Talk about a mind-blower! There we were walking along at the Van Gogh Museum, when who should come around the corner but THE DALAI LAMA with a huge entourage! Some of us were wearing Dobbshead shirts and when the Dalai Lama saw them, he got all excited and started shouting, "Praise "Bob"! Praise "Bob!" in English. (His assistants all looked real embarrassed.) It turned out he was a BIG fan of BOOK OF THE SUBGENIUS and REVELATION X, and makes all his friends read them. He actually knew my name and Onan's and said he was proud to meet us! I just about SHAT! He said he already had met "Bob" AND PHILO! (That sumbitch never told me he knew the Dalai Lama!) Anyway, we didn't have time to hang out, but when we left he did a pretty fair attempt at the "EYIYIYI" Salute!

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