14X-DAY 2011
Special Awards from "Bob" via Rev. Teeters LeVerge:
These were hand-lettered by Dr. Hal on very fancy certificates, which each came with a Dobbsheaded Cheap Plastic
Chinese Fountain Pen. Each certificate reads:
"The 53 Annual Cheap Plastic Chinese Fountain Pen Award for Excellence in the Field of Dissemination of Dobbsian Propaganda"
"By the Will O' Dobbs Has Dutifully Been Presented to:"
((Dr. Hal-inscribed name of recipient):
Rev. Ivan Stang
Priestess Pisces
Princess Wei 'R.' Doe
Dr. Hal
Dr. K'taden Legume
Dr. Philo Drummond
Rev. Wilhelm Stahlhelm
Rev. Susie the Floozie (also Most Stalked)
Popess Pantiara Evokavitch
Rev. Frodis "Suds" Pshaw
(To save typing-finger I'm gonna drop the "Rev." from most of these names)
Stick: Most Kick-Ass Bass Playing
Tao Jones: Best New Poster on ScrubGenius
IMBJR: Best Kook Troller
Zapanaz: Best Kook Basher ("Slap of the Nenslo Award")
Tater: Best alt.slack-Replacer
Teeters LeVerge: Best "Bob" Story
Ankara: Most IRC-some
Elliott: Special Sound Award
Dr. Dark: Best Heckler
Feit C. Taj: Best Taste in Movies
Phat ManDee: Best Lungs
Tommy Amoeba: More DEVO than DEVO
Fat Free: Best Overcomers of NHGH
Duke of Uke: Most Slackspirational
Andrew the Impaled: Most Self-Wounded
Scotty (Senator Speck) and Janelle: Best Coffee and Drums
Skum: Most Spry and Alert
0-DFX: Spazziest
Evolution Control Committee: Latest X-Day Drill Must-Have
Papa Joe Mama: Best Return to X-Day
Jannus Blackseed: Auctioneer General
Harry Johnson: Most Wrecked Fingers, Voice & Consideration for Others
Ministry of Slack: Best Weekly Podcast
Slanderbob: Best Constant Podcast
Two Beans: Best Whatever-That-Kind-of-Music-is-Called
Ennie and Rev. V: Sacred Griddle Award
Cult of Zir: Coolest Name
Boron Nuzzle: Best CD Packaging
Dr. Sinister: 2nd Most Erudite
Steve Scynic: Best Encourager
Pater and Petal Nostril: Best Vibes
GFY Clench: Best Devival
Thatan: Best Costume
Christopher Lee and Zute: Coolest
Jimbo de Limbo: Most Dependable (not an insult!)
Ana Dynamite: Registrar General
Amino Acids/Dok Frop/Sister Decadence: Most Missed
Too Numerous to Mention: Least Missed
Lonesome Cowboy Dave: Most Conspicuous Absence
Chain Smerker: Best Liar
Too Numerous to Mention: Most Butthurt
Nickie & Bob Deathchick/Wild: Best Swaggarts
F. LeMur: Most Sudden Vanishing since nu-monet
DJ Shaver: Best Taste in Tastelessness
Uncle Dr. Onan Canobite: Man Behind the Curtain
The Ed Strange Pulpit: Oldest Furniture
Phister Gagghol: Best Camera-Lending
Hazel of the Windmills: Best Sitar and Jungle Girl bathing suit
Puzzling Evidence: Most Puzzling/ YouTube Archivist
The Large: Best New Hour of Slack contributor
D. Lister/ Rev. Faux / Rev. Purge: Bursars General
Richard Skull: Skull of the Yeti Award
Rev. Pockets: Sodality of the White Glove of Connie
808 & Gigglepuss: Best Daisy Chain Starters
Too Numerous to Mention: Best Ragequit
Dr. Lobotomy: Least Visible at X-Day
Just John: Fuck 'Em If They Can't Take a Joke Award
Eggplant & Karen/Nigel & Joy: Friendliest Faces
Organbeard/Catfeather: Best Audience Participation
Giant Eel film crew: Most Potentially Helpful project
Rev. Go Fuck Yourself: Go Fuck Yourself for Missing It
Pantiara Evokavitch: Too Sweet to Mention
Rev. 80: Piscean Stalker
Rev. Heathen: Chickenhead (for serving chicken!)
Best Bloody Devival Prop: Sinphaltimus Exmortis
Rev. Susie the Floozie: Lawanda Page Award
Lotrimin Spray Powder: Best Nutsack Spray