Dread Zeppelin "Heartbreak Hotel/ Hey Hey Hey"
LeMurian media barrage
5 H963o-r-Beefheart,SignOff 10:18
Dave & Wei surrealism
Captain Beefheart ³Circumstances²
Gradual Sign-off: Register to vote INSTEAD OF or ALONG WITH complaining.
YETI Collage + LeMur Worst Folk Music
6 Credits 00:25
7 Stang at Starwood 24 Q&A with audience, on Frop,
SubGenius Intersex Marriages 03:49
8 End Cred 00:38
Music bg by Rudy Schwartz Project from Bowling for Appliances CD
Blackloud: PO Box 344 West Sand Lake, NY 12196
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(4th Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti,
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