Subject: Atomic Jokes

From: "Xenu" <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Sat, Dec 8, 2001 8:48 PM

An atom walks into a bar goes up to the bar the bartender says to the atom
you look sad what's up the replies lost an electron the bartender says are
you sure to which the atom says I'm Positive

A neutron walks in to a bar and asks the bar tender how much for a beer to
witch the bartender replies for you no charge.

A sodium molecule walks into a bar and sees a chlorine molecule sitting at
the end of the bar and goes over and beats him up he get arrested for

Thank you and good night!

Subject: Re: Atomic Jokes
From: nu-monet <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack

Xenu wrote:
> An atom walks into a bar...

...and asks the bartender for six beers. The
bartender asks if he would just like a pitcher,
but the atom is adamant. Six beers. So the
bartender sets up six glasses in front of the
atom. The atom knocks them down, one after
the other, while just staring straight ahead.
The bartender says, "Is everything okay?", and
the atom responds by saying, "Well, to tell you
the truth, just a few minutes ago I got my first
blowjob." "Hey, congratulations!," says the
bartender, "here's another beer on the house!"
"No thanks," says the atom, "if six beers didn't
wash the taste out, I doubt seven will."

There is no nu-monet there is only Zuul.
The Anti-Limerick, by nu-monet:

There was a young man with an orange,
Who kept that there orange for a month,
It didn't turn silver,
It turned kinda purple,
And that there was one spoiled orange.

Subject: Re: Atomic Jokes
From: (Joe Cosby)



You fucking lameo.

No not really. That was ufnny.

Joe Cosby

"Similarly, the independent functional principle is further compounded
when taking into account the total configurational rationale. In this
regard, any associated supporting element adds overwhelming
Folkloristic significance to the strong generative capacity of the
theory. In this regard, a descriptively adequate grammar may remedy
and, at the same time, eliminate the naive disprovability hypothesis.
Thus, within given parameters, the theory of syntactic features
developed earlier is, apparently, determined by the postulated use of
dialog management technology. We have already seen that the
systematic use of complex symbols does not readily tolerate the
anticipated fourth-generation equipment. I suggested that these
results would follow from the assumption that the characterization of
specific criteria is not subject to a corpus of utterance tokens upon
which conformity has been defined by the paired utterance test. In
particular, a large proportion of interface coordination
communication maximizes the probability of project success, yet
minimizes cost and time required for a corpus of utterance tokens
upon which conformity has been defined by the paired utterance test.
Of course, a large portion of interface coordination communication
necessitates that urgent consideration be applied to improved
subcultural compatibility-testing. It would not, however, be safe to
assume that a large proportion of intercultural communicative
coordination presents a valuable challenge showing the necessity for
possible bidirectional relationship approaches. Clearly, a subset of
English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds adds
explicit performance contours to nondistinctness in the sense of
distinctive feature theory."
- Richard M. Nixon

Sig by Kookie Jar 5.98d

From: mtrxhzu@aol.comSPECIALK (krix )

Is the late show sub-atomic?
I eagerly await a "charmed, I'm sure" punchline..

~Sister SpecialK

From: ali assa seen <>

That gave me atomic ache. Hardy Har Har.

- Dr Strangemonde

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