Since half of my computer system has died, I can't plow forward until I either scrounge up money for another HD, and/or clear all the excess crap out of my remaining HD. (About all I can do for the next couple of days is make back-ups, 'cause my old Drive One MUST be killed if it is to be saved at all!) I decided to try to kill two pterodactyls with one catapult by turning the hoarded huge sound files into a new album.
It turned into one Bobsongs album, one Connie-and-Prairie Squid album, and the remix of Media Barrage 11.
Before I try selling copies of the new compilations, however, I need to get permission from the arteests involved, some of whom I do not know.
If you are on this list, please email me ( so I can find out if it's okay with you and explain how you'll probably never see a DIME from this "commercial release." Ask the people on the first two Bobsongs CDs (or the previous 12 Bobsongs & SubG music cassettes). Bobsongs 2 has sold about 50 copies in a year I'd say (Jesus would be able to pinpoint the # exactly); and I made another 20 or so copies for contributors.
I'm gonna have to replace some of these anyway before I send them out -- for instance, Buck Naked probably would not want any reminders out that he was a SubGenius, and his song "Drinkin' Bud" is on our old videotapes somewhere anyway. Saint N and Hellena Handbasket's stuff is all currently available on KICK-ASS CDs from and also
I want to do covers for these -- and play with Mojoworld and make those book reprint covers too -- and fix SubSITE -- but I'm frustrated as HELL because I can't do any humongo-graphics until my drive problems are resolved, or about 10 gigs have been moved safely to new homes. Won't anyone think of the orphaned SubGenius document files???
1 Champion Jack Codoni "Message From Space" 02:15
2 Chas Smith, ESO Vol. 9, "Squid/Space collage" 01:52
3 Saint N and Hellena Handbasket "SISTER CONNIE" 03:53
4 Panting Antics "I CALL IT SIN" (old cut-up
by Bleepo starring Rev. Jimmy Swaggart!) 04:06
5 Phineas Narco "All the Stupid People" 02:03
6 Ahmed Fishmonger "Conspiracy Song" excerpt
7 Protectrix Amazonia "Connie's Spewings 1" 01:23
8 Booger 9000 "Dancin' with a Hard On" 04:42
9 "Dear Penis" 01:46
10 Protectrix Amazonia "Connie's Spewings 2" 02:28
11 Dances With Rockets, Winterstar 2001 "Us and
All Our Friends" 04:09
12 The El Queso All Stars "Save Your Soul for "Bob"" 02:50
13 Inhibiting Factor "Gut Blowout" Part 2 00:51
14 Saint N and Hellena Handbasket "The UltimateBobbie" 04:34
15 The Button 1 "God, the Devil and J.R. "Bob"
Dobbs 01:18
16 Button 2 01:52
17 Button 3 01:07
18 Champion Jack Codini: "My Dog Squid" 01:43
19 "Squid Jiggin' Ground" 03:11
20 Princess Wei R. Doe and Einstein's Secret Orchestra
"80 3D Squid" 04:27
21 "squid" instrumental by ...(unknown) 00:56
22 Champion Jack Codini: "Thelonius Squid" 01:50
23 Princess Wei R. Doe and Einstein's Secret Orchestra
"End of 80 3D Squids" live 02:10
24 Dances With Rockets "Prairie Squid Loop" 00:18
25 Buck Naked and the Jaybirds "Drinkin' Bud, Watchin'
"Bob"" 01:54
26 Dances With Rockets, Wnterstar '01, "Wilderness
of "Bob" 02:11
27 Inhibiting Factor "Gut Blowout" - end 02:03
28 End Noise - Rev. Jimmy Ryan, Flyin' Ryan Brothers 00:26
29 Protectrix Amazonia "Robot Monster Bride"
2 02:52
BOBSONGS 3 "With Memory Loss"
1 "ringleader.mp3" by ? (unknown) 00:46
2 Mythical Burrowing Animals "The Brag of the SubGenius"
aka "Uncle Oxygen" 03:42
3 Rev. Bleepo Abernathy "On and Off the Road with
"Bob" 02:36
4 Saint N and Hellena Handbasket "It's the End
of the World" 03:59
5 Dances With Rockets "Don't Let Me Sleep That
Night" 03:08
6 Glassmadness "I Do Like "Bob""
7 Inhibiting Factor "Gut Blowout" Pt. 1 01:47
8 Dr, Howll "He's Bob" 01:06
9 Little Fyodor "The Age of Resignation" 03:28
10 Artemia Salina "I Dream of "Bob" 00:53
11 The Rudy Schwartz Project "Miracles" 03:18
12 Glassmadness ""Bob" Dobbs, He's No
Slob" 00:34
13 Popess Lilith von Fraumench "November 22" 01:09
14 The El Queso All Stars "Planet X or bust!" 04:14
15 Likewise "Prairie Squid" 00:44
16 The Band That Dare Not Speak Its Name "Gun or
a Job" 00:48
17 Rev. Bleepo Abernathy "Frop without Slack" 01:47
18 The Swingin' Love Corpses "The Backside of Reality" 05:13
19 Rev. Bleepo Abernathy "PILs" 01:26
20 Protectrix Amazonia "Trans"Connie"" 05:51
21 Little Fyodor & Babushka "I Wanna Be "Bob"" 01:40
22 Saint N and Hellena Handbasket "We Have Total
Faith" 06:22
23 Dr. Howl ""Bob" Is My Story"
1985 LA Devival 02:16
24 The Bishop "When Cometh The Saucers" 04:52
25 Einstein's Secret Orchestra (ESO 11-9-00 redib) "SubGenius
Lullaby" 03:03
As I erase old Hour of Slack masters off my HD (backed up on CD-R) I compile the elements into different categories. That's how those two "music" albums were compiled, more or less. I also subdivide the live radio from WCSB portions, the selected clips from ESO Swamp Radio on Thursdays. Below are the names of the files.
BEST-O ESO #9 -- "B4 4XD"
1 001ESO61401-1 XDay intro 02:15
2 006ESO-ATLANTIS! 02:37
3 00ESO61401-2A-Open 06:05
4 00ESO61401-2DTheRINGLEADER!! 04:53
5 00zESO6-801-X-Day is Close! 01:02
6 02ESO62801-IWannaGetOffWithU 03:20
7 11ESO5-10-01XDayEventsDuke-Susi 01:35
8 28EARTH FIRST/WhoSpeeks4Earth 01:44
9 3ESO5-3101-2 04:55
10 3ESO6-801-BrushwoodGod 02:50
11 6-ESO5-10-01 X-Day Weapon-Craig 02:57
12 6ESO5-3101-1- on Tuna Can 04:12
13 aESO531-BushGrls@XD4 01:39
14 ESO6-801-3BushGirls 01:26
15 ESO620-01b-X-DayTeacherTortur 04:28
16 mESO6-801-AfraidOBrushwood? 04:14
17 oESO5-3101-3married 02:12
18 zESO5-31-01-4 x-dayEND 03:55
19 zESO60801-End-LAST SHOW 01:20
20 zESO61401-2F-endCrownoCreatio 04:29
21 zESO620-01f-X-DayBrushLastShow 01:34
1 0001ESO62801-FretPre-X 03:02
2 006 ESO71301-4-XsinSky!DamnBob 01:22
3 06-ESO62801-GetOff2LoseYrSHIT 02:07
4 08-ESO62801-JUSTbeforeB-wood 09:16
5 0ESO71301-9-SexGoddesses! 02:02
6 11ESO 620-01a-Alien DNA 03:58
7 11ESO96 2bAboardEscapeVessel 08:19
8 12ESO531-onEscapeVessels 03:05
9 16ESO71301-2 4XDaypoopedoutbu 01:04
10 18ESO71301-3-Dave'sTheory! 02:12
11 31ESO61401-2ENewMan-Anarchy! 03:58
12 6 ESO71301-8Evang'sSketchyGuy 02:34
13 6ESO71301-5EvangSTUPIDITYCall! 05:28
14 7ESO71301-6-EvangBACHELORParty 00:40
15 ESO620-01c X-DayTime Loop! 03:36
16 jESWe'llLeadNation2Damnation 00:18
17 Sympathy Stang Open! 07:16
18 zzESO102496 4-END-boredw/XDay 02:44
BEST-O ESO #11 -- "NON-4XD"
1 00ESO61401-weirdIntro 00:47
2 04ESO3-30-01-Adam1 03:49
3 12ESO61401-2CSmokeYrsf-Circus 04:51
4 14 ES) 2-95 NensloChurchDisinfo 05:33
5 16 ESO2-95 NENSLO CHURCHCON!! 02:04
6 51ESO6-801-2 GodinPrison4Frop 07:50
7 8ESO2-95!NeptuneAg!WhaleLove!! 11:33
8 9ESO6-801-1 Zappa 05:28
9 ESO10-24-96BlindPig-BugPorn! 03:29
10 ESO6-801-Drill My Ears! 01:42
11 xESO61401-1tMysticEye 01:22
12 yESO 10-24-96 3-StangInCon,Old 11:42
13 zSympathy 4 the Devil 05:47
1 034artemia-salina 00:30
2 Bobroast(phineas).aif 05:12
3 Booger 9000 - "Cracklin' Rosie" 08:18
4 eTorgoWorshipsBob.aif 00:54
5 fTorgoWorshipBob2 00:37
6 TorgoMeetsBob3 01:02
7 radio_sortie_sig-Magna3.aif 01:44
8 SatanicJamboree2 01:19
9 01vESO61401-2B-X-DAYSOON- 02:25
10 03 Susie's Disclaimer 00:46
11 1cKPFA clip-talking on show 00:26
12 1StangRant-X-Day Dibs 03:35
13 8-LaffMix.aiff 00:16
14 H106gNatTurner Rant2x 02:32
15 Officer KUHN.aif 01:17
16 StangPleasureStimALTERN 05:37
17 StangWORLDoHEROINalternate 04:19
18 Tasty PrairieSquid Spread 00:21
19 TEVIS! 00:16
20 xBouncingBoy 01:02
21 zDS Took TooMuch Acid 01:35
22 zGGG-WhatHapped2Janor 00:39
23 zHighasKite 00:23
24 zLegalizeIt 00:30
25 zOoooWaOOh-Yello song 01:04
26 zzzHalf Assed Drunk 04:10
I haven't finished chopping up Media Barrage 11, but
for the few surviving REAL old-timers, here's what's
done so far:
19 DrLoa
20 BobPrayers&Hymns-Show
21 WhoIsThisMnBob
22 Man in Black- KillMe MB
23 WhatsGonnahappenChildrn
24 BuckAustin-WeirderKidsThanMe
25 MoneyBurning-FantasyFair
26 NPR Meyer-1998-Xists
27 Alien Mont.Kill Me! Things
28 NinaHagensCloseEncounter
29 GGG RideintheUFO
30 Alien Montage&EotW1
32 July5,NinaHagen
33 Xists-VoiceofBOOK
34 TheXistsHaveLanded
35 Prescriptures
36 AlienMontage
37 AlienMontage
38 AlienMontage-Nina
39 Flores&StangWZRD
40 XISTSmeyerLiveChicago83
41 BobsMyFriend
42 PredictionsMont(EDITED)
42 PredictionsMontage-LSD
43 SubG Predictions-StangWZRD
44 HeavenHotterNHell-Buck
45 Sex in Future
46 Montage!
47 MorePredictions
48 HEADS UP voice OBook
49 ProphMontage
50 EotW Nuke Fun Montagew/Boing
51 SubGeniusDeathShipNuclearOly
52 FutureAlwaysNonsense
53 SLC Gloom&Dest'CanyonsMind
The old Media Barrage tapes were 90 minutes long. I am shortening them to fit 80 minute CDs. They needed the shortening anyway. Mammy's little baby loves it too.