>Hey Crawford!
>> Today, while postering SW a bit I was PHYSICALLY ACCOSTED by some
>>tall skinny older guy that HATES "BOB" I mean he actually LAID HANDS
>>ON ME after I told him to stop following me around and ripping down
>>posters! (the stickers really pissed him off!) he was ranting like a
>>Mo fo' and when I told him to lighten up, he just go t louder, then I
>>said Hey! fuck off! and he got physical! Lucky for me there was a
>>hawthorn bus pulling up and after removing his hands I got on and
>>road off. His last shout was THIS IS WAR MOTHER FUCKER! dang! whata
>>rush! we will have to look out for him at the show. if I see him
>>again, I will goad him HARD! and see if I can get him to ASSAULT me
>>further! ( I am fairly safe, in such circumstances and can avoid
>>getting hurt while making a BIG SCENE! newsworthy?
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