Signs of the End Times on my block... haze from forest fires in the South, so thick that you can't see across White Rock Lake, and Dallas smells like Mexico burning.
Signs of the End Times on my telephone, and on my radio at the same time. Talking to Bob Larson. Just joshing around about the End Times with Bob Larson. Truly, this is a sign of the End Times.
Signs in the mail... a lavishly printed SATANIC ROLE PLAYING GAME arrives, called "ILLUMINATI NEW WORLD ORDER -- SUBGENIUS". "Bob" is distorted on every other card and one of the characters is ME -- only me depicted as if something from THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GREY. My friends are super-hero characters in the game.
Signs of the End Times... I'm sitting at a computer RIGHT NOW hearing my other friends performing live music on their radio show a thousand miles away. I have been trying to phone them, but they have been too busy playing the music to notice the phone light blinking in their station. When they pick up the phone, I'll be able to hear myself on my computer, 20 seconds in the past.
The smog from the burning Mexico is getting in the house and making my throat burn.
Original file name: End Times
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