, or have a friend get them for you. If you have no system of
>your own, then you are stuck with the hide-bound Information Systems
>department of the facility that provides you access. A PC is about a
>grand right now for something that will run everything you want or need
>to connect on your own.
>If you cannot afford that, then to bad, I can't afford the car I would
>like either. But that does not make me whine about it to anybody that
>will listen. I saved for a long time to get the system that I have, and
>I have no patience with you little brats, if you need more money then go
>to school and get a better job so that you can have what you want.
> Flipper, You have to lift the babes to the
> surface so that they can breath on
> their own.
Gosh Phil, you are so neat, will you be my cyber pal and teach me all
those neat computer thing you know?
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.fractal-design,alt.fractal-design.painter,alt.fractals,alt.fraternity,alt.fraternity.sorority,alt.fraternity.sorority.tke,alt.freaks,alt.f
Subject: Re: I couldn't believe it...
References: <> <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, Mike Harder <> says:
>J Kirby Inwood wrote:
>> Sorry for "spamming" this reply folks...
>> I sent the guy's post to the police in his home town. Simply trying to
>> mail bomb these jerks usually dosen't work becuase they are hidden
>> behind phony email addresses.
>E-mail bombing these pyramid scammers might not work, but
>Unabomber-style mail bombings DO work. Remember, he probably gave his
>real street address at the bottom of the message.
>Mike Harder
But does that mean we have to live in a phonebooth in Montana
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Alt.slack Invaded By Gene Scott Quoting , Republican Nitwits.
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Okay, enough is enough, we KNOW that the Gene Scott fans are Cretins,
we are fully aware that Odell, Milme and Daigle are fat boys who think
real life consists of shouting 'prove it prove it" in louder and louder
tones, but quite frankly the funtime is being outweighed by the dumbtime,
and the novelty of baiting these braindead geeks is beginning to pall.
I would like to go one record here and now as saying that these petty
arguments about mehum bullshit like old Republicans dying of brain
damage or young repubs emulating same old man, or whether that pompus,
pretentious con-man Scott is really God's instrument (or whether
God has an instrument). This is all mere merda do NheeGhee as far
as I'm concerned and I for one am tired to listening to these mindless
fuckheads parroting their same old politico-supernatural bullshit over
and over again.
Odell has the acumen and debate ability of a perishing dogturd
on a street conter in New Delhi, Milne is a suck-ophant and Daigle
is a mere berry on the political rectum. Likewise these Gene Scott
blowjob artists are to be doubly hated and pitied because they have
fallen completely for their own particular line of bullshit, at least
Odell is just a cynical, scamming, opportunist (although the
intellectual ability of somebody who worships a brain-dead former
President is to be questioned) whereas these surly little Scott jackals
seem to be swollen to the point of bursting with their own
self-righteous vision of the way things oughta be.
I would suggest that there is little to be gained from further
poking fun at these pitiful, non-thinking zombies because they seem
prepared to waste everyone's time, bandwidth and patience with their
tripe, drivel and cant. I think it is finally time to just ignore these
assholes, after all what do we care about these pompus little shitheels?
They're painfully dead meat in two years anyway so lets get on with
the blaspheming, muttering and Nensloizing and leave these humorless
peckerwoods to stew in their own bile. From now on I shall emulate the
mighty Orton Nenslo and rise above such mundane and petty bickering
(Unless of course somebody REALL pisses me off!!!)
GG (suffer the little children) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Philip Daigle erupts in spew of superstitious nonsense
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
Geez, I go outta town fer a little south o' the border slack and
return to find that Philip K Dingle has turned into a idiot-savant
biblebullshit poster. It's really quite remarkable how such savants
can do complicated mathematics without having a clue why or how they
can do it, like Phil here can endlessly quote that good ole KJV
without ever understanding anything he is saying. But still if you
hide behind the bible you'll never have to use your mind to think
about anything, which is a good thing for Flippy boy here, because he
obviously doesn't have anything to think with.
If politics is the game of the inept and patriotism the last refuge of
the scoundrel, then surely inanely spewing up religious tracts must be the
last death rattle of an asshole.
Flipper sez: Uh-Uh don't touch it boys and girls.
Gene Scott has a lot more class than you Phil, and he has at times exhibited
a sense of of his attributes you might try to
GG( Take your Holy Word and shove up your Gehenna, buppy) Gordon.
P.S. Were you this fucked up before you caught on to Gene Scott?
From: (GG Gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: XXX-day drill: sweet and saucy
References: <> <4s3eqe$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, (St. Pomp Prideless) says:
>In article <4s3eqe$>, (NENSLO) wrote:
>> St. Pomp Prideless ( wrote:
Nenslo, I sincerely wanted to meet you at
>X-day, so in the very very slim chance that you are telling the truth
>(about the killfile also), I'll be sad, but only for a second, because
>I've got much bigger things to waste what little pink emotion I possess
>on. Here is the part where I nuerotically, foolishly, but nonetheless
>slackfully ask eveyrone and anyone to please confirm the the fact that
>Nenslo was indeed stuck somewhere in Illinios, during this weekend of
>hate. Well, was he? Please don't turn this into one big ugly troll!
As a matter of fact NENSLO and I were shooting rats at the Hidlago
county dump with Sternodox and "Bob" but he also WAS at the X drill,
or one of his Nenslaic Nentessences was. I'm surpised he used the name
Dan though,he usually poses as Fred!
From: (GG Gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,
Subject: Re: Philip Daigle sits poised on the word of God.
References: <4s1oif$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <>, "Philip A. Daigle" <> says:
>gg gordon wrote:
>Geez, I go outta town fer a little south o' the border slack and
>return to find that Philip K Dingle has turned into a idiot-savant
>biblebullshit poster. It's really quite remarkable how such savants
>can do complicated mathematics without having a clue why or how they
>can do it, like Phil here can endlessly quote that good ole KJV
>without ever understanding anything he is saying. But still if you
>hide behind the bible you'll never have to use your mind to think
>about anything, which is a good thing for Flippy boy here, because he
>obviously doesn't have anything to think with.
>Flipper sez: Uh-Uh don't touch it boys and girls.
>Gene Scott has a lot more class than you Phil, and he has at times
>exhibited a sense of of his attributes you might try to
> dumbass!
>From: Phil.
>Would you care to try your assertions against me? We will see who knows
>what about the Bible and all that is in it. Jokes included.
>Compared to Dr. Gene Scott, I am mud. But I am much better than you,
>for all your words you have made no statement of fact or assertion, you
>have only accused me of being wrong, and that is worthless without any
>opinion of your own.
> Flipper- They claim that I hide but will
>not show their face.
No Phil, I never said you were wrong, I just said that you resorted to
posting a lot of bibble bullshit instead of standing up and arguing or
fighting for that faith you claim to be the ONE faith. Anyone can
regurgitate the holy writings of their particular religion if they are
devout enough, but it still doesn't make them "right". What if each time you
said something to me I merely posted a two hundred line quote from
some other religious tract in reply? Doesn't make much sense does it? So, if
you can't be bothered to post something original and out of the contents
of your own mind, why are you wasting so much time doing this
non-productive posting. Do you really think that posting your favorite
tracts from the Christian Bible will do anyone here any good? Do you
perhaps perceive yourself as a lonely prophet, crying out in the internet
wilderness, destined to lead the denizens of various alt.groups back
to the fold of the son of God? Do you think any single one of us even reads
all that wasted bandwidth glorifying the conglomerate of myth, canon
and stone age history of certain tribes who inhabited the Levant
several thousands of years ago. Do you perhaps think that none of us is
conversant with the contents of the bible, that none of us have read
it, weighed its contents and then decided for ourselves how we felt
about it and what it meant to us. Do you presume to think that you,
Philip Daigle is the chosen arm of God, sent here on earth to spread
the gospel at whatever cost? Do you think that you are more spiritual and
more holy than us and therefore the suitable instrument of your God's
work here on earth? Do you think that you alone know what the truth is
(except for Gene of course)? Or do you even think.
Your religion is YOUR business, so keep that claptrap to yourself
and to newsgroups designed for mindless repition and blind, numb
belief and leave our bandwidth alone you presumptuous, God-besotten little
Flipper sez: Fuck off Phil!!!
GG (Bibles? we don' gotta show you no steenkin' bibles!) Gordon
From: (GG Gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.tasteless
Subject: Re: Smokeable Dildo?
References: <> <4s3lo4$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4s3lo4$>, (Bangers 'n' Mash) says:
>Martin Poulter <> wrote:
>>Here's my idea for a SubGenius preacher's stage prop:
>Not bad. Here's another idea -- get a supply of liquid latex and a
>microphone. Cover the microphone with the latex, molding it into the
>approximate shape and consistency of a turd. Stick bits of corn and
>peanuts into the latex while it's still pliable. Leave the head of the
>mike and the electrical connections sticking out so it will still be
>usable. When the latex sets, paint it with shades of brown and sickly
>yellow (be careful to leave the corn and peanuts unpainted and visible).
>Before your performance, stick your turd-mike down the back of your pants.
>Get onstage, drop your pants, bend over with your ass away from the
>audience, and strain and gasp while pretending to shit out the mike. A bit
>of stage blood, highlighting your rectal trauma, would not be
>inappropriate. When you have finished dumping the mike, nonchalantly plug
>it in and stick it in the mike stand, then begin your sermon.
>You could also cover a G.G. Allin tune if you're musically inclined.
>B 'n' M
Can I get tickets for this act?
From: (GG Gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.tasteless
Subject: Re: Smokeable Dildo?
References: <> <4s3lo4$> <4s6fl1$> <4s7gbh$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6
In article <4s7gbh$>, (Bangers 'n' Mash) says:
>Lou Duchez <> wrote:
>>Or you could learn to love Jesus instead of wallowing in filth.
>Why? Are the two activities mutually exclusive? At one time, bathing was
>considered sinful. Church would be much more popular if the congregation
>were expected to show up Sunday morning with their clothes torn, dirty,
>caked with
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