ST. G. GORDON GORDON'S alt.slack RANTS -- a collection -- Part 3

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: This is not, I repeat NOT alt.religiousright OR alt.communism
References: <4nb6k8$> <4nd645$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4nd645$>, (NENSLO) says:
>The Artist Formerly Known As "Q Ro Laren ( wrote:
>: So stop posting garbage shit on alt.slack--we don't give a rat's ass about
>: your Marxist ways, or the fact that you think Bob Dole is a great fucking
>: guy. NO ONE CARES--hint to heidi_HO and Antoino (Antonia? Whatever)! If
>: you really want to know what's up, send $1 to the Church of the
>: SubGenius--eternal salvation or TRIPLE your money back! That's better than
>: anything your new leader or Bob Dole (same difference) could EVER
>: promise!!!
>: -Ro-
> This charmingly blunt statement addresses a point which has caused
>me some disturbance, namely the posting of dull blabbering about such
>ShadowPuppet Condupe traps as MereHume "Polotics" and Incredibly Staged
>Like Hollywood Playboy Scum On Top Artificial Robot "CELEBRITIES,"
>Frankenstein Eyesight Television and Frankenstein Earphone Radio False
>"PERSONALITIES" - in fact the very opposite, NON-personalities, phony
>robotic instrumental beings playing out poorly crafted FALSE LIES, for
> MereHume politics of this nation or any other nation are a
>false-front pretence circus parade, and the more noise they make the more
>important it is to try to discern what it is they are trying to keep you
>from noticing THIS TIME. MereHume Media Celebrities are the same only
>worse, for a lower prole-class than pseudo-intellectual "politics," and
>comparisons of the visual design of She-Robot Type 17-A and She-Robot Type
>17-B beggar description in their vicious mind-absorptive qualities.
> Lets get our minds back in the gutter here, shall we?

PRAISE NENSLO! The selfsame thoughts occurred to me but
as I am being nice to everyone since my recent birthday I really
couldn't post such hard words...but now that NENSLO has framed this
concept so well I would like to add that the preoccupation with
MeHum activities like Politics, Sports or Beauty Contests seems to be
an indication of either not understanding such diversionary tactics or
worse than that, being a bunch of DUMBASSES. Not that there is
anything wrong with being a dumbass, as long as you stick to the
dumbass newsgroups like alt.scientology or alt.christians or the like.
But this all-sacred newsgroup must be preserved for the word of
Dobbs and witnessing to the Sub-Genius way of life and the power and
nature of Slack and to discuss our fears and hopes of the upcoming
day of Liberation when the Power of the Pipe shall reign supreme,
when the feather of Dobbs' Soul balances the Scales of Slack in
OUR favor, that time when we ALL get to " take the money and run" and
leave these unaware, zombie-like meat-puppets to their well deserved
DOOM. What care we about who's cuter, which political system is
superior (as if any system devised by MeHums) could operate worth
a damn!) or this other trivia...we want to know about the secret affair
between G'broagfran and Rock Hudson, the facts about the story that
the Brady Bunch were ALL kidnapped off the set one night by Aliens or
whether Stang REALLY gave any of that money to Lies or how Lou's
scrotum ended up around Connie's neck!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.atheism,alt.satanism,alt.religion.christian,alt.discordia,alt.slack,,,,alt.society.neutopia,talk
Subject: Re: A poor girl's testimony of GOD'S LOVE
References: <4nc13l$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, "David L. Haas" <> says:


God seems to love people who murder and persecute in HIS
name, read the Bible bub, more mayhem than Bosnia...not only
that but many so-called Christians feel free to revile anyone
they don't like or understand, and they're just doing God's

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.society.anarchy,alt.satanism,alt.evil,alt.mindcontrol,alt.drugs.culture,alt.rock-n-roll.metal.death
References: <4nc6nt$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, Richard Stuart <> says:
>In article <4nc6nt$>
> "Rev. Steve Slack" writes:
>> Anarchy is a useful concept for artists and musicians. ONLY.
>I agree. People who scream "anarchy" don't realise the ramifications
>of what they are saying.
>> The realization of anarchy in actual practice is:
>> Having a round of buckshot pumped up your butt by six bubbas
>> while you watch your girlfriend get gangraped.
>Excuse my ignorance, but what is a "bubba?" I assume this is an
>American term, and since I am an English gentleman I am unfamiliar
>with it. Is it the same as "gangsta?"

Bubba is the archetypical redneck, po'bucker white trash who was
somebody's brother and earned the nickname 'bubba' because nodody
could pronounce 'brother'. One of the guys who got
Ned Beatty in "Deliverance" was probably called Bubbs.
Here in central Texas a lot of the shitkickers refer to one
another as Bubba...they even use the term in advertising as in
"The Lone Star Cafe---Bubba likes it!"
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.skibology
Subject: Re: MAKE SLACK FAST! (2/2)
References: <omega-1705961751280001@>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <omega-1705961751280001@>, (Omega) says:
> 6
> 6 6
> _ _
> ((___))
> [ x x ]
> cDc \ / cDc
> (' ')
> (U)
> c D c M E D I A G L O B A L D O M I N A T I O N U P D A T E
> N U M B E R T W O
> Part 2 of 2
> For their redemption, the Hiroshima Maidens folded paper cranes.
> For yours, we suggest you call, FAX or E-mail the following people
> with your bitchiest prose. Do it early and often. Enlist your
> friends!

If you all are so kool why you spammin' alt dot slack...I mean wow, with
all those kool credentials I wonder why you even noticed a bunch of
uncool geeks like us!

Now, go play!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Why is pot illegal, anyway?
References: <s3033469-1405961519530001@> <> <4n6vf9$> <bhust <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Matthew Carey) says:
>Pot is illegal because it's a DANGEROUS DRUG that KILLED MY BROTHER you

Did it shoot him? Stab him? Strangle him? or maybe run
over him in a hempmobile?

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: About the illegality of Pot
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

First of all let's start off talking about one of the Legal drugs.
Alcohol is the cause of 200,000 deaths a year. It is involved in
one third of all suicides, half of all murders and traffic accidents
and up to about 40% of all industrial accidents.
In the face of these figures it would appear that if any
drug should be arbitrarily removed from the market by government fiat it
should be this one. When we look at these numbers the government's
war on drugs not only looks specious but also hypocritical.
In fact the greatest harm done by cannabis in our society today
is a direct result of the state's legal and judicial powers when they
interfere with the individual's right to alter their own consciousness
in the privacy of their own home. The penalties for use, possession
and sale of cannabis are so out of proportion with the 'crime' that one
can only wonder if the government isn't using the 'war on drugs' as an
excuse for the systematic undermining and abrogation of all civil
Already the courts have decided that when it comes to drugs,
no form of search or seizure is unreasonable and the laws governing
entrapment simply do not apply. If all these crackdowns and
unconstitutional methods were applied to the 'kingpins' as evenly as they
are to the individual users of drugs perhaps this would not seem so
inequitable, but the heavy hand of the drug police is generally
raised against the non-violent, too-poor-to-defend-themself,
not-well-connected user, whether the drug is cannabis or heroin.
These large scale arrests of users and small-time,
street-corner salesmen are used to pad the arrest and conviction
sheets, and to justify the enormous amount of tax money being spent to
finance an international cadre of drug police--many of who succumb to
the temptations of the very business they are sworn to eradicate.
Despite the wealth of evidence that drugs are NEVER eradicated
or even controlled by such strongarmed methods, police forces continue
these raids, largely to enrich themselves through confiscation of the
property of the accused and convicted.
The fact that over a million people in this country are in
jail for 'crimes' involving just cannabis leads me to believe
that the drug laws are merely a convenient tool for repression, oppression
and confiscation of personal property, a means of control.
And one more thing, should alcohol, the drug of choice of the
power elite be declared illegal tomorrow you can bet only winos and
bar flies and joe lunchpail would be busted they'd still be drinking
scotch in the law offices and legislators' lounges.
Drugs are merely another convenient demon, like terrorism that
gives the state an excuse to regulate your lives.If there weren't
drugs the government would have to invent something like them.
I won't even go into the whole concept of prices, flow and
regulation of drugs which is monitored very carefully by the drug police.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: re: Pot Killed my Brother
References: <s3033469-1405961519530001@> <> <4n6vf9$> <bhust <1996May15.002227.8839@ <4nnh1c$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4nnh1c$>, Sphinx Drummond) says:
>>In <4nm8lq$> (gg gordon) writes:
>>>In <4nguyen67q$@fembots-1,tmocom> Haing Pran says:
>>Did it shoot him? Stab him? Strangle him? or maybe run over him in a
>All except the hempmobile. Pol Pot killed millions of Cambodians back
>in the Seventies. Most were shot or just starved to death, but many
>were subjected to grave tortures.
>-Saggy Britches
Ah well, I forgot that the Cambodian pot was indeed a killer weed!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: GOP gives up on 1996
References: <4mtmj2$> <> <4n0ord$kfe@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> <4n3g4g$> <4n5stv$qh0@Starbase.Ne <4nq0b1$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4nq0b1$>, V. Wilson ) says:
>Women should always have the right to control what happens to their

I not only agree with you but I also wonder why the leaders,
kingpins, and most visible members of the 'right to life' movement
that pop up on the television screen are invariably MEN, telling
WOMEN why they shouldn't terminate a pregnancy if they wish. It
almost seems as if this issue of "No abortion at any price" is
a predominantly male-fed frenzy....and again I wonder, what
business is it of theirs?

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Foolish Mistake On The Part of Mr. Cuthulu...
References: <> <> <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Rev. Jack) says:
>Previously, Rev. Nickie wrote:
>: Uh, yeah, and because I wasn't here to see it because I was moving and
>: didn't have an internet account, it sorta qualifies as behind my back,
>: dumbass.
>I can't think of a more public, world-wide forum than usenet to post an
>announcement. You didn't look, so it was behind your back? Interesting
>logic. Did you know that India just swore in a Hindu Nationalist behind
>your back?

Do YOU realize that I just stole your comic book collection,


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: important message to Dr. G. Gordon. G.
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Matthew Carey) says:
>If you must know, he got lost in the giant pot forest in our basement.
>We think he survived for three weeks eating marijuana and drinking from
>the automatic sprinklers. We're not sure how he died. Probably slipped
>and bonked his head on the edge of a ceramic planter.

Okay, I feel a lot better now that I have been informed, but
seeing as how it was an agricutural mishap I feel safer now!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno
Subject: Re: Enemies of Sterno Challenge
References: <4no89k$> <4notfs$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4notfs$>, (Rob [Not-Bob]) says:
>In article <4no89k$>, says...
>> I just DARE any ENEMIES of sterno to say ANYTHING.
>> The FREINDS of STERNO will promptly WHIP UP on you.
>> Signed,
> Sterno sucks shit. If you try to drink it, you go blind.
> STERNO, on the other hand, would be cool, if his rants were actually
>original enough not to be fully-replicable via sterno.lex.

And you might be cool if you weren't so fucking condescending!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno
Subject: Sterno Never answers his E-mail
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

Well, He doesn't, the lazy, bloated sod.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Foolish Mistake On The Part of Mr. Cuthulu...
References: <> <> <> <319f9b56.60722114@news1.rad <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Rev. Jack) says:
>Previously, gg gordon wrote:
>: Do YOU realize that I just stole your comic book collection,
>I'm making these really obscene gestures at you RIGHT NOW.

Okay, you can have 'em back, but it's only fair
to tell you they were stashed in Sterno's
Bathroom for eleven days!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: The SubGenius: Too Damned Optimistic
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, "Rev. TechnoBear" <> says:
>A message for the inhabitants of alt.slack from Rev. Technobear:
>I just realized that the whole SubGenius doctrine: "Bob", the Conspiracy,
>X-Day, and so on, is way too optimistic and cheerful. We may rant about
>the Con, and about hate, and about paranoia and pessimism, but in
>reality, our beliefs are as fucking cheerful as any episode of Barney the
>However, we hide this from ourselves by believing that there is a CoN, a
>Conspiracy of Normalcy. We talk about "fighting the Con," and "the Con
>does this or that," but we're just being optimistic. We fool ourselves
>into believing that there is a Con, because this allows us to believe
>that ultimately somebody or something is actually PLANNING and
>Same thing for J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. We want to believe that there is an
>idiotic, but incredibly lucky, salesman out there who is going to save
>our asses on X-Day. We want to believe that we can hang-glide the luck
>plane like "Bob", and good things will happen for us. But, we're wrong
>again. There ain't no "Bob", and there ain't no Santa Claus or Easter
>Bunny either. When good things happen to us SubGenii, it's just pure
>dumb luck. Likewise, when one of us gets turned into road pizza on the
>interstate like Brother Legume, it's just pure dumb luck. (Luck is like
>Fuck. It can be very good, very bad, or somewhere in between.)
>And X-Day. What a load of crap. We believe that the Xists will come
>from space and carry us away from our bullshit existence on the Escape
>Saucers. Fat fucking chance. Face it, WE ARE HERE. HERE SUCKS. AND
>The world pisses and shits and flatulates on us all and things are only
>getting worse. From the day we are born to the day we die, fate bumfucks
>us all, and if there is an afterlife, we probably get cornhole raped
>there, too. The only reason I hang around is for the entertainment of
>seeing the infinitely variable ways that the uncontrollable world screws
>The Church of the SubGenius: Hah! A bunch of goddamn cheery
>bubbling-over-with-happiness-and-joy, see-the-glass-as-half-full-when-
>it's-actually-empty dumbfucks.
>Why don't we just fucking adopt "Don't Worry, Be Happy" as the church

how about "fuck you if you can't take a joke!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,,,
Subject: Re: What goes up the Butt?
References: <4nbl78$> <n9bafz3jfpm.fsf@bill-the-cat.MIT.EDU> <4nsc5l$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4nsc5l$>, Sphinx Drummond) says:
>I have a nurse friend that works in the emergency room of a local
>hospital. She was telling me about a guy who came in to have a large
>cucumber removed from the inside of his asshole and they also found a
>Hot Wheels(tm) car (She thinks it was a Camaro but she's not sure -- It
>did have those wide competition racing stripes, she said).
>I wonder, what is the goofiest thing anyone ever heard about getting
>stuck up a butt?
>Col. Sphinx Drummond TWSR

A lightbulb for one, there's a whole website with various x-rays of
strange things removed from bungholes. One of the most interesting
was the cement cast of one man's rectum made when he gave himself
a substantial fast-setting cement enema. it had to be surgically
removed. I'll dig through my bookmarks and see if I can find it.

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno
Subject: Sternodox takes the Plunge
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

The well-known bon-vivant, auteur, bassist and frop tester for Dobbs,
Rev. Sternodox recently exchanged Yetivows with a personage of radiant
splendor, talent and charm who also happens to be a true Uberfemme.
Immediately after the uptials the bride and groom retired to the
reception at Vino's where their band opened up an evening of frapping,
drinking, slinking and skinking, not to mention sheer Gut Blowout hell
This all happened on on May five and if you were REALLY a friend of
STERNO'S you would have been there! If you didn't know about it I
guess you weren't invited...too fucking bad!!!

GG(What a time, oh what a time we had...) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno
Subject: Stang trips on Dick...Sub Foundation cracks.
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

Word out from big Dee, that pimple on the arse of the
Bible Belt, that the Rev. IVAN STANG is off on some sort of hyperhush
junket with media-whiggers out on the left coast! That's right Bobsters,
Rev Ivan, he of the Lizard Brain and resurgent hormones is off
to Tinseltown, trying to cash in on his tenuous connections with
media 'Biggies' like Matt Groening, Mark Mothersbaugh, Palmer Vreedeez
and others to help him to set up ONLINE DEALS with BLOODSUCKING
CORPORATE VAMPIRES..e.g. AOL, Compuserve, Telecom and many others.
Is this big time success or BIG TIME SELLOUT for the Church???
Also, who was that tall, slinky red-haired model-type accompanying
Stang as he cruised the watering holes of the elite, doubtlessly
charging everying on the Foundation's Credit Cards...isn't it GOOD
to know where your tithing goes?

Meanwhile, back in Dallas, a crazed. dyslexic Savior has the keys
to the Church and is hanging with Will and Rev. Knickky...things look
Dicey in Dallas!!


Rev Sternodox, Pope of all Arkansas recently exchanged
matrimonial contracts with an Uberfemme. word has it the bride is a
talented performer/musician who can keep the impetuous Papal One in check.
Sterno will still be allowed to write his poetic works and post them
on the Internet, she assured her husband's fans.


Latest count we got from Jesus, before he dropped out of sight
on his way to make a bank deposit, was that Rev Dynasoar was still
maintaining a healthy lead, with Rev Mother Tarla in second place.
Sphinx Drummond is gaining a groundswell of popular support, aided
by the fact that Boooger 9000 is touring presently, giving him
a lot of personal exposure. (If you've ever caught the act you'll KNOW
what I mean by 'personal exposure'!) For our Money, Dynasoar pretty
much has it sewn up...Not_Rob was disqualified for office as he is
currently a member of the United States Armed Forces!

Palmer Vreedeez is NOT, repear NOT DEAD!! So please quit
sending all those goddamned flowers already..Palmer has allergies!!

Stay Tuned to alt.friends.sterno for the latest!

GGG & Associates [Global]
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno
Subject: Re: Sterno Never answers his E-mail
References: <4nq52o$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4nq52o$>, (gg gordon) says:
> Well, He doesn't, the lazy, bloated sod.

Well, okay, SOMETIMES!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Big Boxy vehicles
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

One of the things that really pees my ass is the incredible
proliferation of these large, boxy faux-four wheel drive vehicles that
Suburbia and Yupdom seem to have embraced. It's not the fact that these
gas guzzling, inefficient monsters and the mind set that goes with them
are a fall back to no limits mentality of the 40's and 50's. It's not
the fact that every manufacturer is pandering to these buyers. What
irks me, nay downright pisses me off is the fact that so many of the
operators of these vehicles are brain dead, clueless twits who drive as
if they occupied the very center of the known universe.
It's almost as if being a clumsy, rude, hesitant and unperceptive
driver is a prerequisite for owning and operating a Suburban, Jimmy. Bronco,
Trooper and all of those other pieces of overpriced crap. Perhaps it is
because the people who drive such vehicles are naturally afraid and
paranoid about automobile accidents so they select the next best thing
to an armored assault vehicle. Perhaps they feel stronger and safer in
these behemoths but they certainly don't seem to care much about the
safety of other drivers or even acknowledge their existence.
I can only assume that a large number of these drivers are on some
sort of medication, especially the female subset; at least I pray that they
drive the way they do because of something they are taking. I would hate
to think people drove like this in a state of unaltered consciousness.
As if the driving weren't bad enough, the sheer physical size of these
damned things make it hazardous for the rest of us. You can't see around
them or over them and a single vehicle can obscure a clear view of an
entire intersection.
Those drivers who don't weave and loll on the highway like
over-tranked refugees from a suburban bridge club are macho hard chargers
of both genders who believe that the best place for them is right on your
back bumper. They also seem to feel a lot safer about running red lights.
Is the term "Roadhog" out of line? Or would "Dumbass" be more

GG(anybody got a good deal on a bazooka) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Hypocrites-re: My Website Removal
References: <4ocvsu$> <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Lou Duchez) says:
more of his usual self-righteous drivel;

Lou: We know you don't like Nickie, we know you're mad at her,
we know she yanks your chain constantly, we know you have to have
the last word, we know that she rubs you the wrong way..BUT FOR DOBBS'
SAKE GET OVER IT YOU DIPSHIT! If you want to argue endlessly about this
all well and good, but give us all a fewkin' break and use e-mail,
heliograph, smoke signals, cleft stick with note in it, sign language
or some other medium. This is BORING BORING BORING and what's more the
majority of us simply don't give a flying fuck one way or the other
about who's RIGHT or WRONG. Shit happens Lou, it's called history and
it doesn't matter who was right or's over, fini, se acabo,
terminado, completa, YA BASTA! ALREADY!!!

(I have it on good authority that Dynasoar is paying Jesus
to stuff the ballot box!)

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: austin.general,misc.activism.cannabis,alt.drugs,alt.drugs.pot,,,rec.drugs.misc,
Subject: Re: Why is pot illegal, anyway?
References: <4of8sh$6u0@Grouper.Exis.Net> <4og3kc$> <4ojol9$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4ojol9$>, (TarlaStar) says:
> (del) wrote:
>>: I've had my house broken into too by cocaine users. Is there any validity
>>: to the theory that pot use leads to stronger drugs? I've seen that happen
>>: before but I'm not sure how true it is in general.
>>People who use pot are proven to be a huge ammount more likely to use
>>stronger/different drugs later in life, although I believe that is because
>>the same kind of person who is willing to experiment and use pot is likely
>>to experiment and use herion/cocain etc.
>Whaddya think, Folks?
>c) both?

All of the above, anybody who pretends not to know how to spell
cocaine is evidently trying to troll with a whirling set of treble
hooks and way too much stinkbait!

GG(Izaak Walton) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: austin.general,misc.activism.cannabis,alt.drugs,alt.drugs.pot,,,rec.drugs.misc,
Subject: Re: Why is pot illegal, anyway?
References: <4of8sh$6u0@Grouper.Exis.Net> <4og3kc$> <4ojol9$> <4ojuon$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4ojuon$>, (Lou Duchez) says:
>TarlaStar ( wrote:
>: (del) wrote:
>: >: I've had my house broken into too by cocaine users. Is there any validity
>: >: to the theory that pot use leads to stronger drugs? I've seen that happen
>: >: before but I'm not sure how true it is in general.
>: >People who use pot are proven to be a huge ammount more likely to use
>: >stronger/different drugs later in life, although I believe that is because
>: >the same kind of person who is willing to experiment and use pot is likely
>: >to experiment and use herion/cocain etc.
>: Whaddya think, Folks?
>: a)TROLL?
>: b)idiot?
>: c) both?
>Actually, I go for d): it sounds pretty logical to me. He's not saying
>that pot LEADS to harder stuff, only that the kind of person who doesn't
>care to experiment with pot probably won't want to try anything harder
>Let's break down the population:
>1 - never used pot, never used harder stuff
>2 - used pot, never used harder stuff
>3 - never used pot, used harder stuff
>4 - used pot, used harder stuff
>I can see how a person could be like type 1, 2, or 4. But a person
>having a pathological aversion to pot but not to harder stuff? Sorry, I
>just don't see it.

Actually I knew a couple of junkies back in the seventies who would
NEVER smoke pot and thought acid was EVILLY MIND DAMAGING. Same guys
who would think nothing of cooking up something they weren't even sure
about and banging, now serving time for murder used to pull
blood out of one arm and fire it back into the other while he
was waiting for a score.
I also know of people who can't distinguish between getting
drunk on beer and getting high on cannabis, to them they're just
getting fucked up. Down in Bolivia the people I knew used cocaine
only to aid them in staying up late and drinking more whisky...they
just couldn't undertand why foreigners wanted to lock themselves in
their hotel rooms and honk cocaine for days and nights on end.
I suspect that it's different strokes for different folks. I tried
alcohol first, then cannabis, then LSD, Psilocibin, Mescaline and a
large gamut of pharmaceuticals of all kinds and even Heroin.
I quickly found out that there were certain drugs I did not like,
downers for instance and Smack. As well as certain types of drugs
I did like, cannabis and psychedelics as well as alcohol. The ones I do
like I still use, the ones I tried and disliked I never use.
I guess what I'm saying is, people who are willing to experiment and try
one illegal, mind altering substance would more than likely try others,
but this doesn't in any way prove a relationship between cannabis
as a 'gateway' drug and more toxic substances. Pot smokers who are
generally people who smoked pot and really got into it and the changed
mental activity it produces, seem, in my everyday experience, to be
normal, working schmucks, battling the CON and trying to keep their
mental perspective. As I mentioned earlier, I think that the main reason
that pot is illegal, along with other drugs, is because it provides the
state with a demonicized enemy that can be used the stengthen lateral
government control and systematically, in the courts processing these
drug 'crimes', undermining the constitution and eroding our personal
and civil liberties. Not only that but it is also used for corporate
control and intimidation of workers.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno,alt.slack
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

The usually ubiquitous Ivan Stang has not been seen for some
time now and rumor has it that, seriously debilitated from
spending so much hard time on his knees trying for that movie
contract, Stang is spending some time at the Puzzling Evidence
Health Spa in Carmel trying to get his strength together for
We contacted the Sacred Scribe by etherphone and that he was
not in the best of health was evidenced by the fact that his usually
manly preacher's baritone was a mere croaking honk!!
The Stangster painfully recounted his merciless treatment
at the hands of the MEDIA BARONS. "I mean, I've had to kiss a little
ass and give a blowjob now and then," he said, "but that's not ALL
those people expect from new talent!"
Quizzed further by your reporter Senor Ivan refused to go into
details about his sordid treatment but added that it was worse than
anything that had happened to him during the arcane ceremonies he had
participated in at DobbsTown and GreeneHelle.
"I'm a wreck and there's so much to do and they were SO mean
and nasty to me," he fairly sobbed. "I feel really abused!"
He went on to say that it was all in Jesus' hands for now
and he was attempting to recover enough to participate fully in ALL
upcoming Church Activity.
As part of his therapy he was watching Puzzling Evidence's
conspiracy video archives interspersed with the high points of "Blow Job

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.friends.sterno,alt.slack,alt.gothic,alt.september
Subject: Re: My evil twin September
References: <4o44rn$bde@decaxp.HARVARD.EDU> <4oai9r$> <4oisor$qmi@decaxp.HARVARD.EDU>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4oisor$qmi@decaxp.HARVARD.EDU>, (John Blackmer) says:
>Leonora ( wrote:
>: But evil twins are more fun than their good counterparts....
>I agree. But by "evil" I meant snotty, boring, pretentious, smarmy,
>jargon-spouting, conformist, soulless. What most people call "good".
> -QPM

Oh, like a lot of those people on alt.slack you mean?

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Rev. Nickie kicked my sorry ass!
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (cuthulu) says:
>I'm just now rested and healed enough to post this story. I have to do
>this standing up for reasons that will become plain, and I still fill
>weak, queasy, abused and humiliated.
>I had absolutely no intention of placing Rev. Nickie's pages back online
>at, but you may notice they are back at
> as if nothing had ever happened.
>But something did happen.
>Last week, and I forget the exact day because of the trauma, Nickie and
>two unidentified strongmen showed up at my door. I live a short drive
>from Dallas, and the increased speed limit only makes it shorter.
>Before I could react the two men grabbed my arms and help me immobile.
>Nickie flashed an evil grin at me, Dobbs light burning in her eyes, and
>she told them, "Bend him over."
>I don't know where she got the 20,000-volt big red electric straps, but
>pain shot through my whole being as she administered blow after blow to
>my bare bottom, drawing, it felt, huge chunks of flesh with every blow.
>All the while she taunted me, "TAKE MY PAGES DOWN, EH? NO ONE MESSES
>After some time of this, I passed out.
>When I came two, I was lying on the floor. The two guys were sitting on
>my couch drinking my beer and eating my chips. Nickie sat in my favorite
>chair, the straps resting folding on her lap, a tequila bottle by her
>side and a sneer on her mouth.
>"Are you ready to cooperate?" she asked.
>What choice did I have? So her pages are back.
>After they left, I managed to crawl to the bathroom, where I checked my
>ass in the mirror. Remarkably, not a welt or bruise showed from the
>savaging I took at her hands. Yet the memory alone of the pain she
>inflicted .....
>She may do the spankings as a so-called "ritual" in the Church, but I
>can attest that when she gets serious with it, you DON'T want to be the
>Enough for now, must rest.
>Still trembling,

And now you know how Stang felt after he came down from Dallas
to set me and Sterno and Sphinx straight!

From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Re: Hi, I'm looking for a few good men and women for a new national dateline. Meet men or women in your area code via voicemail. It is a safe, easy,
References: <4olvc3$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4olvc3$>, S <C> says:
>Hi, I'm looking for a few good men and women for a new national dateline.
>Meet men or women in your area code via voicemail. It is a safe, easy, fun
>way for adults to meet in any state or city. Browse voicemail or set up
>your own voicemail message for a guy or girl to call you in your town.
>Find people by category-men, women, straight, gay, and swinging couples.
>call 1-900-945-4400 ext 2514 to meet someone today. Have fun, and good
>luck finding that special person for you.
You obviously misposted this missive. Alt.friends.Sterno is not
in the least involved in any mere human activity such as dating, looting,
lying or cheating. This newsgroup is for the use of the friends
and associates of St. Erno Dachs (Americanized to 'Sternodox') a
renowned musician, artist and iconoclast. Unfortunately he was immolated
by a group of ignorant humans such as you who mistook him for
a well-known ax-murderer and child molester and burned him alive in his
Airstream trailer in Bald Knob, Arkansas. He was a truly enlightened
Yetsiny, a great Bhodissattva and unfortunately we shall never see
his like again. So we gather here to remember him, to praise his name
and mull over his powerfully illuminating utterances.

GGG & Associates (Global)
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Re: Chupacabra
References: <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (John D. Klaers) says:
> I just saw the Hard Copy edition where they talked about this alledged
>beast. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible people can be.
> This is obviously a elaborate hoax though some sick individual is
>destroying innocent animals. Has anyone else heard anything about
>Chupacabra? Anyone here from Texas?

Haven't heard a word, last unknown beast we heard of close to the Border
was the so-called 'BigBird" series of sightings...chupacabra
is goat sucker which in latin is caprimulgus which is the scientific
name for the night jar if memory serves me. These folk myth animals crop
up all over the third Bolivia there were these supposed
vampire-monkeys called the "Niru-Niru" and in the Amazonas region of
Brazil several years ago there was a series of sightings of UFO
related vampire animals/demons know as the 'chupa-chupa' (suck-suck)
I have my suspicions that these 'reports' are reworked, refabrications of
older reports that were in the files.
I personally think it was the first invasion of the Green Energy
Demons from the 5th Dimension, or probably Janor did it!


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: "Legend of a Mind"
References: <4omu52$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4omu52$>, (TarlaStar) says:
>You know the lyrics. Well, I guess they're finally accurate.
>Give 'em hell, Tim!
>Reverend Mutha Tarla, Little Sisters of the Perpetually Juicy,
>A Proud Jism Schism of the Church of the SubGenius, Worshipping
>"Connie" Dobbs and Juicy Retardo since 1986

What if he really IS on the outside, looking in??

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <> <4op015$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4op015$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:

>Get a life. Do you honestly think that anyone really cares what you
>wackos call yourselves. Get real. If you creeps would stay over at your
>sicko Alt.Slack page you could call yourselves Little Bo Peeps for all I
>care. Most people just laugh at you and view you as disturbed nutbirds.

Hey, aren't you the same guy who posts this sort of shit on I mean the style is soooooo familiar!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Flam: Rho-Ab-Surd
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Peter Hipwell) says:

>"In the domain of mathematical assertions the property of absurdity,
>just as the property of truth, is a UNIVERSALLY ADDITIVE PROPERTY,
>that is to say, if it holds for each element [alpha] of a series of
>assertions, it also holds for the assertion which is the union of the
>non-contradictority does possess the weaker property of FINITE
>ADDITIVITY, that is to say, if the assertions [rho] and [sigma] are
>non-contradictory, the assertion [pi] which is the union of [rho] and
>[sigma], is also non-contradictory. For, let us start for a moment
>with the supposition [omega] that [pi] is contradictory. Then the
>truth of [rho] would entail the contradictority of [sigma], which
>would clash with the data, so that the truth of [rho] is absurd,
>i.e. [rho] is absurd. This consequence of the supposition [omega]
>clashing with the data, the supposition [omega] is contradictory,
>i.e. [pi] is non-contradictory.
>Application of this theorem to the special non-contradictory
>assertions that are the enunciations of the principle of the excluded
>third for a single assertion, establishes the above-mentioned
>non-contradictority of the simultaneous enunciation of this principle
>for a finite number of assertions.
>Within some species of mathematical entities the absurdities of two
>non-equivalent assertions may be equivalent. ..."
>L.E.J. Brouwer: "Consciousness, philosophy and mathematics" [10th
>International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, 1948]

Aw really now? And who, I repeat WHO gives a flyin' fuck??

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.movies.production
Subject: New Website for Sculptor/animator
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


Announcing a CARVING SPECIFIC WEBSITE, with documentary films of Italian
carving studios...explanation of studio techniques in Italian with an English translator
(soon with subtitles)..Portraiture in Marble from Photographs..Creating maquettes
from photographic information..two dimensional and three dimensional comparative
analysis....stop-action carving sequences...marble removal techniques..Power tool/Hand tool
carving...Free downloads at
Page also features sound track compositions by Marvin King and several pieces of
cel animation, works-in-progress, CD's of film music, songs by E.J. Flato and other
Cen-Tex Balladeers!

I REALLY NEED HELP WITH MY FILMS...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Music/Animation Website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


Announcing a CARVING SPECIFIC WEBSITE, with documentary films of Italian
carving studios...explanation of studio techniques in Italian with an English translator
(soon with subtitles)..Portraiture in Marble from Photographs..Creating maquettes
from photographic information..two dimensional and three dimensional comparative
analysis....stop-action carving sequences...marble removal techniques..Power tool/Hand tool
carving...Free downloads at
Page also features sound track compositions by Marvin King and several pieces of
cel animation, works-in-progress, CD's of film music, songs by E.J. Flato and other
Cen-Tex Balladeers! Seven CD's of TEXAS Cyber-folk-punk-cowboy music in the
spirit of Homer and Jethro by Mavin King and other Austin Musicians..Pop-culture
boogie-woogie for the masses, cos this fool ain't never had th' blues!!

I REALLY NEED HELP WITH MY FILMS...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.marketplace
Subject: Carving Website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


documentary films of Italian carving studios...explana-
tion of studio techniques in Italian with an English
translator (soon with subtitles)..Portraiture in Marble
from Photographs..Creating maquettes from photographic
information..two dimensional and three dimensional
comparative analysis....stop-action carving sequences.
marble removal techniques..Power tool/Hand tool carving.
..Free downloads at
E-Mail: for Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: rec.crafts.misc
Subject: Carving Specific Website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


documentary films of Italian carving studios...explana-
tion of studio techniques in Italian with an English
translator (soon with subtitles)..Portraiture in Marble
from Photographs..Creating maquettes from photographic
information..two dimensional and three dimensional
comparative analysis....stop-action carving sequences.
marble removal techniques..Power tool/Hand tool carving.
..Free downloads at
E-Mail: for Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Carving?Music Website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


Announcing a CARVING SPECIFIC WEBSITE, with documentary films of Italian
carving studios...explanation of studio techniques in Italian with an English translator
(soon with subtitles)..Portraiture in Marble from Photographs..Creating maquettes
from photographic information..two dimensional and three dimensional comparative
analysis....stop-action carving sequences...marble removal techniques..Power tool/Hand tool
carving...Free downloads at
Page also features sound track compositions by Marvin King and several pieces of
cel animation, works-in-progress, CD's of film music, songs by E.J. Flato and other
Cen-Tex Balladeers! Seven CD's of TEXAS Cyber-folk-punk-cowboy music in the
spirit of Homer and Jethro by Mavin King and other Austin Musicians..Pop-culture
boogie-woogie for the masses, cos this fool ain't never had th' blues!!

I REALLY NEED HELP WITH MY FILMS...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: New Composer website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


.Free downloads at
Page features sound track compositions by Marvin King and several
pieces of cel animation, works-in-progress, CD's of film music, songs by
E.J. Flato and otherCen-Tex Balladeers! Seven CD's of TEXAS
Cyber-folk-punk-cowboy music in the spirit of Homer and Jethro by
Marvin King and other Austin Musicians..Pop-culture
boogie-woogie for the masses, cos this fool ain't never had th' blues!!

...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Music Maker has New Website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


.Free downloads at
Page features sound track compositions by Marvin King and several
CD's of film music, songs by E.J. Flato and other
Cen-Tex Balladeers! Seven CD's of TEXAS Cyber-folk-punk-cowboy music in the
spirit of Homer and Jethro by Mavin King and other Austin Musicians..Pop-culture
boogie-woogie for the masses, cos this fool ain't never had th' blues!!

...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: New Music website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


Free downloads at
Page features sound track compositions by Marvin King and several
CD's of film music, songs by E.J. Flato and other
Cen-Tex Balladeers! Seven CD's of TEXAS Cyber-folk-punk-cowboy music in the
spirit of Homer and Jethro by Mavin King and other Austin Musicians..Pop-culture
boogie-woogie for the masses, cos this fool ain't never had th' blues!!

...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: New Carving Videos
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


Announcing a CARVING SPECIFIC WEBSITE, with documentary video of Italian
carving studios...explanation of studio techniques in Italian with an
English translator (soon with subtitles)..Portraiture in Marble from
Photographs..Creating maquettes from photographic information..
two dimensional and three dimensional comparative analysis....stop-action
carving sequences...marble removal techniques..Power tool/Hand tool
carving...Free downloads at
Page also features sound track compositions by Marvin King and
several pieces of cel animation, works-in-progress, CD's of film music,
songs by E.J. Flato and other Cen-Tex Balladeers!

I REALLY NEED HELP WITH MY FILMS...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: New Website
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6


Announcing a CARVING SPECIFIC WEBSITE, with documentary films of Italian
carving studios...explanation of studio techniques in Italian with an English translator
(soon with subtitles)..Portraiture in Marble from Photographs..Creating maquettes
from photographic information..two dimensional and three dimensional comparative
analysis....stop-action carving sequences...marble removal techniques..Power tool/Hand tool
carving...Free downloads at
Page also features sound track compositions by Marvin King and several pieces of
cel animation, works-in-progress, CD's of film music, songs by E.J. Flato and other
Cen-Tex Balladeers!

I REALLY NEED HELP WITH MY FILMS...any criticism or ideas you may
have will be greatly appreciated...I respond with Art.

E-Mail: for Marvin King.

Thanx: Marvin King
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Re: Chupacabra
References: <> <> <4oq08n$> <4ot0l1$oeg@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> <4otjuu$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4otjuu$>, (Trinlay Khadro) says:
>William Barwell (wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM) wrote:
>: "Big Bird" was last reported 15 years ago. Not a feather has been
>: reported since that I know of. Probably an egret, which can be sizable.
>: exaggerated in the retelling.
>Maybe not intentionally exaggerated....
> something to be said about what happens to ones perceptions
>when startled.
>Many,Many years ago, startled at wee hours by a bug in the dorm sink,
>I recall percieving the thing as a foot long and having a Million legs.
> I think I musta run 20 feet before I came to my senses and felt
>very silly.
> when I went back it was gone. probably to a nest in the drain pipe
>telling it's roomates, "I swear! it was 20 feet tall!"

I agree I was up late one night reading when I lived in Bolivia and
I looked up to see a fer-de-lance merrily wriggling across my living
floor. I leaped up and ran and grabbed a handy snake-stick and beat the
bastard to death.
I swear it was about three feet long while I was killing it, but after
my adrenalin drained away I saw it was only about ten inches long.

From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Re: Chupacabra
References: <> <> <4ot02e$nul@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4ot02e$nul@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>, wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.
COM (William Barwell) says:
Entire books could be written
>cataloguing the bizarre claims made throughout the world about such
>Pope Charles
>SubGenius Pope Of Houston

As a matter of fact the Fortean Times
is doing just that and Francis Hitching has written a couple
of good books about such critters. I personally find the chupacabra
ludicrous whereas I am not so sure about the Surrey Puma!!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack.goathead,alt.slack
Subject: Re: St Timothy's passing
References: <> <4ooq8a$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4ooq8a$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>On 05-31-96, wrote:
> > Timothy Leary died in his sleep last night.
>A lifetime WELL DONE.
> > Glad he's not in pain anymore, but not happy that he won't be joining
> > us on the X-ist ships come 7/5/1998.
>I dunno. I'll have him with me.....
> * 2qwk! 2.0 * MMM-MM! So THIS is BIO-NEBULATION!
>Doktor DynaSoar Iridium -- -- Punctuator of Evolution

Hey Dynasoar, you said I could ride with Tiny Doctor Tim if
I got R.A.W. to go with you!

Fight fair dammit!!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
References: <4p07ho$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Modemac) says:

>Tell me, how many of YOU would be more willing to get Windows 95 if you
>saw a commercial showing Bill Gates being blown up?

Actually I would rather see him tied down on a white tile slab
and subjected to a slooooow, painful, piece by piece vivisection..ala
the death of a thousand cuts, only this time the victim is hooked into
every life support vehicle imaginable and he remains conscious and fully
aware of what is happening to him the entire time. Lotsa close ups of Billie
boy's face as he's slowly whittled down to just a brain and a lot of
nerves...Don't get me wrong I have nothing personal against the guy, just
a thought!!! I mean, what with all the hate the man seems to inspire,
surely sinply blowing the man up is too quick and easy a demise.
Or how about we get a big, I mean BIG french fry cooker and
suspend Bill ovder the sizzling fat and slowly, inch by inch lower
his pink little body into it...or then again we could.....

{break for more caffeine}


> Reverend Modemac (
> First Online Church of "Bob" "There is no black and white."
> PGP Key Fingerprint: 47 90 41 70 B4 5B 06 90 7B 38 4E 11 8A ED 80 DF
> URL:
> (FINGER for a FREE SubGenius Pamphlet!)

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Hypocrites-
References: <4ofrov$> <> <> <Ds6MCs.DyA@cog <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Michael Townsend) says:(in praise of
a lovely post from Angle Land)

>At last, someone around here is willing to admit the truth. It's about
>fucking time! How the hell are you truly going to "fight the CON" when
>you're unwilling to admit the goddamn truth even once??
>Why the Church of the SubGenius was built upon a solid foundation of
>Hypocrisy! If you ask me, there's far to many pussy-pinks who CALL
>themselves "subgenius" but can't even face the truth of what they truly
>->"I don't practice what I preach, because...???"


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <> <4op015$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4op015$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (Pee Kitty) wrote:
>>When a person is a reverend in a religious organization, it is common for
>>them to put "Reverend" or "Rev." before their name, neh? Just like when a
>>person has a PhD, it is common for them to put "Doctor" or "Dr." before
>>their name, right? You follow me so far?
>>Follow the bouncing meme:
>>(A) I am an officially ordained reverend in the Church of the SubGenius.
>>(B) Reverends often put "Reverend" before their name.
>>(C) .`. I put "Reverend" before my name.
>Get a life. Do you honestly think that anyone really cares what you
>wackos call yourselves. Get real. If you creeps would stay over at your
>sicko Alt.Slack page you could call yourselves Little Bo Peeps for all I
>care. Most people just laugh at you and view you as disturbed nutbirds.

I think you just have to be putting us all on, first of all
you can't be as stupid as you sound, and secondly if you are you
wouldn't be able to scratch your ass with a fistful of treble
fish hooks. The thing is Mister Odell, we could collectively care
less about your opinion about anything. Assuming that you are not
trolling, your lack of perspicacity, humor and intelligent reasoning
mark you as someone who must lead a dreadfully empty and shallow life.
You should confine your postings to places where other losers in the
great genetic lottery such as yourself hang out.

Your friend,
GG Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Selling out
References: <4opedi$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Michael Townsend) says:

>Now if you really want to talk about sell-outs, wait 'til you see the new
>slew of SubGenius products Stang has been going to all these blowjob
>meetings over! I'm sure we'll all get first crack at 'em - before the
>Christmas rush.
Heeeey, those are marketing contract assessment conferences Dad,
don't call 'em 'Blow Job Meetings' it rankles the Stangster!!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.animals.badgers,za.flame,alt.alien.visitors,alt.slack,alt.society.neutopia,
Subject: Re: Nine Lives of the Badger
References: <4p29j0$> <4p2u11$> <4p430u$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4p430u$>, (Grantland) says:
> (NENSLO) wrote:
>>Grantland ( wrote:
>>: (written when in distress)
>>: The badger is a hardy beast
>>: Most difficult to kill
>>: He's tough and strong and very brave
>>: And has an iron will.
>> I wiped my ass with a badger once, but it didn't put up enough of
>>a fight to make it worthwhile. You must get a different kind of badger
>>there. These miserable little things we got you can hardly use for
>>crab-bait. Not if you want to get a crab.
> I find this posting to be a trifle banal.
> Grantland

Really, I think anal is closer to the mark!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack.goathead,alt.slack
Subject: Re: St Timothy's passing
References: <> <4ooq8a$> <4ovpvg$> <4p32mc$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4p32mc$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>>A lifetime WELL DONE.
>> > Glad he's not in pain anymore, but not happy that he won't be joining
>> > us on the X-ist ships come 7/5/1998.
>>I dunno. I'll have him with me.....
> > Hey Dynasoar, you said I could ride with Tiny Doctor Tim if
> > I got R.A.W. to go with you!
> > Fight fair dammit!!
> > GGG
>Fair? RAW ain't DEAD, man. Can't carry them all in your head if they ain't
>Take him out, and we'll talk deals.
> * 2qwk! 2.0 * Under repair. Normal service shall resume tomorrow.
DEAL! Watch the Obituary column!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.pave-the-church
Subject: Re: Flam: Rho-Ab-Surd
References: <> <4ot6mu$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Eric the Fruitbat) says:
>> Aw really now? And who, I repeat WHO gives a flyin' fuck??
> Oh, okay, so now we're trying to decide who's ON-TOPIC now, huh? Well,
>listen to me, bucko, Mr. Hipwell's assertions regarding fuck-sub-f are
>QUITE tenable, and he makes a very convincing argument that I would be
>HONORED to publish if I had a journal to publish it in and if it were
>respectable enough that "honor" had some sort of meaning aside from as a
>snide remark, which begs a sort of Marxian (and you know which one)
>dialectic between acceptance by an institution and the implied
>unworthiness thereof. So go crawl off on however many DICKS you still
>have and chew on your own testicle.
>My bad. Will fix.

Not at all you cretinous little offal-sucker, I was just
wondering who gave a flying fuck.evidently you do!
That's all I wanted to know shitheel!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.tasteless,,,alt.religion.kibology,alt.bigfoot,alt.syntax.tactical,alt.flame,alt.butt.harp,
Subject: Re: Darwin Awards
References: <4nr71q$> <4ntofs$> <4o3hob$> <4o5srf$> <4p2mak$dfn@news.kwom <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, IRS Agent <> says:
>IRS Agent wrote:
>> Get a life Yalie!
>> On Haavaad students use big words and perfect
>> grammar. Why should small words suffice?
>> (Peter Bell) wrote:
>> >In article <4o3hob$> (m w grossmann) writes:
>You all know about the Darwin Awards - it's the annual honor given to the
>person who did the gene pool the biggest service by killing themselves in
>the most extraordinarily stupid way. Last years' winner was the fellow
>who was killed by a Coke machine which toppled over on top of him as he
>was attempting to tip a free soda out of it.
>And this year's nominee is:
>The Arizona Highway Patrol came upon a pile of smoldering metal embedded
>into the side of a cliff rising above the road at the apex of a curve.
>the wreckage resembled the site of an airplane crash, but it was a car.
>the type of car was unidentifiable at the scene. The lab finally figured
>out what is was and what had happened.
>It seems that a guy had somehow gotten hold of a JATO unit (Jet Assisted
>Take Off - actually a solid fuel rocket) that is used to give heavy
>military transport planes an extra 'push' for taking off from short
>airfields. He had driven his Chevy Impala out into the desert and found
>a long, straight stretch of road. Then he attached the JATO unit to his
>car, jumped in, got up some speed and fired off the JATO!
>The facts, as best could be determined, are that the operator of the 1967
>Impala hit JATO ignition at a distance of approximately 3.0 miles from
>the crash site. This was established by the prominent scorched and
>melted asphalt at that location. The JATO, if operating properly, would
>have reached maximum thrust within five seconds, causing the Chevy to
>reach speeds well in excess of 350 MPH, continuing at full power for an
>additional 20-25 seconds. The driver, soon to be pilot, most likely
>would have experienced G-forces usually reserved for dog-fighting F-14
>jocks under full afterburners, basically causing him to become
>insignificant for the remainder of the event. However, the automobile
>remained on the straight highway for about 2.5 miles (15-20 seconds)
>before the driver applied and completely melted the brakes, blowing the
>tires and leaving thick rubber marks on the road surface, then becoming
>airborne for additional 1.4 miles and impacting the cliff face at a
>height of 125 feet, leaving a blackened crater 3 feet deep in the rock.
>Most of the driver's remains were not recoverable; however, small
>fragments of bone, teeth and hair were extracted from the crater, and
>fingernail and bone shards were removed from a piece of debris believed
>to be a portion of the steering wheel.

Hot damn, this is one of the most entertaining pieces of
information I have come across lately, if true this guy was either
really more daring and stupid than smart, of maybe he just wanted
to go out in a flashier style than Kurt Cobain. Anyway, the
description was so vivid ir reminded me of the time the air force
tried to get a fully loaded six-by out of some very deep mud in Greenland by
attaching jato bottles (four). The truck came out alright, but as the
jato units were pointed downwards a little toomuch the whole damned thing
boosted up into the air about fifty feet or so and then crashed, but
amazingly enough the driver survived as the massive truck merely dropped
back down onto to its tires when the jato units burned out!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack.goathead,alt.slack
Subject: Re: St Timothy's passing
References: <> <4ooq8a$> <4ovpvg$> <4p5hcs$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4p5hcs$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>On 06-05-96, wrote:
> > In article <4p32mc$>, (Dennis
> > McClain-F urmanski) says:
>> > Hey Dynasoar, you said I could ride with Tiny Doctor Tim if
>> > I got R.A.W. to go with you!
>> > Fight fair dammit!!
>> > GGG
>>Fair? RAW ain't DEAD, man. Can't carry them all in your head if they ain't
>>Take him out, and we'll talk deals.
> > DEAL! Watch the Obituary column!
>I know your track record. I trust it.
>My main problem in the full-person transfer of Dr. Tim is, there's no meme
>tight bag that can hold him. He slips out between the quantum states.
>How we gonna do this? You got a Bobbie at the compound that can hold all
>of this without having a meltdown?
> * 2qwk! 2.0 * Do I believe in the Bible? Hell yes, I've SEEN one!
Nah, Bobbies wear out too quickly under such a load I think
we're going to use the old Psi/Phy Neurological accumulator with
a MWOWM Drive and boosted Ego-Drift Regulator. I think we'll have
to insulate it pretty thoroughly though to prevent alternate eigenstats
from creeping in. I mean we want to make sure that it's OUR Dr Tim
that decanted, not some lesser, alternate universe version. Look what
happened with Elvis, now there are versions of the King popping up
everywhere..we can't have that happening all over again.
The main thing that troubles me is Tiny Dr Tim's propensity
for practical jokes, he could manifest himself as a demon or worse
NENSLO!! Maybe if we pack a lot more quantum foam around the oscillators
it would prevent this sort of mirth-provoking blowback!
Oh well, back to the fuckin' drawing boards...By the way RAW is feeling
quite 'poorly'!!


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack
Subject: Re: Bob vs. Bill
References: <4oe0gn$> <> <4p5l2u$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

>you know, oddly, that might be a good idea. i think the best way we
>could decide who was the best man for the job is to sit bill and bob
>down with a quart each of heaven hill vodka and make them drink it and
>the one who holds his licker best can be the next president!

Yeah but it would be better if they just arm-wrestled!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.activism,alt.atheism,alt.chess.ics,,alt.cyberspace,alt.discordia,,,
Subject: Re: Everybody Fuck Otto J. Makela
References: <4n5tfh$> <4ne30v$> <> <4nit2r$> < <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, Ace <> says:

>Fuck you narcs! What is wrong with a little stupidity? Why did you
>bother readding a post like 'Everybody Fuck Otto J. Makel' if you wanted
>to read something intelligent? Why don't you notify my ISP because I'm
>about to say FUCK about a hundred times. Go suck yourselves before you
>turn into the internet gestapo you cocknoses.

Dear Braindead Mike/ace..there is NOTHING wrong with a LITTLE
stupidity, but what you exhibit is world-class MEGASTUPIDITY.."look
se me I'm gonna say a bad word over and over again!" is not a demon-
stration of stupidity it's a demonstration of a lack of originality and
creative thinking. And taking up bandwidth to make a non-point qualifies
as creeping assholism rather than stupidity.
As far as notifying your ISP goes, that's already been done. Now I
suggest you fina a nice empty newgroup that will accommodate your empty
fuckin' head and spew your non-communications there. As far as your
question above goes I might rephrase it so it reads. "Fuck you bonehead
if you didn't want to catch a whole ration of shit why did you crosspost
your inane, mindless DRIVEL to this newsgroup!"
Get the picture Bumboy, naaaah, I didn't think you would, wanker!

GG(Never suffer an idiot to live) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Subject: Re: Bogus Odell Steps Up To The Bars Of The Monkey Cage And Throws Shit Out At People
References: <4odmst$> <4og21v$> <4ooop3$> <> <4p5t82$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4p5t82$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:

>But I was right about the degenerative brain disease.
>Had he not been a president, and had he answered questions from a
>psychiatrist the same way he answered questions about the Iran/Contra
>stuff, he'd have been diagnosed 10 years earlier.

More like twenty years earlier!!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: My animal crackers fermented!
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (cuthulu) says:
>No shit, I hadn't eaten any in a while.
>Man what a wierd rush. PT! Here I am!
>cuthulu at
>"Talking funny and looking funny,
>talking 'bout nobody judge me,
>you make your own self look bad!"
>-- that would be Eno/Byrne

Actually I think it was a radio-evangelist that they sampled off a
religious FM station, same man who said:
He's so High you can't get over him,
He's so low you can't go under him.
You make your bed in Heaven He's there
You make your bed in Hell, He's there;
He's everywhere!

Kinda like he was talkin' about "Bob", no?
From: (gg gordon)
References: <4p3hsp$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4p3hsp$>, S <C> says:

Ah, but do they have plump-rumped Yeti gurlz on call???
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: SubG Sighting
References: <> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Pee Kitty) says:
>Yeah! And in Broken Arrow, Travolta says "Fuck 'em if they can't take a
>joke"!!!!! It's all related somehow!!!!!!

That was the Motto of the 27th Fighter Interceptor Squadron that
I was in during the sixties...(unofficial motto of course,
but the REAL one1)

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: SubG Sighting
References: <> <4pkmuq$> <> <4pri5o$iol@ionews.ione <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Michael Townsend) says:
>In article <4pri5o$>, (TarlaStar) wrote:
>->->Did I forget to mention all the dead female bodies I had to climb over
>->to get to Stang's door? Sure...he's a sex god, but his WIFE is a
>->deadly aim. If I hadn't sent a bundle of cash in advance, I'd have
>->never made it through the door.
>Wouldn't you love it if Mrs. Stang would post reports to alt.slack every
>once in a while? Then we'd get some perspective, huh?

Miz Stang never posts because she KNOWS all S-G's are DUMBASSES and
she has NO time for Tomfoolery.
GG(This is TRUE) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: SubG Sighting
References: <> <4pkmuq$> <> <4pri5o$iol@ionews.ione <4pvr5l$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4pvr5l$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>On 06-15-96, wrote:
> > In article <4pri5o$>, (TarlaStar)
> > wrote:
>->->Did I forget to mention all the dead female bodies I had to climb over
>->to get to Stang's door? Sure...he's a sex god, but his WIFE is a
>->deadly aim. If I hadn't sent a bundle of cash in advance, I'd have
>->never made it through the door.
> > Wouldn't you love it if Mrs. Stang would post reports to alt.slack
> > every once in a while? Then we'd get some perspective, huh?
>She's never once had anything to do with any other church activity, has
>she? That'd be a first. She must keep busy with shopping and stuff. I
>imagine it's hard to find sales for ammo for the compound gun

Shopping? Shopping? Miz Stang works her cute ass off to support
that lazy, slovenly, weirdo, frop-sucking oaf of a husband of hers. She's
a true heroine, a veritable saint and believe me Stangky will be the
first to admit that without Miz Stang's support the Church would have
folded a long long time ago!! Miz Stang has always been kicking ass
and taking names ever since I've known her so don't go thinking she's
the good little Stepford wife...she's tangled with some of the biggest
members of the Con and lived to see them serve as skin rugs on the Stang
Mansion floor!
Remember she is Somebody Else!!!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack
Subject: Re: Masturbation contests
References: <> <> <4pl731$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4pl731$>, Sphinx Drummond TWSR) says:
>>Aprilfish wrote:
>>Does anyone know of any good masturbation contests? Let me know, I'm
>>making an archive. The only one I know so far is: all the guys at the
>>party jack off on a cracker. Whoever comes last has to eat the
>The best masturbation contest I know of is the up-coming presidential
>election. The whole voting nation jacks off to the fantasy of the guy
>they hate the least.
>Col. Sphinx Drummond TWSR

Oh, I thought that was called Democracy!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack
Subject: Re: Masturbation contests
References: <> <> <4pl731$> <mtownsend-1206960712310001@pool034.max12.bost <4pmcrn$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4pmcrn$>, dominguez) says:
>> (Michael Townsend) writes:
>>->In article Sphinx Drummond TWSR) wrote:
>>->The best masturbation contest I know of is the up-coming
>>->presidential election. The whole voting nation jacks off to the
>>->fantasy of the guy they hate the least.
>>Clever Colonel, but wouldn't you say the Usenet is an even bigger
>>masturbation contest? We got the whole world participating in this
>Definately! And Lou is the front runner.
>Col. Sphinx Drummond TWSR

Hey, since Dynasoar is Prez maybe he can make
Lou Minister of Masturbation and we can all adress him as "Your

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4pqt0d$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4pqt0d$>, "Thomas K. Odell" <> says:
> (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) wrote:
>>On 06-12-96, wrote:

>Not likely, I'm ssssooooooo bored with you Slackers.

Might I suggest a remedy for someone struck with such a vast
ennui as the barrel in your mouth, take a deep breath, let
part of it out and then gently squeeze the trigger!

GG Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4ptat3$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4ptat3$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:

>He has a very small self-concept. You can tell from the way he tries so
>hard to put people down by making fun of their names. It's a sign of
>overcompensation for deep seated insecurity.

Oh, I got it all wrong, I thought it was because he was a stupid,
poorly educated, dumbass Republican's all an insecurity
thing..probably because he was sexually molested by a banker while
being forced to watch Reagan campaign speeches and listening to Paul
Harvey! I shoudl have known, he's really just another poor victim....
nah, I'm sorry I can't go for that. He's a pompous, asinine fool
with entirely too high an opinion of his own intellectual capabilities
and a hyperatrophied slack gland. Probably suffers from that big fish
in a little pond syndrome, you know the kind, a legend in his own mind!


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc,alt
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <> <> <4oovn9$em0@mtinsc01-mgt. <4ptou6$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4ptou6$>, (Rev. Gypsy Joker At The People's Republic of Frobnia) says:
>Sophia Anifantakis (angela@Exis.Net) wrote:
>: Thomas K. Odell ( wrote:
>: : Game, set, match? Right. You assume I care? You're more wacked out that
>: : I thought. As noted, I'm so bored with you Popes and Reverends and Crappy
>: : Kitties or Peeing Kitties or whatever other sociopath goofballs you are.
>: : Big time yawn..................
>: Then why do you keep answering?
>Oh, perhaps, just *per-fucking-haps* because he has *NO* life? Because the
>only way he can get anyone to cast a glance his way is to run screaming
>into a newsfroup say "You guys suck, nanny-nanny-boo-boo!". Despite how
>much he whines of how "bored" he is here, he'll just keep coming back
>again and again, rather like the Engergizer Bunny because this pathetic
>pink Odell is simply beneath the notice of even the most dreary. So let me
>assure you that we can look forward to Mr. Odell's presence for many moons
>to come.

Yeah, he's sort of the Herpes of alt.slack, keeps coming back
in an irritating fashion!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <4pldj7$ <4prju2$b2m@Grouper.Exis.Net> <4puabm$1mba@mule1.mi <4q08j7$adj@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q08j7$adj@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM>, wbarwell@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (William Barwell) says:
> (Kersnipp)

>It's .... kind of sad really.
>Thomas K. Odell. The human pinata.

Except a pinata is full of candy and goodies and we KNOW
what TK Odell is full of! That's the difference!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Gotta love those Repub Game fish
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

Jeex, after reading these postings by Odell, Milne and their ilk,
doncha luv 'em. I mean all you gotta do is cast out a hook and boy
do they snap at's more fun than trolling for tuna with a
big bare hook..they'll bite at the same thing over and over and
over again, you wonder if they're intelligent enough to know how
to reproduce these fat, game fish that wiggle complacently in the
information ocean, never dreaming that the hook in their lip is
there because they were stupid enough to bite!
You gotta admit it, it's almost as much fun as shooting rats
down at the county dump!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Top ten people least likely to sleep with me
References: <> <4pp9mf$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4pp9mf$>, Golightly) says:
>On Jun 12, 1996 23:55:34 in article <Re: Top ten people least likely to
>sleep with me>, 'QPM <>' wrote:
>>2) Audrey Hepburn
>Don't feel bad, she wouldn't sleep with me, either.

She probably would now if you dug her up!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Death
References: <> <4pmci5$> <4pp52d$a83@Grouper.Exis.Net>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4pp52d$a83@Grouper.Exis.Net>, angela@Exis.Net (Sophia Anifantakis) says:
>hector dominguez ( wrote:
>: > (cuthulu) writes:
>: >I saw another person die over this past weekend. That makes five total
>: >for me. All of them, I was present for the last breath. This one
>: >happened to be my mother-in-law.
>The part that I don't understand is how Christians can claim that God is
>looking out for them and for that matter all the people. From all the
>suffering in the world it's obvious that that's the farthest
>thing from the truth yet it's still believed.

Ah, but God works in MYSTERIOUS ways. remember??
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.gothic,alt.slack
Subject: Re: Masturbation contests
References: <> <> <4pn4rj$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4pn4rj$>, (Lou Duchez) says:
>Aprilfish (imber@xyz) wrote:
>: Not that I mind the joke particularly. I learned a couple of masturbation
>: contests from buddies of mine in the marines, but I won't give them up
>: until I know who this homefish is that has my name.
>: The Noted Composer Aprilfish
>[unauthentic stuff deleted]
>: Accept no substitutes. Wait for the real me.
>Praise "Bob", the Pstench on this one is right ... ladies and gentlemen,
>the REAL Aprilfish!

Does that mean we can REALLY masturbate now!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Movie Review: _The Phantom_
References: <> <4psao7$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4psao7$>, Matrix) says:
>On Jun 14, 1996 19:44:46 in article <Re: Movie Review: _The Phantom_>,
>' (MegEliz)' wrote:
>>Did your butt survive without falling
>>asleep? Am I the only one who has this problem in a bad movie?
>Try sitting on a pillow... It helps some, but not if it is REALLY bad--and
>I mean BAD--like "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey" BAD.
>"Some people sing love songs/Everybody's got one/This isn't my love
>song/It's more like my love gone wrong song..."
>"Close But No Cigar"
>_Astronauts and Heretics_
>Thomas Dolby

I agree, but the all-time Butkilling Movie has to be "Ghandi"
I was in traction for weeks after sitting through that one!

GG(Sstill twinges when the weather changes)Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: "Shut Up," he explained.
References: <4ppr4b$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4ppr4b$>, (NENSLO) says:
> I have recently come up with a New Religion which I think neatly
>fixes the flaws in all previous religions. It doesn't have a name, and it
>only has one commandment, which is "SHUT UP."
> That's basically it. Got a problem? Shut up. Life isn't fair?
>You're lonely, sad, broke, stupid? Just shut up.
> JUST SHUT UP. SHUT UP fixes everything.
> Any questions? You know the answer.

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Spum
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Sternodox) says:


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
References: <4q2213$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q2213$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>I rilly rilly rilly need to know:
>What glues vinyl REEEELY good -- like shower curtain vinyl. Has to be a
>waterPROOF, complete seal, and flexible.
>Anyone ever tried "Shoe Goop"?
>And how do you get the smell out really fast.
>NO I didn't bust something. I'm building a pyramid for the Drill.
>I'll bust something THERE.
>Doktor DynaSoar Iridium -- -- Punctuator of Evolution

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
References: <4q2213$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q2213$>, (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) says:
>I rilly rilly rilly need to know:
>What glues vinyl REEEELY good -- like shower curtain vinyl. Has to be a
>waterPROOF, complete seal, and flexible.
>Anyone ever tried "Shoe Goop"?
>And how do you get the smell out really fast.
>NO I didn't bust something. I'm building a pyramid for the Drill.
>I'll bust something THERE.

Hey Dennis, mister prez sir. The best stuff I know of is
that vinyl repair kit cement. Comes in the kit you buy at the hardware
stor for fixing vinyl kiddie pools etc. sets even under water, fixes
shower curtain mucho bueno and also even thin thin vinyl if judiciously
applied. Smell goes completely in about thirty hours I dunno how much of
the stuff y'need and those tubes aren't that big. Next best thing I've
found is a Du Pont product for cementing vinyls-- kinda stinky though...get 'em at a real hardware store..
Unca G

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.announce
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

Announcing a new Web site dedicated to CARVING SPECIFIC
documentary films, MUSIC and ANIMATION!!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: GGG's Flybitten Corpse Washes Ashore
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

Okay, in answer to a steadily diminishing number of requests
here's a rundown on the Honduras Visit.
First of all Honduras is both hotter and more humid than
any place I've visited except the Bolivian Beni and Brazilian Amazonas,
and second of all the limited regions I saw were absolutely beautiful.
We concentrated on the coast and bay islands this trip and found out
two important things. First of all the beaches on the Honduran mainland
and the waters are not particularly impressive. So many rivers drain
into the coast from the mountains that the waters are turbid and the
beaches littered with a lot of vegetation type trash washing ashore. Also
the lat couple of hurricanes virtually stripped the beaches of all trees
so there is little or no shade. Still, food was good, prices reasonable
and we had a nice time checking out the scenery between towns as we moved
along the coast. We found local beer quite good and consumed very large
amounts to regulate hydration.
So we hopped a SAHSA plane to Guanaja, one of the bay islands
and spent a couple of days in a cabin on a jungle hillside above a palm
fringed, white beach complete with water and coral like the brochures
(Incidentally, a local told us the initials of the airline stood
for Stay At Home, Stay Alive and after wobbling around in that antiquated
airplane I gotta admit I'd rather drop from a chopper into a fire zone
than ride those guys again.)
Food on Gunaja was limited as we were at a place that catered
primarily to divers and the meals were scheduled around the diving
schedule, but the place was amazing, complete with iguanas, giant hermit
crabs, parrots, macaws and more hummingbirds than tattoos at a
Lollapalooza show. I mean the little buggers were everywhere,
it was like being surrounded by thousands of little Ivan Stangs they
were moving so fast.
From here we moved on to Roatan, the largest and best of
the Bay Islands. Miles of wonderful beaches, coral reefs and jovial
islanders. Virtually deserted beaches, palm trees, bristling
with coconuts lining the sands and offering lots of shade. You
could snorkel right off the beach as the reef complex runs along
the entire west side of Roatan.
Well, we're back from the Honduran Epic Adventure, and must
say we're glad, had a great time, minumum "open Belly" (garifuna patois
for the shits) and saw and swam and snorkeled some of the most beautiful
waters, reefs, beaches that this old, jaded travelmonger has seen in
many a moon. Thick jungle, groves of coconut palms, thousands of
humming birds, mega orchids, sleepy, arboreal iguanas, crystalline azure
water, wonderful food, decent prices, happy smiling, fun loving Carib
islanders, a virual paradise, cheap land, easy residency, all that shit,
the ideal place right??
Yeah, except for one teenincy thing, known as the sancurro, or
no-see-um (technically a sand fly). A tiny, almost invisible little
bastard that bites like it's at least the size of a small pit-bull and
leaves the welt from HELL that NEVER HEALS, (especially if you or your
clothing is stupid enough to rub this bite even a teeny bit for about
twenty four hours). Now I have encountered these critters in the Bahamas
but never in the quantity that the Bay Islands serve up.
Yes dear friends, and not only does this pernicious little desanguinator
exist and persist on EVERY goddamned beautiful idyllic beach on the Bay
Islands of Honduras but it appears immune to ALL repellents. We tried
Off and they were On it, we tried Cutters and they lapped it up like a
pre-bite marinade of the meat they love, we tried the famous Skin-so-Soft,
they liked it a LOT because it made our skin so soft and tender.
We tried some New Age, Whole Earth, Eco-correct, Rain Forest Tested shit
That they thought was amusing and compared it to a light aperatif.
Some Aussie crapola we bought there was equally ineffective. Hell I was
desperate enough to try rubbing Russian Vodka on my body to repel them,
but they got even more agressive and belligerent.
Now, im all fairness I must admit that these miniscule draculas
only live where there is sand. Get a hundred feet off the beach in either
direction and you lose the little chupasangres..Oh well, that's fine,
except that's what you're there for, the BEACH.. Right? So what fucking
good is a beach that harbors life that can ex-sanguinate a standing ox in
an hour and a half I ask you? And these bites are still itching..I'm not
as bad off as Autumn, she looks like she has the pox fer crissakes.
And even a steady trade wind didn't disperse these bastards entirely.. I
am sure you could sit on those beaches in the midst of a good sized,
Beaufort Nine level gale and still get somewhat bitten by the tenacious
little buggers. Every day our total of bites rose, the old one itching
as badly as the new ones.
But despite this and the heat and the awesome humidity (which
helped keep the bites at a high itch level) we still had a dammyfine
time. So I guess it's cortisone cremes, aloe-vera and really loose
clothing fer a day or two more.
And to think, we ALMOST went to the region called
The Mosquito Coast...

Your pals,
Itchy & Scratchy

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: StangTest6/6-18-- Have You Seen Me?
References: <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Rev. Ivan Stang) says:
>I will keep trying.
>We've had server problems here in Dallas. The question is, HOW BAD IS IT,
> Once I know the spew's leaking through, I can let go the floodgates again.
> If you can see this on alt.slack, PLEASE email me to let
> me know you saw it.
>So far I have had no indication that anybody is seeing anything I post,
>except for two people in Dallas who have seen my tests on other servers.
But that's the way-uh-huh-uh-huh-I LIKE it!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: GGG's Flybitten Corpse Washes Ashore
References: <4q45hk$> <4q55vk$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q55vk$>, says:

>Yes, but did you get the Purple-Assed Toad Gonad Venom? We must have
>the neuro-toxins!

Anyone with the slightest grasp of geography knows that the
PAT from whence cometh the GV is NOT found in Honduras or Guatemala
but dwells exclusively around the cenotes of the upper Yucatan region.
We did however bring back our authorized limit of HFFBSAP!! MM-Good!


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: Don't miss Stang!
References: <4q788k$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q788k$>, (Papajoemom) says:
>Hey cool Cats & Kittens, it's your last chance to catch the great Stang on
>the Official Subgenius Hotline. The rant is called "Consider the Pink",
>and it's a MUST for all who claim to be subgenies. Rants only last about a
>month, the that ol' Stang's time is a ticking... Call it now before his
>words of wisdom evaporate into the ether. The number is 1-900-990-5085
>ext. 324.



GG(surely you jest???) Gordon
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish,soc.culture.african.american,soc.culture.african,misc.survivalism,alt.slack,alt.skinheads,alt.politics.white-power,alt.guin
Subject: Re: Blacks burning their own churches to help the slickster get re-elected!!
References: <> <Pine.ULT.3.91.960412141434.26070B-100000@birch> <4pi3la$> <4pjor7$> <DsuG <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, "Dr. Timothy Bleary" <> says:
>evil Beavis wrote:
>> fh wrote:
>> >
>> > In <> "Dr. Timothy Bleary"
>> > <> writes:
>> > >

>Give me a break. The notion that blacks are burning down their own churches
>is the stupidest, most brain-dead theory I have ever heard. What kind of
>cretin would hatch such an idea?

Maybe Thomas K. Odell?????

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: za.flame,alt.slack,alt.society.neutopia
Subject: Re: Plain Girl
References: <4q7bt3$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q7bt3$>, (Grantland) says:
> Plain Girl
> Breathless with the joy of life
> - "The Nature" she calls it
> Lying in the sun-streaked grass
> Wriggling, smiling
> Crookedly.
>In her hand a broken branch
>A few dead leaves,
>A single flower
> wilting
>Dowdy cotton dress, hair disheveled
>No tits to speak of
>Thin like a rake - good eyes
>A Jewish-Orthodox nose
>And attitude.
> Wants to learn - please teach me
>She says
>And then her rent -
> I'm doing just fine
> I'll be sleeping out tonight
> I'll get bye, don't worry you
>What to do?
> She's a phony, of course
>Gotta be.
You are not going to endear yourself to RevSister Nicky le Mortadela
carrying on like this you know Grantlando!!

Caution Lad.

Unky Slam
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: za.flame,alt.slack,alt.society.neutopia
Subject: Re: She drains my slacck
References: <4q7bt5$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q7bt5$>, (Grantland) says:
Lotta -al words and lotta -ion words and then finishes up with:
>And a tearing brake from solitude
>The focus blurs at last.

Hey, my car drains my slack too!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.religion.kibology,alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu,rec.arts.sf.written,rec.arts.startrek.misc
Subject: Re: Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov
References: <> <> <4pqn18$> <4ptjqv$> <lmerkel.834939162@BI <4q2g69$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q2g69$>, says:
>In <>, (lmerkel on BIX) writes:
>> (Ben Weiner) writes:
>> (John Laviolette) writes:
>>:>to be fair, I think we should compare "Battlefield: Earth" to some novels
>>:>Hubbard wrote BEFORE he died...
>> Joke aside, Hubbard's "Slan" and "The Lathe of Heaven" were
>> interesting variations on themes first done by Jules Verne.
>Joke aside? you must be kidding. Everyone knows that Hubbard,
>(like with his decology), might have put his name on these books,
>but he certainly didn't write either _Slan_ or _The Lathe of
>Heaven_. Unless you think he did it via psionic control or
>automatic writing. Besides all the ideas in Stf originated with Hugo
>Gernsback despite what latterday revisionists say about Verne, Wells,
>Twain, and Shelly. Not that Hubbard didn't use those pseudonyms, write all the
>Verne, Wells and Twain Stf books then send them back in time to be
>published. He did this as a public service to give Stf its current
>literary sheen. Geez, get your facts straight.
>>:The extraordinary badness of most of Asimov's attempts at writing
>>:love scenes (well, sex scenes, "love scenes" is being too nice) was
>>:also a tribute to Campbell, I believe. The fascistic politics he
>>:exhibited early on, as in "Starfleet Troopers," was also due to the
>>:influence of Campbell - you don't think a nice Jewish boy would
>>:have come up with all that by himself, do you?
>Well everyone knows that Campbell bounced _Starfleet_ and all
>Asimov's subsequent "Star Trek" scripts. Asimov was so dejected
>by Campbell's rejections that he didn't write Stf for a period of
>about ten to twelve years. Once he got over it, (err figured out
>that there were other markets not controlled by the Campbell cartel)
>he was able to come back with the multi-award winner _The Dune
>Ghods of Ringworm, Themselves_. And of course he saved his
>best porno for his work under the pseudonym of Phil Essex, so
>you wouldn't expect to waste good sex scenes on the Asimov name.
>>:His one decent
>>:book, "The Stranger in a Strange Land," is widely known to have
>>:actually been written by Philip K. Dick.
>> Hah! Asimov wrote "Stranger in a Strange Land"? That would be
>> fascinating news to the real author, Andre Norton, if she were
>> still alive. See ... a woman writes a book, and right away people
>> have to start finding the *man* who "really" wrote it. It pisses
>> me off ... in a humorous, non-aggressive way.
>But like Bergenholm, Andre Norton was energised and controlled
>by Mentor of Arisia in his (her?, their?) nefarious scheme to influence
>the history, morals and genetic makeup of Humanity.
>BTW, the proper title was _Naked Came the Stranger in a Strange Land_.
Sorry kiddoes, "It vass Nh**Gh** vot done it first!" There's
NO denying that factoid.
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.wired,misc.activism.cannabis,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.hemp,soc.culture.usenet,alt.drugs.pot,alt.slack
Subject: Re: NENSLO is Pink
References: <4p01ho$> <4p0f <4ps3er$> <4pscla$> <4q1e0g$> <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, DrJohnG <> says:
>On 16 Jun 1996, NENSLO wrote:
>> Christopher Carrell ( wrote:
>> : Don't forget that he has NO right to grant slack to grubbie. Slack , or
>> : the attainment thereof, can only be earned. Grubbie has lost his Slack
>> : and he doesn't know where to find it, so his yesman tries to give him some.
>> : Shameful.
>> Actually, slack, or its attainment, CAN NOT be "earned" in any
>> real sense. Slack does not "arrive" or become "granted" or "received" as
>> the result of performing specific acts. No-one ever lacks slack, only the
>> ability to perceive and enjoy it. The reason people don't "have" slack is
>> because they think they don't have slack. The type of slack someone can
>> look at another person and say "they don't have slack" about is some sort
>> of fake coolness/hipness factor which varies among subcultural groups and
>> may be intended to indicate personal ignorance, uncoolness, or general
>> misery/victimisation.
>> These are the facts. Argue and dispute them how you may, they
>> remain unchanged.
>> n
>> --
>So I agree with you NENSLO. I heard you say all of this before,
>so cut me a break. And before you even try, don't you EVER call me pink.
>And YOU sure don't grant no slack!

Ah, but he gives great AggressoRant!
From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.wired,misc.activism.cannabis,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.hemp,soc.culture.usenet,alt.drugs.pot,alt.slack
Subject: Re: NENSLO is Pink--NOT
References: <4p01ho$> <4p0f <4ps3er$> <4pscla$> <4q1e0g$> <Pine. <4q4vit$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q4vit$>, says:
>:On 16 Jun 1996, NENSLO wrote:
>:> Christopher Carrell ( wrote:
>:> : Don't forget that he has NO right to grant slack to grubbie. Slack , or
>:> : the attainment thereof, can only be earned. Grubbie has lost his Slack
>:> : and he doesn't know where to find it, so his yesman tries to give him some.
>:> : Shameful.
>:> Actually, slack, or its attainment, CAN NOT be "earned" in any
>:> real sense. Slack does not "arrive" or become "granted" or "received" as
>:> the result of performing specific acts.
>Of course not. Slack is "taken up". Whereever you see Slack, you
>must take it. After you take up enough Slack, you'll HAVE enough
>:> No-one ever lacks slack, only the
>:> ability to perceive and enjoy it. The reason people don't "have" slack is
>:> because they think they don't have slack. The type of slack someone can
>:> look at another person and say "they don't have slack" about is some sort
>:> of fake coolness/hipness factor which varies among subcultural groups and
>:> may be intended to indicate personal ignorance, uncoolness, or general
>:> misery/victimisation.
>:> These are the facts. Argue and dispute them how you may, they
>:> remain unchanged.

The fact is Slack, like multi-dimensional geometry
is ALWAYS there...whether YOU can perceive it or not.
Slack also defies true semantic connotation, because none
of us can define Slack, rather we can only perceive the
coporeal/mental proccesses that alter when we perceive
the Slack that goes with them. Slack is also something
that is defined by its absence (or lack of perception thereof)
rather than its presence, implying a certain indeterminancy
and by implication a tendency to occur out of passivity rather
than activity, although there is no decent explanation as to
why this is.
Just as matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed but merely
shuffled around so it is with Slack, the major difference being that the
symmetrical inversion of Slack is always Slack. Like a Feynman diagram
of an electron travelling forward in time that also represents a
positron moving backwards in time, Slack and Slack are always either
Coming or Going in relation to the observer. Any attempt to slow down or
stall this intrinsic energy equation with cause the Slackform Wave
Equation to collapse and the condition of Slack dissipate through
a Robbenhenz Cascade into the quantum foam where it will be perceived by
another observer as Slack sub-C or Slack sub-G!!
This is possible only because Slack in its Virtual State
is identical to Slack in its Actual State.
The other important thing about Slack is that all of its
vectors are governed by at least Nine Strange Attractors with subset
permutations that dissipate into the fractal landscape in an inverse
ration to the velocity of the Slack through the Mandelbrot
Transformations. It is this Chaos factor that brings Dobbs into the
Theory of ALL Slack, making some sort of implied Hierarchy as a
reference on the Tensor Grid and at the same time this transaction
muddies up the fine details of the very structure it makes possible.
Therefore the closer you get to Slack the more improbable it is that you
will be able to see where it's coming from or going to in relation to you
the observe although the observer will still be able to ascertain if it
is Coming or Going .
And that's the Latest from The Lab!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: soc.women,alt.slack,alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater,talk.politics.misc,,,,al
Subject: Re: The noose of desperation closes in on the Republicans
References: <4okt2l$> <4ovl6e$> <4p5eim$> <4pfs3c$> <31BC7E96.C4B@fcg.n <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Max Kennedy) says:
> (Jim Kennemur) wrote:
>>On 16 Jun 1996 15:41:25 GMT, "John W.Tibbs" <jtibbs@CSWNET.COM> wrote:
>>Voters Care more about Issues than Character
>This is the dumbest thing that has been said in the past year. If you vote for
>someone that is dishonest, he will not keep his promises, he will not keep your
>issues, he will not be loyal, and in short, your issues matter not if you
>entrust them to thief to guard.
>Max Kennedy
What's dumber is someone who believes 'honest politician'
ISN'T an oxymoron!!!!


From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: SubG Sighting
References: <> <4pkmuq$> <> <4pri5o$iol@ionews.ione <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Michael Townsend) says:
>In article <4q1v41$>, (gg gordon) wrote:
>->In article <4pvr5l$>, (Dennis
>McClain-Furmanski) says:
>>>She's never once had anything to do with any other church activity, has
>->>she? That'd be a first. She must keep busy with shopping and stuff.
>Nah, Stang does the shopping. Drives the kids to school. Mows the lawn
>and washes the car.
>-> Shopping? Shopping? Miz Stang works her cute ass off to support
>->that lazy, slovenly, weirdo, frop-sucking oaf of a husband of hers.
>Now this smells verily of the truth!
>-> Remember she is Somebody Else!!!
>So then you're saying she HAS had input in "church activity"?
>I appreciate your speaking up for her, Guy, but I'd still like her to send
>us dumbassess on alt.slack a message to clear up any further
>misconceptions. And not some faked troll of a message, either.
Yeah well the last time Miz Stang and a bunch of uberfemme
Yetsiny nunsnakes decided to pay attention to us yobbers, they literally
threw the entire hierarchy off the stage while we were on the air and
held ALL of the Chicago CON hostage in the Ballroom until these
insatiable women had their demands MET. Among other things we were
forced to perform HUMILIATING ACTS with one another while they egged us
on and jeered that we would
never launch another Golferhead . Even to this day the raucous scream
of "No Head No Head" haunt those of us who survived this painful ordeal
with our spirits unshattered...I say, let Miz Stang puhleeeze keep
on ignoring us!!!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: Re: My reflections on this FUCKED-UP group :)
References: <4q1tga$> <4q38c1$> <4q3dbl$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q3dbl$>, (lurch) says:
>>>_-_-_WJVolz - the "UntameD!"
>>> correspond w/Greatness!:
>>> @ 100 Cold Spring CT
>>> Aurora, IL 60506-7314
>>> (voice: (708)577-1325)
>>There are a lot of Volzes in San Antonio, including a Walter L. Volz
>There are a lot of Volzes around here, too. They chew up the roots on
>my asparagus.
Volzes or Molzes???? Bet their pee smells funny!

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: za.flame,alt.slack,alt.society.neutopia
Subject: Re: She drains my slacck
References: <4q7bt5$> <4q7jmg$> <4q7rop$>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <4q7rop$>, (Grantland) says:
> (gg gordon) wrote:
>>In article <4q7bt5$>, (Grantland) says:
>> Lotta -al words and lotta -ion words and then finishes up with:
>>>And a tearing break from solitude
>>>The focus blurs at last.
>> Hey, my car drains my slack too!
>can you grep it
>can you glock it
>can you grok it
>davy crockitt
>you're a monkey
>and that's all you are and evermore shall be.
>:>which are and were and evermore shall be
>:>which are and were and evermore shall be
>there's a darkling power excercising strength
>:<a fucking "doleful" vampire sucking it's own tit sneh sneh.>
> A sense of doleful tidings yet unheard
>The silent inner weight that sometimes hangs
>Outside the hissing thrum of rising storm
>A heaviness of atmosphere that palls the mind
>A mood that hangs as heavy as the dawn.
> Effect or cause - detached perhaps? :
> The ultimate inconseqeuence of form.
>:>which are and were and evermore shall be
>:>which are and were and evermore shall be
>The rattling and the whistling of the wind
>The spooky creaking furniture of mind
>The creak of crickets and the creak of thoughts
>outside the wind is whistling and the swaying treetops hissing
>and here inside my head my head
>the heavy air hangs heaviily ahead
>ghostman hanging
>heaviily ahead
>so heavily so heavily ahead.... .. ..
>:>which are and were and evermore shall be
>:>which are and were and evermore shall be
>.... <yaddayadda>
Have you tried cold showers and lots of camomile tea??

From: (gg gordon)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.usenet.kooks,,alt.politics.clinton,,,alt.politics.usa.misc
Subject: Re: SubGenii attacked by Thomas K. Odell - We laugh.
References: <4muc4b$> <4pldj7$ <4prju2$b2m@Grouper.Exis.Net> <4puabm$1mba@mule1.mi <>
Organization: Greenehelle
X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6

In article <>, (Pee Kitty) says:

>Fuck no! It's great! I mean, we had a LITTLE bit of fun with Springer,
>and a LITTLE more with the racists. The goths got tiring quick, and the
>Neo-Techers were great until they realized what was happening; both
>groups had the sense to back out of it and stay out. But this guy! This
>guy is the perfect punching bag...every time you hit him, he pops back up
>and say something even DUMBER! And he doesn't quit! And he's FUNNY as
>hell...his stuff isn't just stupid, it's silly! He's dopey, and that's
>what makes him so much fun to play with.

Actually he's more like that mixture of used gum and dogshit
that sticks to your shoe sole on a hot day!

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