In her latest contribution to this thread, Andrea
writes that "government (society)" has the function
of regulating behavior.
This implies that government=society, or that
the two words are synonyms.
I suggest that this view resembles identifying
prison with the prison guards only.. Every prison
has convicts as well as guards, and every society
has people not in government as well as
people in government.
Thus, society = government + all the rest of us,
just as prison = guards + all the other inmates.
"Government is a group of men who do violence
to others" as Tolstoy said.
Specifically, government rests upon robbery
(taxation) which rests upon coercion
("don't pay and we throw your ass in jail.")
Once government has robbed us by taxation,
it hires other thugs to "regulate our behavior"
also by coercion and threat. The threat
varies from fine to imprisonment to death.
"Anarchists would not destroy society if they could,
and could not if they would." -- Ben Tucker.
But government is not society and the possibility
of abolishing government (coercion) seems the only hope of ever
seeing rational behavior among human beings...
if you define rational behavior as that behavior
based on reason. In a government system,
most behavior is based on coercion, threat
and increasing violence, not on reason.
Wake up and small the coffee, Andrea.
The government that you wish to have
control the behavior of others is also
eager to control your behavior.
Remember Waco, kid.
And remember Chicago 1968,
Kent State 1970, Auchwitz,
Why use coercion to make people do
what they would rationally do anyway?
The only purpose of coercion is to make
people do what they know is loathsome,
immoral, idiotic or destructive of their own
interest...things like war (loathsome),
immoral (spying on your parents),
idiotic (the war on drugs),
against one's own interest
(official medicine and prohibition
of free choice)...
Subject: RE: Feminism and Hypocrisy
From: (Monkey) wrote:
: Wake up and small the coffee, Andrea.
: The government that you wish to have
: control the behavior of others is also
: eager to control your behavior.
--Indeed. Although it's not just the government.
After all, I could post a full-color illustration of what I might purport to
be Janet Reno's vulva on a web page, identified as such, and probably
bear no repercussions but the sneers and derision of those who denounce
my poor draftsmanship and/or taste.
But let me merely repeat a complaint I've heard about Scientology and I
will have litigious company for life or until I'm bankrupt.
On the other hand, neither the Scientologists nor the Baptists are yet
allowed to kick in my door, shoot me for farting in surprise and then
mutter, "scuse us -- wrong information -- sorry -- please disregard." Or
at least, they're not allowed to shoot me with anything that goes full auto.
So if we empower the government to be big and bad enough to squash the
scientologists (for example), all we get is, as the kikiyu say, "When
elephants fight, it's the grass that gets trampled."
"Run and Hide. Run and Hide.
NONE of them are on your side."
(Burma Shave)
As to Ahmed's astute observation, I add the line from Paul Brodeur's The
Stunt Man -- "Paranoia is a social disease -- you get it from screwing
other people."
Subject: Re: Feminism blah blah
From: (Dennis McClain-Furmanski)
On Tue. May 16, 1995, told All:
msau> Don't know if anyone cares but I was reading a psychology book the
> other day and apparently there are physiological differences in the
> brain between the sexes...
> Men are better at visio-spatial skills (co-ordination etc) and
> logical thought, whereas women are better at Language skills.
> Write me and I'll type up the study for you, can't remember who it
> was at the moment...
> Laters Andy
You can look in Psychological Abstracts or use the PsychLIT computer to
find a huge amount of this stuff. Look under 'hemispheric separation' or
'hemispheric differentiation' and 'gender differences'.
Women have more corpus callosum, that which keeps the two sides of the
brain communicating. They're better at general problem solving, and make
use of intuitive (or unconscious, take your pick) logic to do so. Men are
more able to keep tasks separate. From my own experimenting, men are
better able to balance a piece of wood and recite a list of words at the
same time. Whoopdee fucking doo.
I've studied this shit for years, and I can honestly say I'd prefer to
have a female brain.
* 2qwk! 1.26b3 * Bad puns are watching us. I think the big one's giggling.
Subject: Re: Feminism blah blah
From: (Dennis McClain-Furmanski) told All:
> The corpus callosum is larger in left-handed people as well. Speaking
> as a left-handed woman, I have the biggest, juiciest corpus collosum
> in North America...
Yummy! Dat's da BEST PART!
>I've studied this shit for years, and I can honestly say I'd prefer to
>have a female brain.
> That's good thinking on your part.
ARARARARAR! Self-referential humor.
(Nightmare Hippy Boy? -- Kid's gonna be a heller with a mom that warps
them out like that. I know. I have a mom that way. 62 year old roller
skate-dance instructor. She bought me my buckskin fringe.)
* 2qwk! 1.26b3 * Ignorance is the mother of Adventure. -- Hagar the
Subject: Re: Feminism blah blah
From: (NENSLO)
Nenslo says:
Mrs. Nenslo got a book from the library called BRAIN SEX that's
all about the differences between male and female brains. For the next
two weeks every damn thing that happened around the house had something
to do with the differences between her brain and mine. So I guess it's a
good book. She really liked it. I have a big enough inferiority complex
about my brain already, so I didn't read it.
We were just talking yesterday about our relative math abilities,
and how I have to use a digital clock because in order to CONSCIOUSLY
know what time it is with an analog clock I have to translate the visual
presentation of the relative position of the hands into the WORDS for the
time. Otherwise, I know what time it is but I can't use the
information or tell anyone what time it is. I also never seem to see
words in dreams except on rare occasions when I read or look at a book.
I don't dream signs with words on them, and I don't recall visual images of
words without deliberately trying to. Yet, I have a great visual memory,
photographic, in fact; I have really good spatial ability, never seem to
lose the car in the parking lot, and am usually a very good speller,
except for the "ei" and "ie" thing, where I actually have to say that
stupid poem. And, I can do math if I have to, but it's like summoning up
your inner player for a game of pool or croquet, it takes concerted
effort and once the need is over the math brain is gone again, back to
sleep. So I don't know if that's all because I'm a guy, or not much of a
guy, or mentally ill, or all that stuff together.
I think mainly my left brain is introverted. It doesn't like to
communicate, or translate things into words. Wifey said, "Where did you
get those pieces of concrete?" and instantly the total picture of the
grey house with huge clumps of Iris with the hunks of concrete piled on
the parking popped up in my head. I would have had to say, " Okay, you
know when you go down the street with all the trees...?" and so on. Then
about two minutes later the memory bank finally came up with 72nd and
Hell, I could talk about my brain all day. But I won't. I just
thought Freud's "Psychopathology of Everyday Life" was the sickest
paranoid conspiracy theory I'd ever read. Yet it seems to be true.
Well, maybe HIS brain was conspiring against him, but I think mine is
conspiring against itself.
From: (Purple Kitty)
Subject: Re: Feminism blah blah
*A*A*A*A*A*H*H*H*H*H*H*H*H*H*H*!*!*!*!*!* STOP IT!
"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
"Ya know, men and women think differently..."
"There are some differences..."
NO! It isn't about the difference between dudebrains and chickbrains!
Saying that guys are like THIS while girls are like THAT is drawing a
line that isn't supposed to be there! YES, we're difference, because
we're ALL different! Guy A might be a carbon copy of Girl B, while he
ain't got NUTTIN in common with Guy B. Why? Cuz his Ife matches hers,
probably, and DOESN'T match his!
The line isn't between the guys and the gals! It's between the Yetinsyny
and the Pinks! Ya know what? All the Pink guys really DO think one way,
while all the Pink girls really DO think the other way. And ya know
what's even more incredibly? IT'S THE SAME DAMN WAY! Maybe a twist here
or a turn there, but it's just blind rotation, not transmogrification!
Cuz the Pinks don't have that IFE! They've just got their little crappy
plugs, which all smell the same no matter how much you wash them.
So what it breaks down to is the 48 base types of personalities. The
first 47 have a ton of variations, and are effectively infinite; the 48th
one has a lot less variation, but just enough to masquerade as a serious
contender. It probably wouldn't even be considered, if it weren't for the
fact that 90% of the population falls under it...
Rev Pee Kitty
From: (Mark E. Smith)
Subject: Re: Feminism blah blah
In article <>, (Purple Kitty) wrote:
> NO! It isn't about the difference between dudebrains and
> chickbrains! Saying that guys are like THIS while girls are
> like THAT is drawing a line that isn't supposed to be there!
> YES, we're difference, because we're ALL different!
You're gosh-damned right, PK. You can't make any inference about
what two people do or don't have in common based on what sex
either of them is, or are. All that Guys vs. Dolls stuff is only
about offloading as much brainwork as possible, and letting the
New York Times bestseller list do your thinking for you.
I'm fed up with people telling me that because I'm a male, they
know how I think or what I'm like. According to modern
mythology, I'm supposed to be out somewhere watching organized
athletics and drinking Budweiser. Screw that. And screw anybody
who thinks they can get to know people by dealing with them in
tidy demographic bundles.
Mark E. Smith <>
Convenience is a stronger drug than heroin. -- I. Stang
Subject: Re: Feminism blah blah
From: (Purple Kitty)
Exactly! "Why am I having problems with my SO?" "Oh, we have a simple
explanation for that: It's because guys think with their cranial lobes,
while girls think with their cortex! And this leads to conflict..."
WRONG! It's because you're boring and you actually think she cares about
your job and doesn't notice you looking at her sister, and because deep
down inside you know that she's afraid of this commitment and doesn't
express herself in bed and doesn't remind you enough of the 4th grade
teacher that you still have a crush on! But you don't *WANT* to hear
that! You don't WANT the TRUTH! You want a neat little digest that fits
onto a bumper sticker and sells lots of books! FINE! Take your little
self-help books and listen to that radio shrink and apply their "form
free thinking techniques" and "role-playing reversals" to your
relationship and watch it COLLAPSE into a BLOODY MESS a year later! And
I'll laugh my ass off, watch the collapse, and then write a book about
it and make you buy it.
: I'm fed up with people telling me that because I'm a male, they
: know how I think or what I'm like. According to modern
: mythology, I'm supposed to be out somewhere watching organized
: athletics and drinking Budweiser. Screw that. And screw anybody
: who thinks they can get to know people by dealing with them in
: tidy demographic bundles.
Well, like I said above, the Pinks can usually be stuck into the little
categories. That's what makes them PINK! Sure, there are different KINDS
of Pink, but the categories are THERE! They're FINITE! The cage that Jack
built is keeping him from getting together with Jane, and that's why he's
impotent. The rest of us (SubGenii) will just have to be ourselves, defy
the categories, and get yelled at for it. A small price to pay for having
the key to the cage.
And that key is "Bob's" pipe, but that's another rant.
Rev Pee Kitty
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