Monkey Torture

From: (Jobe Bittman)

thats the name of my band of musical monkies but I wont' go into that NOW!
You see there that I recognized that all the 'lit' Bobbies in the world
and all their counterparts are what sends these magic 'loopy' signals to
JHVH-1, -2 and -503 and the clitorus erectus (linked to the nose by Freud)
sensorium et al. Precisely that all the Bobbies on this planet(for
example, I don't want to hurt anyone) can be in either 2 positions. They
can be 'on' or 'off', Bob0 or Bob1, 'lit' or 'unlit', stoned or bored,
drunk or hungover. At any microsecond(for example) in time, there are
countless subgenii conciously or unconciously transmitting messages into
this other 'reality', for lack of a better word in all of the human
languages past and present combined. The on and off subgenii send out a
binary coded system of information only perceptable to a small portion of
the true BOBs and higher deities at a baud rate incomprehesible to the
human but roughly equal to time-space.


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