Awhile back, I did the original version of this for the SubGenius/INWO rpg card set, showing The Queen of ALL the UFOs atop her 10 Headed Chocolate Triceratops as The Rupture begins. I always wanted to "get further inside" this hurriedly assembled scene, so I decided to do a QTVR periscope peek-around in SwivelVision (TM).

The problem was, like with most Bryce scenes, everything looks fine as long as you're only looking in one direction. You have everything set up JUST FOR CERTAIN CAMERA POSITIONS, and, like a Hollywood set, it's all transparently fake the minute you step away from the camera and look outside the frame.

For instance, I stuck the camera further into the middle of the little foreground tableau (babe, Pipe, car, earthquake-crack), but still, when you swiveled around to look back at the babe on the beast, there was NO CITY, NOTHING AT ALL past her -- just that Twilight Zone/sf-paperback-Dali-rip-off ENDLESS BRYCE PLAIN. So I had to duplicate the entire city and put the copy of it on the other side of the scene. Then I noticed that the babe was sitting on the Tricertops only to be seen from her right side. From the left, like this, you can see that her leg SINKS RIGHT INTO THE TRICERTAOPS' sticky chocolatey side! Well, TOO BAD!! I AIN'T GONNE FIX IT! (I couldn't spend long on this, you see... I just can't bear for my computer to lay sleeping like I do, when it could be rendering SOMETHING).

This QTVR .mov file should play on any MODERN DAY movie player (don't they all come with QuickTime capability now?).

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