St. Paul Mavrides, the LIES that lie behind the finest art in SubGeniusdom, co-editor of REVELATION X, the very Accursed of Dobbs himself, has a MOVIE OUT!
And I, Stang, have SEEN it, and I can declare here that IT IS FUCKING GREAT! It will definitely NOT get an Academy Award, BECAUSE IT IS ACTUALLY EXTREMELY ENTERTAINING AND INFORMATIVE!
Evil Vreedeez and famed documentary director Ron Mann teamed up to tell the story of the Illegalization of Marijuana in America -- and a HILARIOUS story it is, albeit in a rather blackly humorous way, seeing as how it delineates very clearly how the Conspiracy managed to WIN AGAIN and keep a relatively benign, useful product down in favor of a hellishly addictive, destructive, and PROFITABLE one. (No, not "Bob," but alcohol.)
Why should you, a straight-edge SubGenius, care about the history of the U.S. drug war? OH, YOU'LL SEE! Take my word for it, YOU DO CARE. You might not have KNOWN you cared until you have seen this film.
The LIES contributions include about 15 minutes of computer animation as only Palmer could do it, plus a zillion other illustrative graphics. And the old news film clips that were unearthed for GRASS will have you stumbling over your own JAW. Much of the film looks like REVELATION X in motion crossed with ARISE, with only "Bob" and a few monsters missing. Luckily, it sounds much better and makes considerably more linear-style sense.
Many other SubGeniuses contributed, most notably Mark Mothersbaugh with his original score, and voices from Dr. Howll, Rev. Ivan Stang, and David Ossman of The Firesign Theater.
-- show dates
5/31 New York / Film Forum
6/2-14 San Francisco / Castro
6/16-19 UC Berkeley
6/16-29 Los Angeles / Nuart
6/16-22 San Rafael, CA / Film institute of N. California
6/16-22 Seattle / Varsity
6/16-22 Cambridge MA / Brattle
6/16 Chicago / Music Box
6/30 Sacramento / The Crest
6/30-7/6 San Diego / The Ken
6/30-7/6 Portland / Cinema 21
7/7-13 Eugene / The Bijou