The Flower and the Kitty

By Rev. Sternodox

Once upon a time this one guy decided to force everyone in the world
to buttfuck each other for all eternity. So he studied a variety of
demonic tomes for several years until he had perfected the correct
series of spells and stuff and so then he took everybody that was a
girl, or a post-operative transsexual, or was a guy that had their
dick cut off through an industrial accident, or was a guy who got
born without a dick, or any other person who, for whatever reason,
didn't have a dick and he got them all in this fake hospital by
mailing them these bogus sweepstakes mailings that told them they had
a free prize there. Then, when they were all there, he put them under
using anesthesia and gas and stuff and operated on them all and
surgically grafted dicks on every one of them. So after he was done
doing that, everybody in the world had a dick, even some of the dead
people who were girls or other people who didn't have a dick but now
they did and were zombies. So then the guy got all the men in the
world, and all the boys, who already had dicks and he put them in a
huge line with all the newly be-dicked people and had them stand
front to back in a line that stretched around the world eighteen
times and used giant bridges to go over the oceans. Then, when
everybody was in line, he made them all pull down their pants and put
their dicks in the assholes of the person in front of them. Some of
the people who were already homos didn't mind too much and some of
the girls who now had dicks thought it was interesting for about the
first ninety hours or so, but after a couple of months of non-stop
buttfucking, everybody began to get tired of it and wanted to go
watch TV or go get a hamburger or build a model of the U.S.S.
Constitution or learn to play the cello or establish a new source of
funding for the study of more durable concrete blocks or anything
besides just standing in a giant line and buttfucking each other. So
they all started complaining but the guy didn't want to let them stop
buttfucking each other but came up with an idea to not make it so
monotonous. What he did was allow everybody to all of the sudden turn
around real fast all at the same time and start buttfucking the
person who just before had been buttfucking them. The novelty of this
ploy lasted only about a couple of minutes though and then everybody
got tired of buttfucking that new person. After the first ten years
about half of the people had gone totally insane and the rest weren't
too far behind them. Also, after that much buttfucking with no
suitable lubrication everybody's dicks were sore and bleeding and
some of them were already almost worn down to the nub. Many people
were in so much pain that they were almost ready to faint but the guy
wouldn't allow them to stop buttfucking each other even for a tenth
of a second. Of course, there were many problems with this set-up,
not only for the people who were doing the buttfucking, but for the
guy too, such as how to feed them all. He did this by intraveinous
feeding. Also, when the people had to take a shit, it all went into
the dick of the person who was buttfucking them because the guy
wouldn't let them stop to take a shit and sometimes this caused
infections. But the guy used antibiotics to cure them. After several
centuries all the people were totally insane, so the guy learned
psychiatry and cured them all so that they could go back to just
merely physically hurting all the time and after a few more centuries
they went insane again and the guy cured them again and this went on
century after century for all eternity just like the guy had planned

The End

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