1 i_hurt_you 00:08
2 ESO Radio 9-20-02 g "Open - PreacherMan, Prayer
WARyahs" 01:17
3 Welcome 2 HoS Title song - El Queso 00:17
4 I have No Time - Tesla Coil 00:08
5 ESO Radio 9-20-02 d "What Is Meaning?" 00:28
6 LeMur: "bd_WigglePuppy" 00:09
7 Minute of Slack #18: "Live in a Cave" 00:51
8 "John Walker's Blues" - Steve Earle 03:32
9 Credit 00:44
10 ESO Radio 9-20-02 "Bombing Iraq; NuMonet News" 04:17
11 Stang Improv Rant End, with ESO, Blind Lemon 2001
Devival 04:06
12 "B.O.B. Remix 2" excerpt, Dr. Onan's Wotan
Band 02:32
13 Credit 00:22
14 LeMur: "bd_stylizedsnakes2 00:48
15 ESO Radio 9-20-02 "The Purpose of Life is to
Squirt!" 04:08
16 Deputy Dawg-Eyiyi- 00:25
17 "Brag of SubGenius" part 1d digitized by
Philo-Stang 00:40
18 The Bran Flakes -- "An Electric Cantata" 00:47
19 Credits 00:19
20 "Hellslack" Heart Ignition 00:58
21 "Nature, I Hate It" -- The Swingin Love
Corpses, Live St. Louis 5-19-91 04:59
22 Credit 00:19
23 Legume "John Mahalchek" Rant, Akron Devival
2002 09:28
24 Unholy Legion of the Undead (Brother Theodore) 00:12
25 ESO Radio 9-27-02e "Whale Pain Primal Yolk! 06:18
26 Ina Bobba Da Vida - Mothersbaugh 00:12
27 Hunter S. Thompson - "Leary's Fatal Flaw" 01:09
28 Broken Circle Gospel Deluxe "Spirit in the Sky 01:49
29 LeMur: "bd_ThisIMarlow 01:35
30 Credit 00:13
31 ESO Radio 9-20-02 "3-WayOozSquirtEnd! 02:28
32 Seen The Other Cages 00:02
33 Credit & PO 00:43
34 They Have Their World 00:05
35 You Must Believe 00:13
36 Heart Ignition "Unto Bob" 2 00:40
37 cred 00:05
38 LeMur: "bd_FropDemention4 01:11
39 3cheers.wav 00:06
1 hurt_you.mp3.aif 00:08
2 ESO92002g Open-PreacherMan 01:17
3 01 Welcome2HoSTitlesongSHORT 00:17
4 01IhaveNoTime-Tesla.aif 00:08
5 02 ESO92002d What Is Meaning? 00:28
6 021bd_WigglePuppy.aif 00:09
7 021MoS 18 Live in a Cave 00:51
8 022JohnWalker'sBlues-SteveEarle 03:32
9 03Credit 00:44
10 04ESO92002b BomigIraq-NuMonNews 04:17
11 05 Stang-ESo Blind Lemon E copy 04:06
12 06 B.O.B. Remix 2 02:32
13 07Credit 00:22
14 3bd_stylizedsnakes2.aif 00:48
15 4ESO92002iPurposeofLifeSquirt! 04:08
16 5DeptDawg-Eyiyi- 00:25
17 Brag of SubGenius 1b digi 00:40
18 BranFlakes An Electric Cantata 00:47
19 Credits 00:19
20 hellslack-HeartIg-Pt2 x copy 00:58
21 Nature I Hate It -- SLC 04:59
22 oCredit 00:19
23 vLegume Rant copy 09:28
24 vUnholy Legion of the Undead 00:12
25 w ESO92702eWhalePainPrimalYolk! 06:18
26 w fIna Bobba Da Vida) copy 00:12
27 w Hunter S. Tho...ys Fatal Flaw 01:09
28 wBCGD-1 Spirit in the Sky 01:49
29 wwbd_ThisIMarlow.aif 01:35
30 wwCredit 00:13
31 x ESO92002o3-WayOozSquirtEnd! 02:28
32 xSeenTheOtherCages.aif 00:02
33 xtCredit & PO 00:43
34 xTheyHaveTheirWorld.aif 00:05
35 xxYou Must Believe.aif 00:13
36 zHeartIgn-UntoBob 2 00:40
37 zt-HI & Lemur cred 00:05
38 zzbd_FropDemention4.aif 01:11
39 zzz3cheers.wav.aif 00:06
Original file name: HoS 857 Preachin - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47
This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters