Just before dawn, we're all TOASTED with lack of sleep, packing the truck, sweeping up the fake blood and confetti off the floor; Chicken's friend Junkman wanders over to a parking lot next door to smoke a cigaret, and he hears, "Roll camera... action... okay, now put your hand on her titty..." He looks and there are lights on stands and half dressed women standing around looking bored in heavy makeup. They're shooting a god damned porno movie in the parking lot! Probably avoiding permit fees by filming in a deserted part of town at 5 am.
We play a trick on Chicken John by driving off without him, stranding him and Dammit the Wonder Dog, and when we return he drops his drawers and moons us on the street. Five minutes later, as we're driving away down the dawn LA streets, we see a TALL SKINNY PALE WOMAN WEARING NOTHING AT ALL BELOW THE WAIST, tottering drunkenly along the sidewalk, holding what are probably her pants, in a bundle. Maybe a ghost! Creeps me out just thinking about it.
HOLLYWOOD! There is something NOT RIGHT about that place. BAD not-right.

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