Militance towards Rush Limbaugh

From: (Doug D. Douglas)
t-gingrich,alt.politics.democrats.d,alt.impeach.clinton,alt.stupidity (Austin Loomis) wrote:

> Jason Holmes <> wrote:
>> (BobH537) wrote:
> >
> >> < Seriously, I don't think any of us would really like to see the man die
> >> a
> >> < flaming death. Personally, I'd like to see him get convicted on a
> >> < pedophilia charge--that would make me happy. Or for his particular
> >> brand
> >> < of demogogery go out of style so he has to go get a real job for a
> >> < change, like in a fast-food restaurant. Something like that. Not die a
> >>
> >> < flaming death. Of course I only speak for myself.
> >>
> >> I can just see Ol' Windbag hisself dressed in one of those McDonalds
> >> uniforms, the ones with the funny little paper hats, asking some
> >> snot-nosed 15-year-old, "Would you like fries with that Big Mac, Sir?"
> >>
> >> And then of course, he'd relay the order back to the grill man, Danny
> >> Quayle.
> >
> >Just a fantacy boys. Sorry but we took the hill. Deal with it however your
> >little minds wish.
> >
> The way my mind deals with it is first by remarking on the articles that ran
> in NEWSWEEK and other organs of the "Dominant `Liberal' Media Culture" right
> after control of Congress shifted from the left to the right wing of the
> Republocratic party, articles which remarked that, the last two times that
> particular faction took the Hill (back in '46 and '54 -- long before I was
> born, back when we had an actual two-party system in America), the
> Republicans (as they were known then, before they became indistinguishable
> from the Democrats) lost their control of Congress after two years. And
> what's more, the twenty Congresses dominated by the left wing of the
> Republocrats we've had in the interim ("The Imperial Congress" as your
> prophet Climbaugh, not without justification, calls them) were all voted
> in by the same American people he seems convinced are conservative. Well,
> guess what -- they are conservative. They just can't decide whether they're
> conservative on the right or on the left.
> I'm performing a public service here by trying to provide my fellow
> domesticated primates with a reality-map that has some actual correspondence
> to the facts of the situation. The truth is that there is no difference,
> at bottom, between the two wings of the Republocratic Party (the so-called
> "Democratic" and "Republican" parties). One wants Big Government to control
> business, the other wants Big Business to control government -- but both are
> agreed that a truly free marketplace of ideas, one where people were free
> to look at all the options and make up their own minds, would be an ipso
> facto Bad Thing (tm).
> >I bet you have an orgasm every time you write a check to the IRS.
> "You're like a medieval peasant, George, asking the first agnostic whether
> he worships God or the devil. We don't think in your antiquated right-left
> categories. We're political non-Euclideans, if you insist on labeling us."
> -- Hagbard Celine, quoted very approximately from memory due to the
> lateness of the hour and not having the trilogy with me
> Most political thinking these days is like that, which is just the way
> the Secret Chiefs want it. As long as They can keep Us divided and fighting
> amongst Ourselves, They know They'll never have to worry about Their most
> valuable possession (Us) turning against Them.
> They get Us all worried about a New World Order -- a technobotomized state
> where Their ideal level of control is achieved (think San Angeles, or the
> Republic of Gilead, or Oceania, or Huxley's World State) -- or a No World
> Order (a dehuman biosphericatastrophe) -- so that We will accept Their
> "wise and noble" guidance to lead Us "away" from the edge -- only to find,
> years down the line, that They've led Us right back there by a roundabout
> route, and that furthermore, Their New World Order leads to the No World
> Order anyway and can go no other place!
> Think about it, won't you? Goodnight.

well said, well said. I just wonder what the ditto-heads(tm) and the
pablum puking politically correct but still fascist liberals would think
of all this.

There is an answer. There may even be more than one. But I think what
politics in the usa needs is sillyness.

The two major parties, which act as one, are basically driving us on the
road to hell. So we need a third party. Well, we have a third party, and a
fourth party and a fifth party. So what we really need is a sixth party!!!
The Cathead party.

There is no doubt that we will get nothing but bozos from the yuppycrats
and the nazipublicans come '96. So if we are going to hell anyway why not
have some fun, register as cathead as your political party, and write in
"Pete, the junky duck" as your choise for our next president. I know I

Pete in '96, a needle in every arm!!!


Subject: Re: Militance towards Rush Limbaugh
From: (Dennis McClain-Furmanski)

Doug D. Douglas ( wrote:

: > They get Us all worried about a New World Order -- a technobotomized state
: > where Their ideal level of control is achieved (think San Angeles, or the
: > Republic of Gilead, or Oceania, or Huxley's World State) -- or a No World
: > Order (a dehuman biosphericatastrophe) -- so that We will accept Their
: > "wise and noble" guidance to lead Us "away" from the edge -- only to find,
: > years down the line, that They've led Us right back there by a roundabout
: > route, and that furthermore, Their New World Order leads to the No World
: > Order anyway and can go no other place!
: >
: > Think about it, won't you? Goodnight.

: well said, well said. I just wonder what the ditto-heads(tm) and the
: pablum puking politically correct but still fascist liberals would think
: of all this.

The former will think whatever they're told to think, the latter will think
whatever they perceive that all the others like them are thinking.

More precisely, none of them will think. They don't want to think. They
don't want to risk it. They will all have someone else think for them.
Try to get either to make a point without reasoning it out for themselves.
They can't do it. They inevitably resort to appeals to authority, the
validity of which is only assumed by them.

-- The Doctor is on.


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