"Bob" and His Apostles

From: John Searcy <jsearcy@delphi.com>

Hey, all. I've got a couple of annoying questions regarding "Bob" and his
apostles. First of all, how accurate is this list of the 12 known original
Dobbs apostles? Did I miss someone or include someone I shouldn't have?
1. Dr. Philo Ulysses Drummond
2. Reverend Ivan Stang
3. Paul Mavrides (AKA Palmer Vreedeez, LIES)
4. Doug Wellman (AKA PUZZLING EVIDENCE, The Brow, D. Woodwell Atman, etc.)
5. Janor Hypercleats
6. Pope Sternodox Keckhaver (AKA Sterno, "Michael")
7. Hellswamiattelite Weavers (AKA John Hagen-Brenner)
8. G. Gordon Gordon
9. Onan Canobite
10. Dr. Howl (AKA Dr. Harry S. Robins, "Hal")
11. St. Guy Deuel
12. Dr. X
Also, what does the J. R. stand for in J. R. "Bob" Dobbs? Is it known? I'm
assuming the R. stands for Robert, long for "Bob", but I can't really be sure
without consulting someone on the matter.
P.S. By the way, I've got an empty tube of Reverend Stang's Lotrisone lip
medication here. It's probably running over with germs and disease...and slack.

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