I've Freed the Holy Land

From: Ivan Stang

> In a previous article, pdrummond@subg.com () says:
> >
> >Yep, That's right! I've freed the Holy Land!
> >No more hate and fighting, just free love and stuff!
> >You can thank me.
Rev. Carey asked:
> How much for an apartment?

By "free love," Philo means its free of LEGAL INTERFERENCE. In the New Drummondian Holy Land(TM), you can make it with anything and everything that consents and is over the age of 18 (in human years). But it costs a little MORE than it used to.

Also, notice that in his ad, Philo doesn't define "stuff."

Just a word to the wise.

Rev. Stang

From: sphinx1@ix.netcom.com (Sphinx Drummond)
Subject: Has anybody seen my brother Philo?

I'm starting to worry, I haven't seen Philo for weeks. My e-mail to him
is returned "server unknown"...Maybe he's off with Onan somewhere,
having their own private DOKSTOK, or something. Maybe when he was
freeing the Holy Land he caught some kind of desert storm fallout fever
and is walking around in the Ozarks mindless and lost. I'm kind of

Col. Sphinx Drummond


From: mtownsend@interramp.com (Michael Townsend)

I hope he wasn't the guy driving the pickup who rammed into Stang. But I
wouldn't be surprised.

>>>Dad's Frapulous Tape Torture<<<
**Send a tape. Get a tape. It's that sleazy!**
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