>Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 19:51:47 -0600
>From: SiS D <decadence@subgenius.com>
>>Because I've gotten a couple of angry letters telling me that I should stop speaking my mind, that it's wrong for me to put down the Impeachment Patriots BECAUSE THAT "DEFENDS CLINTON." And there weren't any jokes or gags in these letters, either. They literally say that I should not say these things. Because I'm wrong. So, democracy is fine, as long as everybody votes your way, but if they don't, well, then it's GONE TOO FAR. Hmmph. Ya'll sound like a bunch of feminazis sometimes.
>Oh gawd, not REALLY?! "Jesus Harold Christ on a fucking rubber crutch, is this happening to me?!" I'd have never thought it, Stang. Some of US are doing this? US? The
>Subgenii-weirdo-unaccepted-by-all-but-our-own-kind-freakazoids? it's as I wrote on a.b.s....this is a Conspiracy trick. They don't give a fuck about Clinton, this was ALL done JUST to get us fighting amongst ourselves, Subgenii and humans alike. And it WORKED! Look at what these people have written on a.b.s. and NOW, have sent TO you, personally! Politician fuckers are pulling all KINDS of shit that we can't see 'cause we're too busy ARGUING about Clinton's dick and Monica's mouth!
It's that goddam Aristotelian either/or again. I got a nasty phone call on my voice mail telling me I was defending my "precious Clinton" while he was bombing civilians, while in the latest inteview on my website I called him a "general all-around Antichrist." What this ass-hole took for a defense of Clinton was a satire on GOP puritans...
Ausserdem lassen wir den Lasagne fliegen!
You can't fight city hall but you can for goddam sure blow it up --George CarlinFrom: Monsterwax@aol.com
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 13:07:41 EST
To: i.stang@subgenius.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: OK OK It's a Socialist Police State
<<Stang! You should stop
speaking your mind, because it's wrong for you to put down the Impeachment Patriots BECAUSE THAT DEFENDS CLINTON! And there aren't any jokes or gags in those letters, either. You should not say those things. Because your wrong. So, democracy is fine, as long as everybody votes my way, but if they don't, well, then you've GONE TOO FAR! Sincerely,
Papa Joe
P.S. I saw your porn link. You're a male chauvinist pig. X-Sender: mark@mail.cruzio.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 10:28:29 -0800
To: Arel Lucas <arel@pacbell.net>, yehudi23@hotmail.com,
bcane <bjc68@hotmail.com>, daev@blather.net, Mikhail Curry <ninthmuse@hotmail.com>,
"Martin, Bob" <bobmartin01@earthlink.net>, Ted Boucher <cntb@bellatlantic.net>, elfmonkey@hotmail.com, Bruce Mason <Bruce.Mason@Harpercollins.com>, "D. Coyle" <Dionysus93@compuserve.com>, beepnet@beepnet.com, David Jay Brown <dajabr@well.com>, dave@ACCESSNLP.com, David Levitt <levitt@interval.com>, Dominic Luzi <tsg@cyberenet.net>, ebabinsk@furman.edu, EWagner382 <EWagner382@aol.com>, fnord@cruzers.com, Forbidden Books <forbidden@hotweird.com>, GHayssen@aol.com, dryfoo@mit.edu,
garyvincent <garyvincent@earthlink.net>, mizg@geocities.com, Graham Wilson <cyborgoape711@webtv.net>, riverrun@sirius.com, id@disinfo.com, i.stang@metronet.com,
Jeff Broadbent <broad001@atlas.socsci.umn.edu>, Jennifer Robinson <jenr@panix.com>, jmvankin@yahoo.com, hkhenson@netcom.com, skthoma@umslvma.umsl.edu, JLavalle@compuserve.com, mark@cruzio.com, Mel Seesholtz <mcs2@psu.edu>, metzger@bway.net, blackops@cruzio.com, nix@thegrid.net, P Nathan <pacoid@fringeware.com>, prime8@abattoir.com, mpmonaghan@aol.com, pkrassner@earthlink.net, ralph_maldonado@pashanet.com, "D. Scott Apel" <scott2@best.com>, "R.U. Sirius" <rusirius@well.com>, rasa@pelorian.com, Shava Nerad <shava@netcorps.org>, karmafairy@mstg.net, starchy@velvet.net, tsperlich@csi.com, Valerie@wamm.org, Dwebb9@aol.com, The Klingons <klingon@berlin.snafu.de>, redwood@mail.com
From: Mark <mark@cruzio.com>
Subject: OK OK It's a Socialist Police State
>X-Sender: i.stang@mail.metronet.com
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 15:06:24 -0600
>To: wirdoe@subgenius.com, sfloozie@subgenius.com, fjones@tiac.net,
>BLEEPOBOY@aol.com, p-lil@subgenius.com, shelby@chaos.metronet.com, sternodox@aristotle.net (Michael Keckhaver), humanoid@subgenius.com, papajoe@subgenius.com, Bro.Cleve@subgenius.com, nickie@subgenius.com, Mark <mark@cruzio.com>
>I was sitting there with Dok Frop, in this goth club of all places, watching Nickie and our wives dance like crazy women. Dok Frop and I don't drink or dance, not well anyway, so we just sit there and gawk at gals and make fun of everybody. It was Nickie's birthday, otherwise I wouldn't be out on a Sunday night. Sundays are the BUSIEST days for preachers.
>I said to Dok Frop, "LeMur thinks that America is a socialist police state." Dok Frop thought for a minute and said, "Well, in the strictest definition of the terms, it is. But it's a mild form of it. It's not like plain old capitalism is endangered. Walmart, Microsoft and Blockbuster* are still going pretty strong."
>I had to admit. If you want to get technical about it, this IS a Socialist police state. If you don't let 'em take your hard-earned money to give to slouchers on unemployment and whatnot, they will put you in jail.
>But, I'm afraid that isn't ALL it is. It's also a racist theocracy sometimes, among other things. To hear you guys, the fact that the Socialists are BAD, makes the BIBLE FASCISTS GOOD all of a sudden, and I now should DEFEND the far right religious fanatics, rather than put them down?
>There ARE FEMINAZIS. I've been censored or threatened by the feminazi p.c. brigades (to use language the Rushies would appreciate). The Church's tendency to celebrate PURE UNADULTERATED RAUNCH is as much a fist in THEIR moralistic faces as it is to the religious zealots and all-talk "family values" morons.
>But I have been censored, pestered, bullied, threatened, and physically beat up by FLAG WAVING BIBLE-MISQUOTING FAR RIGHT WING FUNDAMENTALIST BIGOTS, a HELL of a lot more viciously than the pinkos ever even THOUGHT about. P.C. zealots have screamed at me, but they never published death threats against me or pointed guns at me because of things I SAID. Maybe it's just because I live in Texas or something. I'm sure that if I lived in Berkeley, Amherst, Madison, or any other of those evil hotbeds of smugness, I would sing a completely different tune. Even walking around in Portland fills me with a vast loathing for bleeding heart liberal know-it-all rich kids and hand-wringing college professors, blah blah woof woof.
>Another example. I have READ about crazy animal rights activists, the kind that blow up labs to protest evil speciesism. (Exactly like pro-lifers who kill doctors.). But, funny thing, I have never MET one of those people! I know a lot of CATTLE RANCHERS and EMU FARMERS... and HUNTERS... and anti-abortion activists for that matter... and none of THEM have ever met or dealt with one of these infamous crazy animal rights nuts, either. (I've been asking.) Yet, to hear the talk shows in the controlled media, you'd think the country was over-run with 'em! Just as one example. Sure, some college professors are Marxist loonies. What Rush and co. always leave out is, there are only 423 and a half of those particular loonies, and most of their students are still flag-waving little bullet-heads who believe in the good invisible monster in the sky, and trust anybody else who waves big flags and says "God" a lot.
>It looks like Clinton's slick ass is gonna weasle out of this fix, sort of, and he'll only have been publically humilated for a few years as punishment for lying to the government about his girlfriend.
>PLUS, the Republicans will be able to say, "SEE? He got off. PROOF that he and the liberal media control EVERYTHING, TOTALLY, LOCK STOCK AND BARREL!" (You'll be hearing that on all the liberal-controlled media stations.) Senator Phil Gramm is one SMART MOTHERFUCKER. A month ago he was saying "NO COMPROMISE" and now, with the polls STILL against the impeachment, he's saying, "Let's acquit him and not even spank his hand. Let's just STOP NOW and let him off scott free, DEFINIETLY no censure. PROOF that we Republicans are VICTIMS of that vast left wing conspiracy like we've been saying all along." Gramm and Pat Robertson. NOT BAD THINKING! Paint THEMSELVES the martyrs, the victims, QUICK, so Clinton doesn't get to. Poor victims... and ALL they were trying to do was PROTECT THE CHILDREN, and SEEK THE TRUTH. That's all. But the evil Democrats had to go and defend his right to lie to the government about his sex life. Those Democrats... ALL of them... they must either hate their own children, or else be complete and utter retards with no sophistication or knowledge of the world. What other explanation could there possibly be?
>If there was justice, and Clinton was held to the same rules that he makes the rest of us play by, then we'd ALL better be ready to answer these questions. Yes, EVEN Ollie North. I haven't seen this year's IRS 1040's yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if just under the "DEPENDENTS" section it said:
>Are you now or have you ever had sex outside of the marriage covenant?
>Have you ever fantasized about such?
>Are you (check one ) heteosexual; other
>What are the names and phone numbers of the persons with whom you have had sex.
>Please list an gifts, favors, or payment (these are not deductible)
>Have you told a lie about any of your sexual activities to anyone? Who?
>Have you ever had an abortion? Who was the doctor? What is his home address?
>What religion (check one) Christian Other
>Submission level of wife: Good Not too bad Uppity
>Do you believe Christ will return: Soon; Not Quite as Soon; Not Soon Enough
>You believe the Earth was created: 4,329 years and 7 days ago ; not sure
>Neighbors who smoke pot:
>If married, please make sure both spouses sign. Attach your check to the top page.
>(I trust none of ya'll able bodied Kenneth Starr/Jerry Falwell fans are living off the Socialist state, while I support you, because that really would be ironic, wouldn't it?)
>Let's put on John Carpenter's movie THEY LIVE and forget it.
>1st Stangian Orthodox MegaFisTemple Lodge of the Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected
>(Rev. Ivan Stang, prop.) [i.stang@subgenius.com] A subsidiary of: The SubGenius Foundation, Inc. / P.O. Box 140306, Dallas, TX 75214 Dobbs-Approved Authorized Commercial Outreach of The Church of the SubGenius SubSITE: http://www.subgenius.com Phone/Fax: 214-320-1561
>For SubGenius Biz & Orders: Fax, call toll free to Jesus at 1-888-669-2323 or email: slack@subgenius.com
Ausserdem lassen wir den Lasagne fliegen!
You can't fight city hall but you can for goddam sure blow it up --George Carlin
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!feed1.news.rcn.net!rcn!master.news.rcn.net!not-for-mail
From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?K=F6nig=20Preu=DFe?=, GmbH" <bbombere@erols.com>
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 05:15:12 -0500
Organization: Lou Minotti & the Clamsauce Enema Band
Lines: 44
Message-ID: <36C15C30.2C7447FA@erols.com>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <oiSw2UMJhVCA092yn@softhome.net>
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NNTP-Posting-Date: 10 Feb 1999 10:22:11 GMT
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.02 [en] (Win95; I)
Xref: spln alt.slack:156076 alt.binaries.slack:62782
the 111th High Holy Hekkador wrote:
> in amazement, I beheld i.stang@subgenius.com (Rev. Ivan Stang)
> write in alt.slack:
> :)I have been censored, pestered, bullied, threatened, and physically
> :)BIGOTS, a HELL of a lot more viciously than the pinkos ever even THOUGHT
> :)about.
> [ ... ]
> :)Maybe
> :)it's just because I live in Texas or something. I'm sure that if I lived
> :)in Berkeley, Amherst, Madison, or any other of those evil hotbeds of
> :)smugness, I would sing a completely different tune.
> shit, Stang, haven't you ever seen "The Trial of
> Billy Jack"? I'm sure even *most* rednecks and
> militiamen would be forced to admit that leftists
> get just as angry *verbally*, but rarely violent
> or physical. leftists are all talk, no action.
> HELL, I think I've heard right-wingers make that
> complaint.
> so, in other words, the PCs and the feminazis and
> so one get in lots of screaming matches, but you
> don't hear very much about gangs of feminazis who
> ride around in pickups wielding shotguns.
> out here in California, we have violence, too, and
> yet it's always rednecks/mountain men, or skinheads,
> or the ethnic equivalent. funny how it works out
> that way.
You missed South Central Los Angeles?
From: jetrock@REMOVE_ME.emrl.com (Jetrock)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <oiSw2UMJhVCA092yn@softhome.net> <36C15C30.2C7447FA@erols.com>
Organization: Experimental Media Research Laboratory
Message-ID: <slrn7c4991.1d9.jetrock@boulez.emrl.com>
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NNTP-Posting-Host: emrl.com
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Date: 10 Feb 1999 16:40:24 +0800
X-Trace: 10 Feb 1999 16:40:24 +0800, emrl.com
Lines: 20
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: news.calweb.com
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!newsfeed.direct.ca!chippy.visi.com!news-out.visi.com!calwebnntp!calwebnnrp!jetrock
Xref: spln alt.slack:156136 alt.binaries.slack:62815
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 05:15:12 -0500, König PreuBe, Gm wrote:
>the 111th High Holy Hekkador wrote:
>> out here in California, we have violence, too, and
>> yet it's always rednecks/mountain men, or skinheads,
>> or the ethnic equivalent. funny how it works out
>> that way.
>You missed South Central Los Angeles?
"the ethnic equivalent." Gangbangers are just brown skinheads with guns
(and occasiaonlly white ones with guns) The bottom line is that "liberals"
don't tend to cruise around looking for asses to kick. They cruise around
looking for things to fret about.
-----Rev. JETROCK, cyber-messianic noiseman and ANGRY MONKEY
SubGenius Code: hyb^R0(F&V13013#&*)Q#G^HVE$H*QXIST&)H#HEIEI*Y#&*BEIEIEIEIjH&H7
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!nntp.kreonet.re.kr!news.maxwell.syr.edu!newspeer.monmouth.com!newsfeed.slip.net!news.slip.net!not-for-mail
From: "Joe \"Nuke Me Xemu\" Foster" <joe@bftsi0.UUCP>
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Followup-To: alt.slack
Date: 10 Feb 1999 16:46:46 GMT
Organization: North American Marcab/Teegeeack Love Association
Lines: 19
Message-ID: <01be5515$0a7e5c00$fa35170a@probe>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <oiSw2UMJhVCA092yn@softhome.net> <36C15C30.2C7447FA@erols.com>
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X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1160
Xref: spln alt.slack:156094 alt.binaries.slack:62795
König PreuBe, GmbH <bbombere@erols.com> wrote in article
> the 111th High Holy Hekkador wrote:
> > out here in California, we have violence, too, and
> > yet it's always rednecks/mountain men, or skinheads,
> > or the ethnic equivalent. funny how it works out
> > that way.
> You missed South Central Los Angeles?
Pinks are all the same color once you flense the skin from their
still-twitching bodies.
Joe Foster <mailto:jfoster@ricochet.net> or <mailto:joe@bftsi0.gate.net>
WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above They're coming to
because my cats have apparently learned to type. take me away, ha ha!
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!newsp.newsguy.com!poindexter
From: poindexter@subgenius.com (Rev. Poindexter incognito)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 08:30:24 -0500
Organization: The Office (but don't say anything to the boss)
Lines: 49
Message-ID: <poindexter-ya02408000R1002990830240001@enews.newsguy.com>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <oiSw2UMJhVCA092yn@softhome.net> <36C15C30.2C7447FA@erols.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: p-503.newsdawg.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.4.0
Xref: spln alt.slack:156086 alt.binaries.slack:62786
In article <36C15C30.2C7447FA@erols.com>, "König PreuBe, GmbH"
<bbombere@erols.com> wrote:
> the 111th High Holy Hekkador wrote:
> > in amazement, I beheld i.stang@subgenius.com (Rev. Ivan Stang)
> > write in alt.slack:
> >
> > :)I have been censored, pestered, bullied, threatened, and physically
> > :)BIGOTS, a HELL of a lot more viciously than the pinkos ever even THOUGHT
> > :)about.
> >
> > [ ... ]
> >
> > :)Maybe
> > :)it's just because I live in Texas or something. I'm sure that if I lived
> > :)in Berkeley, Amherst, Madison, or any other of those evil hotbeds of
> > :)smugness, I would sing a completely different tune.
> >
> > shit, Stang, haven't you ever seen "The Trial of
> > Billy Jack"? I'm sure even *most* rednecks and
> > militiamen would be forced to admit that leftists
> > get just as angry *verbally*, but rarely violent
> > or physical. leftists are all talk, no action.
> > HELL, I think I've heard right-wingers make that
> > complaint.
> >
> > so, in other words, the PCs and the feminazis and
> > so one get in lots of screaming matches, but you
> > don't hear very much about gangs of feminazis who
> > ride around in pickups wielding shotguns.
> >
> > out here in California, we have violence, too, and
> > yet it's always rednecks/mountain men, or skinheads,
> > or the ethnic equivalent. funny how it works out
> > that way.
> >
> You missed South Central Los Angeles?
And Pacoima.
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!feed1.news.rcn.net!rcn!newsfeed.xcom.net!cam-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.gtei.net!newscon02!prodigy.com!gremlin
From: gremlin@fakedomain.con (Birmingham Gremlin)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: 10 Feb 1999 01:02:01 GMT
Organization: Prodigy Services Corp
Lines: 58
Message-ID: <79qlq9$4cc0$1@newssvr04-int.news.prodigy.com>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net>
Reply-To: birmingham_gremlin[at]prodigy.net
NNTP-Posting-Host: slip166-72-252-178.nc.us.ibm.net
X-Post-Time: 10 Feb 1999 01:02:01 GMT
X-Auth-User: 003453775/d82f1ba62d0915cf
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User-Agent: slrn/ (Windows)
Xref: spln alt.slack:156050 alt.binaries.slack:62723
On Mon, 08 Feb 1999, Rev. Ivan Stang <i.stang@subgenius.com> wrote:
>Another example. I have READ about crazy animal rights activists, the kind
>that blow up labs to protest evil speciesism. (Exactly like pro-lifers who
>kill doctors.). But, funny thing, I have never MET one of those people! I
>know a lot of CATTLE RANCHERS and EMU FARMERS... and HUNTERS... and
>anti-abortion activists for that matter... and none of THEM have ever met
>or dealt with one of these infamous crazy animal rights nuts, either.
>(I've been asking.) Yet, to hear the talk shows in the controlled media,
>you'd think the country was over-run with 'em! Just as one example. Sure,
>some college professors are Marxist loonies. What Rush and co. always
>leave out is, there are only 423 and a half of those particular loonies,
>and most of their students are still flag-waving little bullet-heads who
>believe in the good invisible monster in the sky, and trust anybody else
>who waves big flags and says "God" a lot.
As far as I can tell animal rights activists in the UK are much more
militant than the ones in the UK. I spent 3.5 years at a medical school
in London as a Ph.D student, being a med school animal experiments were
performed. Animal workers (I was not one, I was a structural/molecular
biologist) were told never ever to reveal to anybody they did not know/trust
what exactly they did for fear of getting the shit kicked out of them. There
had been some nasty incidences in the past where staff had been targeted.
While I was there there were a couple of peaceful demonstrations, the real
hard liners were attacking/demonstrating against a place called Hillgrove
Farm where the hospital (and probably most of the UK pharm. buisness) got
cats (cats nervous systems are aparently good models of human nervous
systems). There are still running battles between riot police and animal
rights activists going on. To me it seems that animal lives evoke more
activism than abortion activists in the UK (the right to life lobby have
become more millitant recently though).
What I found really weird was that one of the weakly (sic) publication of
the US university I now work at recently had a feature on the women who ran
the animal house and published a photo of her. In England there is no way
that would happen.
>Are you now or have you ever had sex outside of the marriage covenant?
[snip sexual activity check list]
That was skeeeery, it reads rather like the Scientologist Jo`berg Security
>*(Note: ARISE The SubGenius Movie is banned from Blockbusters. Actively
>banned. When Blockbuster bought Sound Warehouse, they shipped back 800
>copies of ARISE that had been on the Sound Warehouse shelves. That and
>Scorcese's LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, and LIFE OF BRIAN were on their
>banned list. LIFE OF BRIAN has been taken off, though.)
Well I thought Bl*ckbuster sucked since they wanted credit card info just
to rent videos.
Birmingham Gremlin
For a good time visit http://www.xenu.net
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!newsfeed.berkeley.edu!fu-berlin.de!burns174.cogsci.ed.ac.UK!petehip
From: Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:00:23 +0000
Organization: Lytreia
Lines: 30
Message-ID: <36C19F07.C721A9A@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <79qlq9$4cc0$1@newssvr04-int.news.prodigy.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: burns174.cogsci.ed.ac.uk (
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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NNTP-Posting-User: petehip
X-Access: 16 29
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.07 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m)
Xref: spln alt.slack:156088 alt.binaries.slack:62789
Birmingham Gremlin wrote:
> To me it seems that animal lives evoke more activism than abortion
> activists in the UK (the right to life lobby have become more
> millitant recently though).
Very, very true. In fact, I haven't even detected any significant
abortion debate blips on the radar since the 1980s; I don't know what
you mean by "more militant recently".
The lack of religious impulse has something to do with this. You know,
this country is now actually targeted by Christian missionaries
because it is so damn "heathen". Occasionally some American zealot
pops up on a late night chat/moral debate show to spit moralese for
"pro-life" sake but the concept just doesn't seem to take root.
Probably because there is something to be said for not being bright
red, obese and screaming. I bet polite, quiet Zambian missionaries get
on better. They have better English, anyhow.
Animals are furry and cute. Fetuses aren't. Simple as that.
If the Tories substituted Brian Blessed for William Hague, you would see
a big difference just right there, oh yes.
Real NUTS ALFers are still PRETTY DAMN RARE.
"Perhaps a hint can be taken from Emile Augier's dictum that `the legs
are the wheels of thought', and make all computers mobile." - J. Cohen
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!newsp.newsguy.com!gremlin
From: gremlin@fakedomain.con (Birmingham Gremlin)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: 10 Feb 1999 17:48:02 GMT
Organization: http://extra.newsguy.com
Lines: 41
Message-ID: <slrn7c3hip.322.gremlin@maggie.uncg.edu>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <79qlq9$4cc0$1@newssvr04-int.news.prodigy.com> <36C19F07.C721A9A@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>
Reply-To: birmingham_gremlin[at]prodigy.net
NNTP-Posting-Host: p-865.newsdawg.com
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-Newsreader: slrn ( UNIX)
Xref: spln alt.slack:156102 alt.binaries.slack:62800
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Peter Hipwell <petehip@cogsci.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>Birmingham Gremlin wrote:
[snip some stuff I wrote after too many beers]
>Very, very true. In fact, I haven't even detected any significant
>abortion debate blips on the radar since the 1980s; I don't know what
>you mean by "more militant recently".
There was a spate of arson attacks against clinics in sarf London last
year (well I think it was last year), I found it disturbing that the
"pro-lifers" were going for more "American" tactics.
>The lack of religious impulse has something to do with this. You know,
>this country is now actually targeted by Christian missionaries
>because it is so damn "heathen". Occasionally some American zealot
>pops up on a late night chat/moral debate show to spit moralese for
>"pro-life" sake but the concept just doesn't seem to take root.
Well, there is Glenn Hoddle for the residents of the UK to get GOOD MORAL
>Animals are furry and cute. Fetuses aren't. Simple as that.
>If the Tories substituted Brian Blessed for William Hague, you would see
>a big difference just right there, oh yes.
I always thought of little Willy Hague as the offspring of the Mekon. If
I were back in the UK I might vote for Brian Blessed though.
>Real NUTS ALFers are still PRETTY DAMN RARE.
True, and hopefully they will stay that way. Are they (not sure which
organization) still putting adverts in "The Big Issue" about Hillgrove
Farm? (Strange that some groups think animal rights are more important
than homeless peoples rights isn't it? I suppose they are aiming for the
middle class liberals who buy "The Big Issue" to kick up a fuss).
Birmingham Gremlin
For a good time visit: http://www.xenu.net
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!sunqbc.risq.qc.ca!newsfeed.cwix.com!!nntp.abs.net!outfeed1.news.cais.net!news1.radix.net!not-for-mail
From: nospamum@radix.net (Mumthra)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 19:58:14 GMT
Organization: RadixNet Internet Services
Lines: 11
Message-ID: <36d192cc.414781093@news1.radix.net>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net>
Reply-To: nospamum@radix.net
NNTP-Posting-Host: port61.annex7.radix.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
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X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.5/32.452
Xref: spln alt.slack:156028 alt.binaries.slack:62710
On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 15:31:25 -0600, i.stang@subgenius.com (Rev. Ivan
Stang) wrote:
:*(Note: ARISE The SubGenius Movie is banned from Blockbusters. Actively
:banned. When Blockbuster bought Sound Warehouse, they shipped back 800
:copies of ARISE that had been on the Sound Warehouse shelves. That and
:Scorcese's LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, and LIFE OF BRIAN were on their
:banned list. LIFE OF BRIAN has been taken off, though.)
I was laughing 'til I got to this part. Blockbastards!!!
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!newsfeed.direct.ca!newsfeed.cwix.com!!cpk-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news.gtei.net!firehose.mindspring.com!not-for-mail
From: noemail@mindXspring.com (Whee!, The Lemurs)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 04:27:25 GMT
Organization: read about it in a magazine.
Lines: 50
Message-ID: <36c3b4db.8853781@news.mindspring.com>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net>
Reply-To: Whee!, The Lemurs
NNTP-Posting-Host: cf.cd.d6.02
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Server-Date: 9 Feb 1999 04:27:06 GMT
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.5/32.452
X-No-Archive: yes
Xref: spln alt.slack:156014 alt.binaries.slack:62657
On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 15:31:25 -0600, i.stang@subgenius.com (Rev. Ivan Stang) expounded:
<I had to admit. If you want to get technical about it, this IS a
<Socialist police state. If you don't let 'em take your hard-earned money
<to give to slouchers on unemployment and whatnot, they will put you in
That's just the obvious tip of the iceberg: look at just about any
aspect of your life, from driving your car (insurance) to seeing a
Dr (AMA, FDA), etc.etc., and Big Mother is there, protecting you and
helping you - by force and for a price, most of which is thoughtfully
passed on to the people who really need it (insurance comps, AMA
<(I trust none of ya'll able bodied Kenneth Starr/Jerry Falwell fans are
<living off the Socialist state, while I support you, because that really
<would be ironic, wouldn't it?)
Closest I ever came was getting reduced rates for going to an
"in State" univ.
<*(Note: ARISE The SubGenius Movie is banned from Blockbusters. Actively
<banned. When Blockbuster bought Sound Warehouse, they shipped back 800
<copies of ARISE that had been on the Sound Warehouse shelves. That and
<Scorcese's LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, and LIFE OF BRIAN were on their
<banned list. LIFE OF BRIAN has been taken off, though.)
Remind me not to go to Blockbusters if I ever bother to replace the
dead teevee, May it Rot In Hell.
<Incidentally... have I asked any of you to stop speaking your mind? Have I
<even expressed anger that you did?
<Because I've gotten a couple of angry letters telling me that I should
<stop speaking my mind, that it's wrong for me to put down the Impeachment
<Patriots BECAUSE THAT "DEFENDS CLINTON." And there weren't any jokes or
Lest anyone get the wrong idea, twernt me - the only speech that needs
protecting is offensive speech, all the more so if it's offensive speech
based on faulty HEY! QUIT POKING ME!
<gags in these letters, either. They literally say that I should not say
<these things. Because I'm wrong. So, democracy is fine, as long as
<everybody votes your way, but if they don't, well, then it's GONE TOO FAR.
<Hmmph. Ya'll sound like a bunch of feminazis sometimes.
Them thar's fitin' wurdz, boy.
And besides, evolution's never been proven.
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!newsfeed.direct.ca!nntp.abs.net!newshub2.home.com!newshub1.home.com!news.home.com!news.rdc1.tx.home.com.POSTED!not-for-mail
Message-ID: <36C04E4F.3DAAFB44@subgenius.com>
From: SiS D <decadence@subgenius.com>
Organization: @Home Network
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en]C-AtHome0404 (Win95; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <36c3b4db.8853781@news.mindspring.com>
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Lines: 17
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 15:04:23 GMT
X-Complaints-To: abuse@home.net
X-Trace: news.rdc1.tx.home.com 918572663 (Tue, 09 Feb 1999 07:04:23 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 07:04:23 PDT
Xref: spln alt.slack:156022 alt.binaries.slack:62693
> Lest anyone get the wrong idea, twernt me - the only speech that needs
> protecting is offensive speech, all the more so if it's offensive speech
> based on faulty HEY! QUIT POKING ME!
Well Praise "Bob", you're finally starting to sound like a "good
little Subgenius" again. (grin)
> <gags in these letters, either. They literally say that I should not say
> <these things. Because I'm wrong. So, democracy is fine, as long as
> <everybody votes your way, but if they don't, well, then it's GONE TOO FAR.
> <Hmmph. Ya'll sound like a bunch of feminazis sometimes.
> Them thar's fitin' wurdz, boy.
> And besides, evolution's never been proven.
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!newsp.newsguy.com!i.stang
From: i.stang@subgenius.com (Rev. Ivan Stang)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 23:27:15 -0600
Organization: The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.
Lines: 23
Message-ID: <i.stang-1002992327160001@fcn105-64.tmi.net>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <36c3b4db.8853781@news.mindspring.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: p-140.newsdawg.com
X-Newsreader: MT-NewsWatcher 2.4.4
Xref: spln alt.slack:156162 alt.binaries.slack:62841
In article <36c3b4db.8853781@news.mindspring.com>, Whee!, The Lemurs wrote:
> And besides, evolution's never been proven.
That's god damned right! But the creation of the Yeti by the Xists in 80
million BC, and the subsequent creation of humans (lab rats) by the Yeti,
and the tragic devolution caused by human-Yeti miscegenation, HAS been
proven, yet do they teach THAT in schools?!? FUCK no. Because then all the
HUMAN kids might feel INFERIOR or something.
Copyright 1999 by Rev. Ivan Stang / 1st Orthodox Stangian
MegaFisTemple Lodge of People's Covenant Church of the
Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected / The SubGenius Foundation,Inc.
PO Box 140306 Dallas TX 75214 / Fax 214-320-1561 / PRABOB
http://www.subgenius.com -- SubSITE of Slack
"Ignoring the shit in this church is like ignoring the sea
when you're stuck on Gilligan's Island."
-- Dr. K. "Cortez" Legume
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!newsp.newsguy.com!i.stang
From: i.stang@subgenius.com (Rev. Ivan Stang)
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 23:30:54 -0600
Organization: The SubGenius Foundation, Inc.
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <i.stang-1002992330540001@fcn105-64.tmi.net>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <36c3b4db.8853781@news.mindspring.com> <36C04E4F.3DAAFB44@subgenius.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: p-175.newsdawg.com
X-Newsreader: MT-NewsWatcher 2.4.4
Xref: spln alt.slack:156163 alt.binaries.slack:62844
In article <36C04E4F.3DAAFB44@subgenius.com>, SiS D
<decadence@subgenius.com> wrote:
> >
> > Lest anyone get the wrong idea, twernt me - the only speech that needs
> > protecting is offensive speech, all the more so if it's offensive speech
> > based on faulty HEY! QUIT POKING ME!
> Well Praise "Bob", you're finally starting to sound like a "good
> little Subgenius" again. (grin)
Sister Decadence, I know that you know that there is no such thing as a
good SubGenius. We is all BAAAAD. As long as every SubGenius has views
which are somehow diametrically opposite from all other SubGenii's views,
Copyright 1999 by Rev. Ivan Stang / 1st Orthodox Stangian
MegaFisTemple Lodge of People's Covenant Church of the
Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected / The SubGenius Foundation,Inc.
PO Box 140306 Dallas TX 75214 / Fax 214-320-1561 / PRABOB
http://www.subgenius.com -- SubSITE of Slack
"Ignoring the shit in this church is like ignoring the sea
when you're stuck on Gilligan's Island."
-- Dr. K. "Cortez" Legume
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!newsfeed.berkeley.edu!news-peer1.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!nntp.abs.net!newshub2.home.com!newshub1.home.com!news.home.com!news.rdc1.tx.home.com.POSTED!not-for-mail
Message-ID: <36C2DCCD.9D3EB41@subgenius.com>
From: SiS D <decadence@subgenius.com>
Organization: @Home Network
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 [en]C-AtHome0404 (Win95; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <36c3b4db.8853781@news.mindspring.com> <36C04E4F.3DAAFB44@subgenius.com> <i.stang-1002992330540001@fcn105-64.tmi.net>
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 32
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 13:37:02 GMT
X-Complaints-To: abuse@home.net
X-Trace: news.rdc1.tx.home.com 918740222 (Thu, 11 Feb 1999 05:37:02 PDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 05:37:02 PDT
Xref: spln alt.slack:156180 alt.binaries.slack:62887
Rev. Ivan Stang wrote:
> In article <36C04E4F.3DAAFB44@subgenius.com>, SiS D
> <decadence@subgenius.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Lest anyone get the wrong idea, twernt me - the only speech that needs
> > > protecting is offensive speech, all the more so if it's offensive speech
> > > based on faulty HEY! QUIT POKING ME!
> >
> > Well Praise "Bob", you're finally starting to sound like a "good
> > little Subgenius" again. (grin)
> Sister Decadence, I know that you know that there is no such thing as a
> good SubGenius. We is all BAAAAD. As long as every SubGenius has views
> which are somehow diametrically opposite from all other SubGenii's views,
That's why it's in quotation marks, darlin'! "good little Subgenius"
translates into BAAAAD motherfreakin Subgenius freakazoid!
> --
> Copyright 1999 by Rev. Ivan Stang / 1st Orthodox Stangian
> MegaFisTemple Lodge of People's Covenant Church of the
> Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected / The SubGenius Foundation,Inc.
> PO Box 140306 Dallas TX 75214 / Fax 214-320-1561 / PRABOB
> http://www.subgenius.com -- SubSITE of Slack
> "Ignoring the shit in this church is like ignoring the sea
> when you're stuck on Gilligan's Island."
> -- Dr. K. "Cortez" Legume
Path: spln!extra.newsguy.com!lotsanews.com!cyclone.news.idirect.com!island.idirect.com!feed1.news.rcn.net!rcn!news.maxwell.syr.edu!newsfeed.cwix.com!!news.ecsis.net!not-for-mail
From: "kevbob" <kevbob.ALLSPAM@ecsis.net>
Newsgroups: alt.slack,alt.binaries.slack
Subject: Re: OK, it's a Socialist Police State.
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 08:53:55 -0600
Organization: not enough
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <79ur0h$ca3$2@ecs5.ecsis.net>
References: <i.stang-0802991531270001@fcn105-245.tmi.net> <36c3b4db.8853781@news.mindspring.com> <i.stang-1002992327160001@fcn105-64.tmi.net>
NNTP-Posting-Host: service.ecsis.net
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3155.0
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3155.0
Xref: spln alt.slack:156182 alt.binaries.slack:62910
Rev. Ivan Stang wrote in message ...
>That's god damned right! But the creation of the Yeti by the Xists in 80
>million BC, and the subsequent creation of humans (lab rats) by the Yeti,
>and the tragic devolution caused by human-Yeti miscegenation, HAS been
>proven, yet do they teach THAT in schools?!? FUCK no. Because then all the
>HUMAN kids might feel INFERIOR or something.
which is kinda odd,
since us human kids had so many other things to feel inferior about.
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