Laziness is a bizarre concept, if you really stop and think about it.
We have a highly developed mind that can understand and integrate
reality, its tangible facets and its abstract concepts.
Since knowledge builds upon previous knowledge, it is a dynamic process
-- it is a *growing* process. This process of growing, of learning, of
integrating, is the very essence of the conscious mind. If we stop
growing, if we stop integrating, if we stop THINKing for ourselves, our
mind stagnates, becomes nonconscious, and is little more than a mushy
mass of cells inside our skulls.
And it's what we're reaching for when we hope and dream of a life
without effort. It's what we wish for when we imagine being rich and
living on ayacht somewhere. We're wishing to STOP using our mind.
We're wishing to NOT have to utilize our consciousness. We're wishing it
would all just go away.
But the very thing that life is *about* is that which we avoid like the
plague: honesty and EFFORT.
To GROW is a dynamic process. To LIVE is not an avoidance of our
essence, it is an embracing of our potential!
There is knowledge that we don't yet have. There is information that we
have not yet discovered. There are adventures that we have not yet
But the only way to get there is to exert some honest effort. If we
revert to laziness, those exciting dicoveries, those exciting
adventures, that exciting future, will always be on the horizon. It will
always be "tomorrow."
So many people --*SO* many people-- have just rejected all that Neo-Tech
and Zon have to offer simply because they don't like the way it
"sounds", or they don't like the way its proponents argue, or they don't
like the way it looks...
But they don't bother to THINK about it. They don't bother to exert the
honest effort to leave laziness behind and SEE reality more clearly than
ever before.
It's so easy to reject something that seems foreign and uncomfortable.
But to do so without THINKing about it is to default on and bypass our
very essence, the essence of consciousness, which is to think and to
How silly is that. How dumb. How infinitely small... to bypass our
It is a true sign that we live in an upside-down anticivilization that
we actually WANT the easy way, that we actually RESIST effort and
For once we make the integration, we realize that to exert honesty and
EFFORT is to grasp and embrace and *squeeze* the essence of our very
existence, our very consciousness! We find a new energy and excitement
and joy and sense of adventure!
And that is the identification of Zon.
To THINK for yourself and draw your own conclusions, check out the Web
site at:
T H I N K f i r s t !
What is is. Perceive it. Integrate it honestly. Act on it. Idealize it.
* * * * *
Subject: Re: Life without effort
From: (NENSLO)
Date: 18 Jun 1995 11:30:33 -0700
THINKfirst! ( wrote:
>So many people --*SO* many people-- have just rejected all that Neo-Tech
>and Zon have to offer simply because they don't like the way it
>"sounds", or they don't like the way its proponents argue, or they don't
>like the way it looks...
>But they don't bother to THINK about it. They don't bother to exert the
>honest effort to leave laziness behind and SEE reality more clearly than
>ever before.
>It's so easy to reject something that seems foreign and uncomfortable.
>But to do so without THINKing about it is to default on and bypass our
>very essence, the essence of consciousness, which is to think and to
Nenslo agrees: Yes, I agree with you 1000% on the tragic tendency to
reject things we don't know anything about simply because it doesn't
make sense to us or seems weird and strange. Some of us, however, a
very few of us, have studied Neo-Tech, and found that not only does it
not suit our needs it personifies the opposite of what we think is
sensible and logical. This is a matter of individual perception, which
is a vitally important factor that Neo-Tech with its primitive concept
of one clearly perceivable reality (and anyone who does not percieve it
is blind or wrong) MISSES IN ITS ENTIRETY.
I have found the Neo-tech definitions of neocheaters and neocheating to
be highly accurate descriptions of the optimal use of energy for gaining
value and personal benefit. Neocheaters are, by definition, winners.
Neo-tech is for people who believe themselves to be victimized or in
danger of victimization by these winners.
I have shared Neo-tech materials with a number of other persons who have
come, without prompting from me, to the same conclusions. We find that
Neo-tech is designed for people who ALREADY KNOW what is "wrong" with
the world, but lack a framework and terminology to put it into. They
know that the problem with the world is the other people who are
successful because they pile up small advantages for their own benefit
(a variation of the "unscrupulous inferiors" concept which is at the
heart of such philosophies as anti-semitism).
I have also found that MANY of the persons "discussing' Neo-tech show no
sign whatsoever of giving serious consideration to opposing viewpoints,
careful weighing of their opponents' statements, and considerate
discussion of the points raised. Like that j.bollow, their aim is to
contradict, disarm, and disable any differing viewpoint as invalid
because it is not a perception of what they believe to be the "one
reality." They do not hesitate to use logical fallacies or simply state
that the opposing viewpoint is not valid and therefore need not be
considered. This is not evidence of "thought," it is a demonstration of
defensive reactions to avoid threatening pre-established conclusions and
thought patterns with the introduction of new factors.
> What is is. Perceive it. Integrate it honestly. Act on it. Idealize it.
A noble aim, but one beginning with a tautology and ending with a
non-sequitur. Regarding your first statement, my wife and I have
discovered that here is a certain shade of red-orange which to me
appears definitely and absolutely orange, but to her it is clearly and
obviously red. It is not a case of one of us being right and the other
wrong, it is a case of differing perception. Each individual perceives
in a unique and personal manner, has entirely different experiences,
thought processes, and mental abilities from all others. No amount of
word-juggling can alter that. We each have our own reality which can
never be fully imposed on any other individual. It is the aim of fascism
to impose a single "reality" on all persons, which is why fascism always
fails. Unfortunately, Neo-tech seems to be well-suited to satisfying
the urges of some people who would be fascisrts if they did not lack the
social skills.
All systems make sense from within. That's because they help you shut
out conflicting factors and unanswerable questions. The people for whom
Neo-tech will work will be able to use it. The people for whom it will
not work will at least find it entertaining.
-Neocheater Nenslo-
-Copyright NENSLO KDV 1995-
Send One Dollar to box 86582 Portland OR 97286
* * * * *
Subject: Re: alt.neo-tech.zonpower.weird.strange.scarey
From: (Purple Kitty)
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 1995 07:57:10 GMT
Neil J. Woods ( wrote:
>Are these people for real....Are they Scientologists?...Libertarians?...
>Or just plain crackpots who should be humored and allowed to go to their
>corner and be made to behave.
>From what I've seen, they draw a lot from Scientology (fanaticism and
self-assuredness), Libertarianism (total freedom of thought),
Objectivism (Ayn Rand tends to be at the head of most of their altars),
and one small piece of the Church of the SubGenius (shameless
self-promotion, and this is the ONLY THING they have in common with us).
Some are brainless, blathering idiots, and some are intelligent people
that are almost bearable to talk to...just don't get into a debate with
them. There's a strong tendency amongst them to throw out non-sequiturs
until backed into a corner, then escape by claming that everything they
said earlier was under a "different context", and no longer applies, as
the "context has changed." Kinda funny to watch, actually.
And I think they hate AOL, too. From what I've seen, AOL would
definitely fall into the realm of "neo-cheaters". Of course, so do I and
most of the people on the net, but hell, who am I to suggest curtailing
one's hate?
Rev Pee Kitty, of the order Malkavian-Dobbsian (Church of the SubGenius)
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