Daniel J Buckley (dbuckley@titan.oit.umass.edu) left a pink ring around

my terminal, which has been removed.

How to remove Spammers from your newsgroup file

This comprehensive hobnail boot guide shows you how to erase, nay,
REMOVE past, present, and future geeks, glorps, spammers,
mediocretins and all-around PinkBoys from your News Groups.

* It gives you the names and addresses of the offending party,
his system administrator, his postmaster, and his momma.

* Shows you how to really annoy them in return.

* Shows you how to rent, slash and disembowel the offending party
should he be unlucky enough to let his corporeal pink scent be
picked up by Yetisyn.

* Includes helpful tips on the use of the RantoMatic, and a few
snippets of SternoDoxia (TM) to send to system administrators,
postmasters, and Mommas.

This is the most eviscereal and gut-wrenching method to remove
pink scum from the face of the internet. Works better than Clorox!

To get the hobnail boot guide to removing past, present and
future geeks, glorps, spammers, mediocretins, and all-around
PinkBoys send AT LEAST $1 to

The Church of the SubGenius
P.O. Box 140306
Dallas, TX 75214

: and the guide will be rushed to you


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