Repeating Normals

From: (Nicole C. Michaud)

A couple of weeks ago, I saw some TV show about so-called
"amazing" or wierd things, can't remember the name. The show was about
these two women named Pat Campbell that had these "coincidences" in
common with each others' lives. The IRS got them mixed up, because they
had the same social security number, drove the same kind of car, had kids
in the same years, etc., and they had never met each other before.
What, I ask, is so damn surprising about this? If you put an
infinite number of monkeys in front of typewriters, just by hitting the
keys at random, they're eventually going to reproduce "Hamlet"-- and
because there are so many normals out there, does it not stand to reason,
under the laws of probability, that there will be Repeating Normals? Who
wear exactly the same clothes, like exactly the same music, and have
practically every other aspect of thier lives in common?
This is why there can never be any two alike SubGenii. Those
monkeys could never, in all of eternity, reproduce the Book of the
SubGenius, or Revelation X. We either live in a Universe where they'll
never be able to do that.... or a Universe where that is ALL they'd ever
pound out at random on those typewriters.

----Rev. Nickie

Subject: Re: repeating normals
From: (Trtrout)

A couple of weeks ago, I saw some TV show about
"amazing" or weird things you can't remember. The show was about
these two Ro-men named NENSLO that had these "coincidences" in
common with each others' lives. The IRS got all mixed up, because they had
the same societal insecurity, drove the same sheep herd, had the same kids
in the same hospital ship, etc., and they had never met anyone before.

What, I ask, is so damn surprising about this? If you put an
infinite number of monkeys in front of typewriters, just by hitting their
heads at random, they're eventually going to reproduce -- and because
there are infinite monkeys out there, does it not stand
to reason, under the laws of probability, that there will be Ro-men called
NENSLO? Who wear exactly the same fur, like exactly the same brand of
bubble machines, hang out in the same cave,
and have practically every other aspect of their lives in common?

This is why there can never be any two alike monkeys. Those
SubGenii could never, in all of eternity, reproduce. We live in a
Universe where they'll pound out at random on those typewriters and
reproduce the Book of the SubGenius, or Revelation X.

----Copyright RoMan1995--------------
"First batter this present world's rubble,
The other may deepfry it, if that's the plan."
-Gertie, Farst pt.1


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