Hour of Slack 856 "LOVE"

1 Mothersbaugh BobDitty 00:23
2 SubG Credits -- TheBishop 00:52
3 HOS 4 promo Dobbsoidianisms -- El Queso 00:36
4 The Bran Flakes - "Perversion for Profit" 02:22
5 LeMur: "Piigeons Dobbsheads" 00:17
6 credits-Love rap 01:43
7 "Guys 'n Dolls" - Stubby Kay 02:47
8 credits 00:34
9 LeMur: "StarBlech2" 01:36
10 Consortium of Genius - "It's Morally Wrong" 03:13
11 credit 00:18
12 LeMur: "Amy SL msg3" 01:03
13 Mothersbaugh: "Bobs Just Wanna have Fun" 00:27
14 credit 00:07
15 Rainmakers - "Skin" 01:46
16 LeMur: "ThisIsMarlow2" 02:07
17 LeMur: "giantBeaver" 00:02
18 credit 00:18
19 StAllio- "Skin to Win" 02:34
20 "Bob - The Holy Duality 01:25
21 "Moustache in LOVE" - El Queso All Stars 02:59
22 Credit 01:04
23 "r2d2 poon" -iDRMRSR 00:24
24 LeMur: "TwinkleTwinkleLittleBuns 00:33
25 Credit 00:10
26 Consortium of Genius - "All I Wanna Do Is You" 03:55
27 FastAndBulbous 00:09
28 ESO Radio 8-15-02 "Hippie Cave Women" 01:28
29 Elvis - "Hard Headed Woman" 01:52
30 Presley Backmasking 00:08
31 ESO 9-13-02 "Saying Rap, Rub Mallets" 00:57
32 "Small Talk" -- Little Fyodor 01:24
33 Einstein's Secret Outlaws: "Whipping Post" clip (5X-Day) 01:25
34 Credits 01:20
35 The Swingin' Love Corpses: "Pick a Booger" (live 5-11-91) 06:48
36 "Its Distinctly KeWl" 00:04
37 The Rainmakers -- "The Wages of Sin" 03:19
38 Credits 00:12
39 "Twinkies And Corndogs" - Heart Ignition 02:55
40 End PO, Creds 01:03
41 "You Say Yacatisma" -- Princess Wei R. Doe, Stang 00:38
42 "zofodraziw" -iDRMRSR 01:03
43 ziDRMRSR Cred 00:04
44 ESO Radio 9-6-02 "Jungle Drum Madness" 00:50

background music: from new CD "Legacy" by The Flyin' Ryan Brothers (http://www.ryanetics.com )

The Bran Flakes: http://www.thebranflakes,com

Little Fyodor: littlefyodor@yahoo.com
Consortium of Genius - http://www.consortiumofgenius.com

The El Queso All Stars/ Enturbulator 009: http://www.stationmp3.com/enturbulator

1 MMothersbaughBobDitty 00:23
2 SubGCredits-TheBishop 00:52
3 HOS 4promoDobbsoidianisms 00:36
4 001BranFlakes-Perversion4 Profi 02:22
5 02bd_Piigeons.aif 00:17
6 1 credits-Loverap 01:43
7 1GuysnDolls-StubbyKay 02:47
8 2 credits 00:34
9 2bd_starBlech2.aif 01:36
10 3COGb - IT's Morally Wrong 03:13
11 3credit 00:18
12 4bd_ASLmsg3.aif 01:03
13 4MM - Bobs Just Wanna have Fun 00:27
14 5 credit 00:07
15 5 Rainmakers - Skin 01:46
16 6bd_ThisIsMarlow2.aif 02:07
17 7bd_giantBeaver.aif 00:02
18 7credit 00:18
19 7Stallio- Skin to Win 02:34
20 8 Bob - The Holy Duality.aif 01:25
21 8 Moustache in LOVE-elQueso 02:59
22 8 nCredit 01:04
23 8 r2d2poon1-MRSR 00:24
24 8bd_TwinkleTwinkleLittleBuns 00:33
25 aCredit 00:10
26 COG - All I Wanna Do Is You 03:55
27 d FastAndBulbous.aif 00:09
28 dESO81502b-HippieCaveWomen 01:28
29 Elvis -Headed Women.mp3.aif 01:52
30 Elvis Presley - Backmasking.aif 00:08
31 fESO91302b SayingRap,RubMallets 00:57
32 gSmall Talk -- Little Fyodor 01:24
33 hWhipping Post 01:25
34 iCredits 01:20
35 Pick a Booger 06:48
36 rItsDistinctlyKeWl.aif 00:04
37 The Wages of Sin.aif 03:19
38 tmCredits 00:12
39 Twinkies And Corndogs-HI.aif 02:55
40 uEndPO, Creds 01:03
41 You Say Yacatisma 00:38
42 zofodraziw1-MRSR.aif 01:03
43 zzMRSR Cred 00:04
44 zzzESO9602a-JungleDrumMadness 00:50

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