The weakest interpretation of Mathiew 6:7-9

From: (Powdered Toast Man)
Date: 8 Dec 1994

Charles Fiterman <> wrote:
>Again as an atheist I like school prayer. Killed virus confirs
>immunity. I suspect my reasons are Christ's reasons seen from
>the other side.

What about devout agnostics like me? Everytime I have to say a prayer, or
when I meet some really scary Born-Again Christian or cult leader, I can't
sleep for a week! School prayer would KILL me! And as the First Amendment
clearly states, THOU SHALT NOT KILL! I've been following that amendment for
years and I'll be pissed if it turns out there is no God. Are killfiles okay?
I rewrote my trn source so they're not killfiles, they're now called
notesfiles. I'm trying to cover all the bases.


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