From various sources, with NO citations!
"We want to
be different. We want to be strange and
we don't want jocks or other people
putting (us) down. ... We're going to
punish you."
In an interview with The Denver Post, a member of the
Trenchcoat Mafia who
knew the gunmen described life for members of his group
as "hell ... pure hell."
He said that athletes at the school called him
bashed him into lockers
and threw rocks at him as he rode his bike home.
"I can't describe how hard it was to get up in the
and face that," the
18-year-old, who demanded anonymity, told the paper.
"I'm not saying what they did was okay," he said. "But I
know what it's like to be
cornered, pushed day after day."
Clinton, in the midst of hosting a three-day NATO summit
dominated by the war
in Kosovo, appealed to everyone from parents to titans
the entertainment
industry to search for ways "to keep our children
"Every one of us must take responsibility to counter
culture of violence,"
Clinton said. "The government must take
He said he will ask Congress next week to pass a bill
"crack down on gun
shows and illegal gun trafficking, ban violent
from ever being able to
buy a gun and close the loophole that lets juveniles
assault rifles."
He also said he will seek passage of a bill that would
include $600 million to help schools increase security by
obtaining more metal detectors and help pay for
additional counsellors and conflict resolution
"I ask you to make every video game and movie as if
your own children were
watching it," Clinton said.
Owens said there was a "need to take a hard look at the sub-
culture of violence,
death, anarchy and incoherence that seems, in recent
years, to have become so
appealing to so many young people."
"We need to understand who and what feeds and profits
from this dark
subculture. And why is it that so many Americans
patronise a mass media which all too often glorifies violence
rather than condemns it?" he said.
But another member of the group told The Denver Post that
he understood
why the teens snapped: One of the reasons the
Trenchcoat Mafia existed, he
said, was to give its members a sense of belonging
in the face of teasing and
bullying by other students, especially athletes.
"I don't think kids were ever scared of the trench coats
before," the elder
Cohn said. "They were just different. But now the
word "trench coat" sends fear into them."
Subject: Re: Trench Coat Clips from the News... enjoy
From: HellPope Huey/ <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 1999 3:06 PM
In article <>, ( wrote:
> From various sources, with NO citations!
> -Love
> Jesus
Great cross-section, there, M'Lord! Some quick takes:
"We want to
> be different. We want to be strange and
> we don't want jocks or other people
> putting (us) down. ... We're going to
> punish you."
Most jocks NEED to be killed. They're already groomed to be violent,
contemptuous numbnuts, so as to the "culture of violence" thang, can you
say hypocrisy with cleats? Maybe the Columbine thing will sober a few
of 'em up and turn the tide ever so slightly. Or not.
> In an interview with The Denver Post, a member of the
> Trenchcoat Mafia who knew the gunmen described life for members of his
group as "hell ... pure hell."
> He said that athletes at the school called him
> "faggot," bashed him into lockers and threw rocks at him as he rode his
bike home.
"Faggots," eh? I always wondered why the jocks were so into snapping
everyone's asses with towels. Now we know; THEY'RE IN TRAINING!!!
> "Every one of us must take responsibility to counter
> the culture of violence," Clinton said. "The government must take
> responsibility." He said he will ask Congress next week to pass a bill
> to "crack down on gun shows and illegal gun trafficking, ban violent
> juveniles from ever being able to buy a gun and close the loophole that
lets juveniles own assault rifles."
Oh, NOW that gun show crap matters! Like the gooberment has a track
record of knowing which end to shit out of.....
> He also said he will seek passage of a bill that would
> include $600 million to help schools increase security by
> obtaining more metal detectors and help pay for additional counsellors
and conflict resolution programmes.
If these quivering crapsacks can't solve Kosovo with B2 bombers and
billions of bucks, how the fuck are they gonna resolve the "problem" of
teen hormones? Besides, nobody but quislings listens to those effing
counselors; their huggybear blather is part of the problem. If the
"adults" weren't so utterly disingenuous, maybe they'd have a little
more credibility where its needed most.
> "I ask you to make every video game and movie as if
> your own children were watching it," Clinton said.
Yeah, like Mom & Dad are gonna check out "Resident Evil" or sit through
"Spawn II!" Guess that'd be easier than actually TALKING with yer kids
from an early age onwards so they didn't become jock assholes OR
> Owens said there was a "need to take a hard look at the sub-
> culture of violence, death, anarchy and incoherence that seems, in
recent years, to have become so appealing to so many young people."
"We need to understand who and what feeds and profits
> from this dark subculture. And why is it that so many Americans
> patronise a mass media which all too often glorifies violence
> rather than condemns it?" he said.
You shallow, two-faced fucks have been glorifying violence since day
one! We've just upped the ante and turned it on you in an attempt
to pay you back for acting like sex was something grim & awful. Maybe
for YOU pathetic twice-a-month, under-a-sheet, missionary-only gorks;
I like MINE so loud and weird that the neighbors can't look me in the
eye the morning after!!! EIEIEIEIEIII!!! PRAJESUS!!! (The other one)
HellPope Huey, Radio Doktor, SynthMeister,
'Righter, Frightful In A Leopard Thong, 1st-Class SexHurtMaster
& Dobbster since 1981
"aS CrAzY aS yOu & tWiCe aS dAnGeRoUS wItHouT MeDiCaTioN"
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Subject: Re: Trench Coat Clips from the News... enjoy
From: (Namtog)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 1999 3:43 PM
Message-ID: <>
>how the fuck are they gonna resolve the "problem" of
> teen hormones?
Hi HellPope.
I think most are missing the point to this story. There are jobs that are
so boring (TCM) or dangerous (jocks) that most of us do not want to do them. So
they beat and kill one another. Big deal. It keeps them sharp. When we want to
send warriors (jocks) to Kosovo there is no shortage of them. While many of us
enjoy things like the internet few of us are willing to do the day to day grunt
(TCM) that is required to keep it up and running.
I will wait for the next sex scandal to come along, I have use for people
in that line of work. And some work I do not mind doing myself. Namtog
Subject: Re: Trench Coat Clips from the News... enjoy
From: (Rev. Barking Lunchbox)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Reply-To: -------------------
Date: Wed, Apr 28, 1999 7:34 AM
Message-ID: <>
HellPope Huey/ <> wrote:
>In article <>,
> ( wrote:
>> From various sources, with NO citations!
>> -Love
>> Jesus
> Great cross-section, there, M'Lord! Some quick takes:
> "We want to
>> be different. We want to be strange and
>> we don't want jocks or other people
>> putting (us) down. ... We're going to
>> punish you."
> Most jocks NEED to be killed. They're already groomed to be violent,
> contemptuous numbnuts, so as to the "culture of violence" thang, can you
> say hypocrisy with cleats? Maybe the Columbine thing will sober a few
> of 'em up and turn the tide ever so slightly.
and what? Make them into cowering weenies so the folks that already
ARE will be safe and we don't risk having one out of every 50 million
of them going loony? Well, fuck. We oughta get the government on it.
Force them nasty old athletes into sensitivity training classes. Start
a big brother-like program and make them take emaciated goths out for
espresso, and listen intently to them in hopes of better understanding
the richly rewarding aspects of avoiding the sun like a vampire and
wallowing in weltschmerz and dark, dipshit fantasy. It'll be
expensive, but it will be worth it. And while you are at it, tie some
lead weights to them big meanies so they can't make the weaker,
scrawnier guys feel inferior with their hard-won agility, like in that
Vonnegut book
People are mean. They fuck with each other. Always will. Killing a few
jocks won't change a damn thing. People had best learn to deal with it
in high school, because if one rolls over for it then, he'll likely be
getting shit on the rest of his life. Some people, like these two
gomers, decide they'd rather bail than deal with the implications of
that, but the vast majority of people that get used for doormats will
never do a thing about it besides be fucking BITTER and live utterly
unremarkable lives.
Anyway, I don't hear anybody much complaining about "grooming" people
to be violent when we (supposedly) need a few hundred thousand of the
products of that grooming to send off to waste ragheads and what not,
to, among other things, insure that spolied suburban kids won't have
to fork over an extra dime for gas, and that they'll have some really
cool violent video games to get bent on afterward.
>> In an interview with The Denver Post, a member of the
>> Trenchcoat Mafia who knew the gunmen described life for members of his
> group as "hell ... pure hell."
>> He said that athletes at the school called him
>> "faggot," bashed him into lockers and threw rocks at him as he rode his
> bike home.
Yeah, boy. HELL is the only way to describe that. Poor guy. Had to
live in upper middle class, pampered comfort in Colorado and get
knocked around a bit, at least partially because he behaved like the
worst kind of sheep himself (the kind that rigorously conforms to the
supposed non-conformity of an imbecilic subgroup) in an effort to get
attention - ANY kind of attention -, is a zillion times worse than
living in bloat-bellied, worm-gutted, green-splatter-shitted poverty
under a hunk of sheet metal roofing in some third-world dump or in an
Eastern European war zone where snipers pop a cap into you while
you're trying to wash your drawers in a groundwater-filled shell
crater. Better tell them stupid-assed Haitians and Cubans that try to
float over here on rum crates that things are MISERABLE over here. No
WAY they're tough enough to handle the horrors of suburban America.
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