NEW SPEW plus:
Animated XIST SAUCER MOVIE! SubPreachers on CON-TV! More GIFmovies!
Noncompressed versions now available!
Rev. Noah Stewart thoroughly outdid himself on this instructional piece of computer animation. A narrator warns of X-Day impending as we watch a saucer relentlessly approach Earth, wending its way through the inky void and weird-looking planets of FORBIDDEN OUTER SPACE!
The above link gets you the E-Z-2-download Stuffed .mov file, with sound. (Flattened Quicktime -- on Macs it runs on MoviePlayer; on PCs, use your standard .avi and .mov video players.) However, some users who can't UnStuff themselves have begged for the uncompressed straight .mov file... and here it is:
Stuffed MPEG with WAV soundtrack -- 2.5mb
(pictured above)
During the Slack Crusades tour, a TV station invited us by their studios so they could whup together a little weirdness-interest story for their entertainment news.
Their report on The Church of the SubGenius was LONGER than their report on Morris Day's comeback! WE'RE BIGGER THAN MORRIS DAY!! Not as big as carbon monoxide, the big lead story. But... we'll change that.
This 1-minute clip mostly shows I, Stang ranting at the cameraman, but it's... all twirky looking, and there are also shots of Circus Apocolypse in action, and a Dr. Legume cameo. The bracketting Pinkness is of course what makes this special. The news-pink mentions Jimmy Swaggart at the end.
The standard MPEG viewer for Macs is the shareware Sparkle 2.4.5 (older versions don't play the sound). If you don't have it, you can download it right now from:
PC users will need VMPEG1.7 (older versions won't do). Three new sources for this common shareware:
And if you selfsame Non-Mac-users can't undo StuffIt compression, you can always take a nice long nap while downloading the complete 6.2 MEG UNCOMPRESSED MOV VERSION:
Univ. of Delaware:
Wanna see some longer GIFmovies, like the short ones now adorning some of our main pages? These aren't downloads... if you click on them, you'll see the leetle movie running on a new page... if you're using Netscape 2.0, anyway. They crawl by while loading, but once fully insinuated into your hard drive, they play in a loop at "normal" (heh-heh) speed. The ones below were chosen for "special" presentation because they actually look GREAT, WHILE loading.
A GIF-movie version of the PSYCHEBOB1 mpeg in Video Stash 2. "Trippy."
Loop version of Video Stash 3's morph, BOBSMEAR. He gets all gooey on you, over and over. Gross.
A GIF-movie version of the Dobbsvid2 mpeg in Video Stash 2. "Groovy."
Two animation shots from the SubGenius/MTV minute. "You'll masturbate to it." -- Kurt Loder
Arnie!.mov 66k
Pope Sternodox Keckhaver wrung out this lovely animated rendition of The Bleeding Head of Arnold Palmer. Yep, it's still bleeding. But hath The Head been Launched, o ye unfaithful ones??!? 297k
We found this in our uploads bin sans explanation. It appears to be a very short film clip of a woman who MAY be Connie Dobbs. This very short clip would probably work best inserted into the middle of a hard-core porno scene.
By Donald Buckley -- a simple psychedelic animation. Play it on LOOP. PCs only.
We just LOVE peeback from users telling us how these highly technoid processes are working. So RANT BACK AT STANG, or BUY MORE SUBGENIUS VIDEOTAPES!!! (Remember -- they're NOT COPY-PROTECTED -- so when you buy one, you're getting potential copies for all your friends for COST OF TAPE ONLY!!!)