Then the game show celebs were introduced, and that's where I did a little 5 minute rant about "Bob". That, however, is not on camera, since I was running the camera. And, once the game show started, nothing seemed to work quite right. I'm GUESSING that it would have been funny if anybody had been able to hear anything. Below, we see David Apocalypse and Dr. Howll grimly evauluating the emminent death of the show.
From way up there on the scaffolding, though, I could relax, eat my peanuts, and enjoy a perfect view of the CROWD, which numbered at 350, and ranged from the uttery plain in dress to the most stupidly trendy in goth-style heroin addiction. SUPERB human-watching. Too bad I didn't bring my camera up there, but filming a paying audience watching me film them would have been TOO rude.

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