Some dumbass posted to alt.slack recently (and also crossposted to a few poetry newsgroups) the question, "Should retarded people be euthanized?"
In order to both answer the question and remain on-topic, I have composed the following Haiku:
I live in terror
The Law says "Kill the Retards".
Legume holds the gun
His shadow engulfs
His bulk is blocking the sun
He thumbs the hammer
I smile stupidly
Doctor Legume does not care
I'm too dumb to know
I piss in my pants
Not because I fear Legume
I'm just retarded
A flash of bright light
He shot me in the kneecap
Just to be a prick
I beg for my life
"Uh muh muh muh uh uh muh"
That's how retards talk
Legume laughs at me
I'm really bleeding a lot
That son of a bitch!
Legume aims at my head
But then turns and walks away
Why won't he kill me?
"You'll bleed to death soon"
The man who shot me chuckled
"Why waste a bullet?"
I deserve this fate
because I am retarded
I'm not a big loss
Things could be much worse
At least I'm not a negro
That would REALLY suck.
Everything goes black
I wake up in Hell because
God hates retards too.
Dr. K. "Cortez" Legume
Mecagum les cinc llagues de Crist,
mecagum D'eu, en la creu, en el fuster
que la fue i en fill de puta que va plantar el pi
Original file name: A Retard Haiku
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